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Delusions of Evolution ^
| April 04, 2009
| by OneVike
Posted on 04/04/2009 10:51:32 AM PDT by Nathan Zachary
It is with out a doubt that a majority of Americans believe In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:1. Unfortunately, most who believe these words cannot answer the questions raised by the thousands of fossils that archeologist's have dug up and claim are millions of years old. ...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: creation; evolution; faith; religion
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To: ga medic
freedumb2003 did, I wasn't talking to you. I also point that statement to anyone who says they believe in God but do not think he has the capability to create everything from nothing without using an illogical messy method such as evolution.
My God is perfect, He does not do anything in a messy way. Men do and that is why we are all messed up. We thought we could do better than him, but we can't.
Heck most Christians we do not even have faith enough to trust the scientific experiments men who do believe in God do. Otherwise those who refuse to accept the many scientists tests and results, would at least look into them. But they don't, they just discount them as bible thumping creationists.
posted on
04/04/2009 3:57:42 PM PDT
(Just a Christian waiting to go home)
To: freedumb2003
I try to teach people and, with a minimum of insults, lead them
Ever think that you are not their teacher nor try to be?? The Holy Spirit is our Teacher. Are you trying to bait some 'undecided' w/honey - it didn't work because as hard as you might have tried, something else peeked through. Lead them? Are you their messiah? The ones you are trying to bait - God leads them!! Believers NEVER follow man!
I do not pretend to be holy.
No kidding. Promoting evil is on the opposite end of holy. Good vs. evil
I certainly do not denigrate those who understand things I do not.
You might want to reread your posts. People denigrate themselves with promoting evil and trying to "educate" others - lead others - into deception. Satan is the Father of Deception. Now who are you emulating? Surely, you can figure that out. Since 'It Is Written' you can look it up - an open book test.
To: presently no screen name
Speak to Christ. He will have a great time with you and your ilk. He cries even as we speak.
Your hypocrisy has lost us here on Earth.
Have A blessed day.
posted on
04/04/2009 4:06:04 PM PDT
(Communism comes to America: 1/20/2009. Keep your powder dry, folks.)
To: Nathan Zachary
>>YET, you insist that this THEORY should be accepted as SCIENCE, when it is nothing but an unproven theory.
I told you what a theory is and yet you continue to misunderstand.
There is no point in explaining color to the blind.
Have a blessed day.
posted on
04/04/2009 4:07:18 PM PDT
(Communism comes to America: 1/20/2009. Keep your powder dry, folks.)
To: Nathan Zachary; freedumb2003
Also to back up Zac, not only do you (freedumb2003) discount my article as promoting a theory, but you discount the fact that they used the very methods those who perpetrate TToE do.
So if those scientists are wrong, then the methodology is bad. If the methodology is bad
then everyone is wrong!
posted on
04/04/2009 4:10:26 PM PDT
(Just a Christian waiting to go home)
To: freedumb2003
"And, to some degree F=ma is a theory (using the lay definition) that may not be applicable in some quantum circumstances. " F= ma is a mathematical formula, it is not a theory, like TTOE.
TTOE is a THEORY which attempts to explain how this universe and life on earth came into existence and to it's current state today. You would use scientific formula's and proofs to give support to TTOE. Currently there are none that do, except a mathematical formula for carbon dating designed to reach a predetermined answer.
You can however, design mathematical formula to achieve any pre determined answer you want. Therefore, carbon dating does nothing to validate TTOE
There are no scientific observations that give any support to TTOE either, no one in a laboratory or outdoors, has ever observed "evolution", A monkey turning into a human, etc etc. In fact, we can observe that for as long as there have been Humans and Monkeys, neither have evolved into humans, and humans haven't evolved into anything else. We have observed for thousands of years that monkeys have always been monkeys, Humans have always been humans.
You can however, design mathematical formula to achieve any pre determined answer you want. Therefore, carbon dating does nothing to validate TTOE
To: OneVike
, but you discount the fact that they used the very methods those who perpetrate TToE do. The most certainly did not. The fact you don't understand those methods doesn't mean they were followed.
Have a blessed day.
posted on
04/04/2009 4:12:07 PM PDT
(Communism comes to America: 1/20/2009. Keep your powder dry, folks.)
To: OneVike
My God is perfect,.
Yes! There are those who say - God started creation and evolution finished it! They say they believe there is a God and still WANT to believe in evolution. How laughable, like God needs help. He said all His creations were very good - He was pleased! They don't take God at His Word. They twist and spin to get THEIR desired results. Deception is so blinding. They need to bring God down to their/man's level so they can UNDERSTAND!! They are desperate to understand the supernatural with their natural minds. So prideful.
They should start understanding that God is ALMIGHTY, ALL KNOWING and they are NOT!
To: freedumb2003
Oh so now you insult me by calling me "color blind".
"I told you what a theory is and yet you continue to misunderstand.'
