Posted on 06/28/2009 7:51:11 AM PDT by MeekOneGOP
I don't know why (maybe it's on a lesson plan for schools around the country) but this little question with a quick answer (and one that is quickly found in any ready reference) has been asked of me so often that I finally decided to list the answer here.
The answer is John Adams (second President) and Thomas Jefferson (third President). These two men died on the same day. But that's not all; read on....
The question with an even more interesting answer is, "On which day did they die?"
Both Adams and Jefferson died on July 4, 1826. The fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. As we all know, Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration in committee with John Adams (and Benjamin Franklin).
After George Washington retired from the Presidency, John Adams became President and Thomas Jefferson became Vice-President. The two men had disagreed politically throughout the Washington Administration, and were only both elected because in those days, whomever came in second in the Presidential vote became Vice-President. During the Adams Administration, the two differed on almost every issue, and Jefferson defeated Adams and took the Presidency in 1800. To make a long story short, although they had worked together in the cause for independence, Adams and Jefferson became truly bitter enemies when political parties began to form around each of them.
Luckily, Adams and Jefferson reconciled in their retirement and they became the absolute best of friends as they lived out their final years. Both men were conscious of living to see the fiftieth Fourth of July, and both, despite knowing they were on their death beds, made genuine efforts to hang on to dear life until the day had come.
John Adams's final words were (supposedly), "Thomas Jefferson survives." But he was wrong. Jefferson had died just hours earlier at Monticello.
Five years to the day after Adams and Jefferson died -- on July 4, 1831 -- the fifth President, James Monroe, passed away. So three presidents have died on the same date: July 4th.
One more Presidential fact about the Fourth of July. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President, was born in Vermont on July 4th, 1872!
I heard Mark Davis discuss this amazing and interesting coincidence and thought I'd post it for your Trivia Information and fun! :)
Sort of an early post in anticipation of the upcoming Independence Day celebration this coming Saturday.
Pingin’ my General Interest and TEXAS lists here!
Ping! Ping! Ping!
- - - - - - -
And wishing y’all a(n early) VERY VERY Happy Independence Day!
When we visited the Madison Estate just 45 minutes north of Monticello (Jefferson’s home) on the tour they mentioned that Madison’s doctors told him he could be kept alive until the 4th of July if he wanted to die on that day. He died June 28, 1836...
We’ll never see great men like our founding fathers again-our country is too full of self-obsessed narcissists and our people have turned their backs on the One True God and Lord who gave us this great country and its principles. We are NO LONGER “One Nation Under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”...
And the American idea that they so carefully constructed breathed its last on Nov 4, 2009.
What it meant to Adams and Jefferson to live to see another 4th of July had to be truly something.
Today, we just take the 4th of July for granted. With 0 in office, it could be eliminated to celebrate his Azzness day.
Thank you!
My sweetie is a schoolteacher (Southside Chicago) private Catholic school.
I’m always alert for really cool trivia so he can impress his students. Teachers these days have to be part-entertainers, you know?
I already sent this to his INBOX!
That was in a time when they had terrible personal disagreements; but they loved their new nation and knew it was the best hope for liberty and freedom.
We still have people like that; we just need to get them into power.
Thanks for the ping!
James Monroe also died on the Fourth, five years later. And Coolidge was born on the Fourth.
That’s always been my favorite political coincidence — though, as you point out, maybe it wasn’t pure happenstance; one or both may well of delayed his death until that day by pure force of will.
Another great American died on Independence Day: Senator Jesse Helms (October 18, 1921 — July 4, 2008).
You said — I heard Mark Davis discuss this amazing and interesting coincidence and thought I’d post it for your Trivia Information and fun! :)
And they were both writing to one another...
Senator Helms was a patriot.
He was a product of his times, like so many others. We all are, in fact.
And he surely deserved better when he passed than he got, given the long lens of history, which I suspect will be kind to him.
The two actually were friends during the Revolution, started to drift apart in Washington’s terms, then became bitter enemies from about 1796-1810, then slowly began to reconcile and write each other.
great show. Set the DVR if your going to out watching fireworks, (unless they're to be banned due to globust warbling!P
This is a remarkable fact. One of the neat, if lesser known things about the founders. Of course NEA members are more concerned today with teaching the proper method of putting a condom on a cucumber than enlightening students about the great men who helped create this nation.
Yep! Which reminds of the phrase from Star Wars when obozo won: “So this is how liberty dies: to thunderous applause.”
I had not known that they reconciled. I always thought that Adams’ last words were “...and yet Jefferson survives.”
Live and learn.
I have mentioned this several times. Was providence at hand or what, when the voice and the pen of the declaration died on the day of the glorious celebration of the 50th year of that hallowed document. Thanks for posting and God rest their souls. Let us give thanks that men like these two lived.
There was a funny question used in the game Trivial Pursuit, some years ago, which asked “How many US Presidents are not buried in the United States?”
The most common wrong guesses were “George S. Patton”, followed by “George Kennedy”, the actor.
The correct response, now at least, would be five. Carter, H.W. Bush, Clinton, W. Bush, and Obama.
Another great American died on Independence Day: Senator Jesse Helms (October 18, 1921 July 4, 2008).””
Yes, there are still good men willing to stand for what is right in the face of political correctness/tyranny. God rest his soul too.
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