I guess it worked for him.
Have you watched Glenn Beck?
I have, and while I find him entertaining at times, and shockingly correct about a lot of things, I also find him to be about 1/2 step away from crazy.
What do his religious convictions have to do with anything?
He needs to watch the South Park episode it is a clincher.
If you read the Religion forum, you’ll see I’m a very harsh critic of Mormonism, but come on, leave Beck alone on this. There’s no accounting for spiritual perception, particularly when someone has straightened his life out so much after joining a given sect.
Why bring religion into it? Whatever you might think of the Mormons, they are honest and productive, and don’t go around shouting “jihad” every second. You wanna pick on an idiot religion, try Islam - who’s principal prophet would be jailed for child molestation were he to be in this country.
Everybody has a blind spot. No exceptions.
Personally I don’t care what his religious beliefs are as long as he isn’t an islamderthal head hunter. Mormons aren’t running around hacking people’s heads off that I’m aware of.
There are probably more believers in UFOs than there are Mormons. It doesn’t matter to me unless they call me a bigot for not voting for Mitt Romney.
How about --- maybe he is right and you are wrong?
His religious beliefs are irrelevant to me.
A co-worker asked me last year “how can someone as intelligent as you not be a ‘progressive’?” I refrained from responding “because I’m intelligent enough to not be one.”
The same reasoning may apply to your question.
(No, I’m not judging Mormonism either way, just commenting on the nature of such questions.)
his faith is his faith and his business , his investigating and reporting effects us all and is doing a great job too.
I couldn’t care less about his religion but it does seem in the mormon religion they have not been infested with liberals like many of us in the christian religion.
The homos and the left targeted our churches many years ago. they placed their people in our churches to get us to think that being homo was alright.
Even on here a woman who says she goes to church every week and helps out said she has no problem with homos because she knew a guy at church who told her how he wanted to be left alone and to love in peace.
she bought the crap form him and it seems mormons have not.
Look at the catholic church in the north east where they hardly ever speak against abortion and homos and they vote for the Dems.
I say keep on getting the word out about this white house and it ism up to us to tell everyone we meet and who we know about what is really going on instead of moaning on the likes of here and the staying silent on the issues as some do not want to offend or be called a name
The theology and worldview of LDS is NOT challenged from within....
A little critical thinking, thorough research and apologetic methodology enable objective comparisons...
That's all I have to say about that..... atm
Almost every single religion looks strange and cultish when viewed from the outside, yet, for someone on the inside of said religion, it seems perfectly sane and logical. Viewing things from the inside, one has trouble understanding how people view it differently from the outside. It is all a matter of perspective.
(I’m not LDS, this is just a general statement).
In all likelihood he has his own questions about Mormonism, but that is his problem.
Any religion seems idiotic to an outsider. Yours too.
Does he tell you to become a Mormon? Or does he tell you to look for the answers and the truth, especially in the political sphere. As far as I can tell that’s as much as any of us can do.
BTW, I am not a Mormon.