She’s not crazy.
They already have death panels in Oregon - if you are given bad odds, you don’t get treatment. You get a pill.
This author needs to read more and write less.
What a maroon.
yeah, crazy like a fox. This guy gets it.
Here we go again with the same talking points that have been refuted a million times.
I can't believe this crap is in the American Thinker.
Hyperbole is an effective and acceptable tool of argument. The “death panels” reference was hyperbole; but just barely, unfortunately.
Good article, the whole thing. :)
This is one of those cases I think of whenever I hear about " you can't legislate morality". The doctors had a MORAL obligation to treat those men whether or not they had a legal one. Now they would have a legal one. Is that legislating morality?
She's not God either.
"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil" - Sarah Palin, August 8, 2009SARAH'S FAREWELL SPEECH AS GOVERNOR - GREAT READ
"We face challenging times with some hell-bent on tearing down our nation by perpetuating pessimism and apologizing for America. They suggest that our best days were yesterdays. But how can this pessimism exist? Proof of our greatness and pride is all around us today. We produce proud and great volunteers who sacrifice everything for their country.
"We can resist enslavement to big central government that crushes hope and opportunity. We must be wary of government largesse. It doesnt come free and often accepting it takes away everything that is free. Melting into Washingtons powerful and caretaking arms will only lead to suck away the incentive to work hard and chart our own course. This will only contribute to an unstable economy and dizzying national debt, and it will make us less free.
"We dont have to feel that we must beg an allowance from Washington except to beg the allowance to be self-determined.
"See, in order to be self-sufficient (we) must be allowed to develop, to drill and build and climb to fulfill our promise! We can not start believing that government is the answer. It cant make you happy or healthy or wealthy or wise. What can? It is the wisdom of the people and our families and our small businesses and industrious individuals. And it is Gods grace helping those who help themselves." - Sarah Palin, July 26, 2009
Sarah has now initiated her brilliant flanking manuever against the left, the DNC, the MSM and the RINOs that has them all in a frenzy wondering what her next move will be and how it will be perceived...and has them frothing at the mouth in their efforts to discredit her.
Sarah will now get her book out, go on tour, give speeches and promote conservatie principles all over this country in the midst of the Obama administration disaster and gain great political capital in the process. Then she will support conservative candidates in 2010 and help them win, amassing much more political capital. She will then take all of that and make an awesome, stunning run for the Presidency in 2012.
" that grizzly guards her cubs, as a mother naturally guards her own. I will keep that vow wherever the road may lead." - Sarah Palin, July 26, 2009
She’s saner than a lot of the people calling her crazy.
Indirectly, he pointed out something that the medical community has tap danced around for years. The abandonment of the Hippocratic oath, or its debasement to an empty ritual, devoid of meaning.
Since the time of the fictional Dr. Frankenstein, medical ethics has been under attack. Today, a doctor will not be condemned for inhumanity and violating the cardinal rules of life, but be honored by his peers for breaching ethics in such an interesting way. Relativistic ethics on a par with journalistic ethics, meaning no ethics.
While the public are still shocked and horrified by the medical experiments conducted by the Nazis and Imperial Japanese war machine, or the Tuskegee experiment, the medical community is not. Unconcerned with life, and humanity, they hide behind science as justification for any barbarity.
For this reason, it is a reasonable question to ask if doctors are any longer able or willing to police their own ethics, or if a public agency should be able to intervene in their practices and tell them to discontinue a practice or experiment, because it has passed the boundaries the public is willing to tolerate.
Like the fox (that she is).
Sarah's playing checkers while 0be's losing big time at chess.
If she is crazy, so is Steve Marlsburg and NUMEROUS other conservative analysts who have stated the same thing.
The American Thinker needs a good laxative to clear his brains out.
Like a fox... and just she is one. Brains, looks, and political acumen. That leaves the left out in the cold and screaming their heads off...heh.
You see no panel needed, just a faceless bean-counter deciding your fate.
Professor=dumb bastard!
Sure, there is a provision in the bill for end-of-life counseling by doctors, but it does not establish “death panels.”
Of course it doesn’t...but they’ve convinced a few Americans that removal of the end-of-life counseling provision was the end to the death panels. One never had anything to do with the other. Now, when the panel decides to ration your care, there won’t be any free end-of-life counseling.