Does the president have pay deducted for FICA?
You’re a little late to this party.
Nice excerpt, btw.
Is he used them? He am use they.
This is the background that cause Major Cook to refuse orders!
This are causing!
Someone needs to do a FOIA request to Social Security and ask if they have personally seen and verfied that they have Obama’s multiple social security numbers recorded according to policy and procedure.
He refuse order because Youtube video?
Unbelievable, and what a coincidence, Obama’s grandmother had access to decedents Social Security Numbers and I do as sell via this thing called the Internet.
Decedents S.S. numbers are Public Record.
THIS IS THE ACTUAL INTERVIEW of Orly and Major Cook where she talks about the stolen social security cards (about 1/2 way through).....
also, just google obama social security cards. THIS IS TRUE.
Below reason for Orly’s fighting so hard. Taitz and Major Cook
Source: Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook filed a suit July 8 in federal court asking for conscientious objector status and a preliminary injunction ...
Tue at 4:59pm · Comment · LikeUnlike · View Feedback (34)Hide Feedback (34) · Share
Let me help anyone out that chooses to just ask without the FOIA request:
Ask this:
Please confirm that the Current President of the United States’ multiple Social Security numbers have been personally seen and verified to be on file in accordance to your policy and procedure.
of these Communications Directors for Social Security:,,,,,,,,
President Richard M. Nixon’s Social Security Number was 567-68-0515
Good thing that Obama’s grandma had an Internet connection.
This reminds me. We really need to do something about our schools in the country.
If you have to pull his second thread, please clean up the heading in this one. Thanks.
Major Cook did not refuse orders.
He simply sought clarification as to the chain of command: to check that the orders were legitimate.
Waht I cna’t Fgurie out is taht tihs vdeio deos not hvae porof? Wehre is the beef?
All your “is Obama used” are belong to us!
That someone named Barack H. Obama used a particular SSN issued to a Barack H. Obama does not strike me as particularly unusual unless the SSN can be shown to have multiple addresses simultaneously tied to it.
video makes the assertion that the SSN was issued by Conn. This is not true. STATES do not issue SSNs the SSN administration issues SSNs. Normally issued in accordance with a series of rules but they ARE location based (to the video’s point). A minor nit to be true but we should have the correct answer to combat any liberal arguments.
Anyway, this location explains more -
I are beeber stuned!
It's like half the people here will now believe anything. At this rate, there will never be an opposition candidate since everyone will be too busy discussing whether or not Glenn Beck and Obama are cousins or the deal that Geithner has made between the U.S. and the Vulcans for dilithium crystals found off the cost of Hyannis Port.
Is there anybody out there?