She’s not crazy.
They already have death panels in Oregon - if you are given bad odds, you don’t get treatment. You get a pill.
This author needs to read more and write less.
Did you read it all the way through???
Or write more clearly. He does, eventually, get to the point Palin is correct but takes such as torturous route to get there his point is obscured.
At least I think he believes her on target. Read it twice but don't have the stamana to do it again to triple check.
I deg to biffer! ;^) This author is perfectly eloquent in demonstrating why Palin is correct, and even says she is correct at the end of the article: if not in name, in practice the plan would create death panels.
“There are but a few steps between government mandated end-of-life counseling, and the “better for all the world” ending of life by government mandates.
Sarah Palin is not crazy.”
Read to the end of the article. The author supports Sarah.
Read more of the article. He poses the initial question to draw in the opposition, who happen to think Sarah Palin is crazy, and after citing instances where the government has done the very thing that Palin has warned us against. He then concludes that Palin is not crazy.
Read the the end.
Ahh...the irony! ;^)