No, you told me what YOU think a theory is. And you also told me and everyone else that you think a THEORY , namely TTOE, is a science.
So we have you stating a mathematical formula as being a theory, and a theory as being science.
And you call me blind?
As I stated earlier, good thing you are not a "scientist", more specifically, your "tribe" doesn't think and rely on you being a scientist, or else they would all still be clubbing animals to death and eating them raw.
To: freedumb2003
The fact you don't understand those methods doesn't mean they were followed.
I totally understand the methods, and I know for a fact they followed them because I read the documentation. Where do you come off telling me what I do or do not understand?
It is incumbent upon you to prove these men are wrong. Where is your evidence to prove they are. You make these wild assertions that you cannot back up. Quit being so emotionally hooked to theories that have been proved wrong by the very methods they use.
posted on
04/04/2009 4:23:41 PM PDT
(Just a Christian waiting to go home)
To: what's up
Your right that there is nothing wrong with looking up things in the bible...I prefer to look up things I wonder about and not things everyone else thinks. Question for you. Did Jesus speak Hebrew?...Were Pauls letters in Hebrew?
To: freedumb2003
"The fact you don't understand those methods doesn't mean they were followed." It seems to be a FACT that you that don't seem to understand much of anything, not what a theory is, not what science is, and not what a formula is.
Seems now you don't understand what a FACT is either. You have not established a fact on this forum other than the fact you are very confused about many things.
To: freedumb2003
I told you what a theory is and yet you continue to misunderstand.
Getting a little testy with 'your students? LOL
There is no point in explaining color to the blind.
Wait - is that poster blind or are you denigrate him. You said you don't do that. Is that anyway to lead??
Have a blessed day.
What! Now you ARE 'trying' to be holy! You said you don't do that! You can't seem to get your 'teacher' skills to work - a little bit of this and that. Give it up - God's creation has already been taught by The Creator - it's in His Book. WE read it, WE understand it.
To: presently no screen name
like God needs help
Their god is no better then their faith. If their god cannot create the universe without some clumsy, messy, illogical method as evolution. Then how pray, tell can their god save them from eternal damnation?
posted on
04/04/2009 4:34:41 PM PDT
(Just a Christian waiting to go home)
To: goat granny
Did Jesus speak Hebrew?...Were Pauls letters in Hebrew? Jesus probably spoke Hebrew at times but likely his daily discourse was Aramaic.
Paul's letters were likely in Greek.
Genesis and likely most if not all of the Old Testament prevailed through the centuries in Hebrew until the Greeks translated it.
To: goat granny
"Did Jesus speak Hebrew?...Were Pauls letters in Hebrew?" He must have, but then Christ seems to have been able to speak several of the languages that were spoken in the region. If I recall correctly, seriac(?) was the local language.
Jesus was also "unlearned" meaning uneducated, no formal education, yet he was able to read the Hebrew transcripts in the temple, which shocked the pharisee's. I don't know if Pauls letters were in Hebrew, but all the gospels books were written in greek except one if that helps.
To: what's up
Thats what I meant. Aramic.
To: freedumb2003
Speak to Christ
I DO and at His invitation - not yours. I speak to my Savior all the time.
He will have a great time with you and your ilk.
A great time indeed - there is NO ONE like HIM! But He won't be pleased with you calling His Children ilks. Not pleased, but not surprised because He warned us - for His sake - this will happen. He protects us and fights our battles. Praise God and ALL HIS WORKS!
Have A blessed day
That doesn't work for you. It's so insincere. Evil detests Good as your comments show.
To: goat granny
Jesus was God, I guess since God spoke to Moses and Moses wrote the first five books in Hebrew, He probably communicated to him in Hebrew.
So, to answer the question you really wanted to know, Yes Jesus could speak in Hebrew, which he might have been doing when he was transfigured on the mountain in the cloud with Moses and Elijah. I say Hebrew because until Christ was crucified and raised from the dead no one from before then would have been taken up yet.
Now for the answer to the question you did asked, Jesus probably only spoke in the language the Jews spoke in because He came for the Jews first. That would have been Koinonia Greek or Aramaic, but He could have spoken Latin as the Romans did also.
Your point for asking?
posted on
04/04/2009 4:45:59 PM PDT
(Just a Christian waiting to go home)
To: goat granny
Then there's this:
"Who does he think his message is for?...With his 'sav lasav, sav lasav, kav lakav, kav lakav, zeer sham, zeer sham!' Yes, certainly with stammering lips and in a foreign language, he will talk to this nation, he who once told them: Here is rest... But they would not listen." "That is why the Lord now says: 'sav lasav, sav lasav, kav lakav, kav lakav, zeer sham, zeer sham', so that when they walk they may fall over backwards and be broken, snared and made captive." (Is.28:10-13).
Isiah prophesied that he would speak Greek to his people.
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