I’m a baby boomer and used to feel sorry for my children having to grow up in an America significantly different from the one of my youth; significantly different from the America my father fought for in WWII...things have moved so fast that I now feel sorry for myself, having to contend with the direction the country is taking (NAFTA, North America Union, illegal immigration, socialist leaders, etc.)...it’s enough to make you quite ill...
The Socialist states should be separated from the American states, in a peaceful way, if possible. We do not share enough values to be a healthy nation.
And no one from the Socialist states should be allowed to leave those hell-holes when they are destitute and come to foul the American states. We can take that lesson from what has happened to NH and FL when liberal vermin from MA and NY infested those states, to the detriment of the original populations.
With this animosity will come a new level of hatred between those of differing political persuasions like nothing our country has experienced in the modern era.
Is Walter Williams right?
Is it time to seek peaceful secession?
I hope to God they would do no such thing, but if they do, I'll be locked and loaded.
Sumof a biscuit! I never thought race was what POTUS was ALL about. Musta been really a naive sucker my entire life.
It's up to the rest of us to keep it alive.
So in other words we had better Hope that Obama wins, otherwise we will be in big trouble...
That’s just great...fabulous...
The media (every one of them) will be so afraid (yet hopeful for rioting) that they will not even utter the phrase tomorrow night, “It’s just too close to call!”, but rather we’ll hear, “Looks like Obama has squeeked out another state!” and leave it at that...
Yeah, we better hope...Because if the mentality is to have another set of Rodney King riots all over the country that that would only be good for the media, yet bad for us who have to deal with that nonsense...
It’s just going to be sad anyway you look at it...
Can that be done or will conservatives just start whining like libs did in '04? There is no tears in politics. The America we know, that was fought for, that saved other nations from doom, that saved the world from tryanny, that seeks to give the motivated a fair shot at success, doesn't have to die unless we let it.
Its not Dem vs. Republican. . .it's good vs. evil. ..GOOD MUST TRIUMPH. ..not apologize that there is a war!
A long read, but pretty much right on the mark.
“Whoever the losers, they will believe they were cheated, and will point fingers at those they believe responsible. Almost half the nation will view the winner as illegitimate, and will do everything in their power to undermine his authority as long as he’s in the White House.”
Conservatives are not liberals. Liberals tried to undermine Pres. Bush even as we have troops in combat and their “dissent” strengthened our enemies and caused US deaths. Conservatives will point out differences and work to win the next round of elections but we will not call names or snipe at every little thing the way that the anti-American libs did. If Obama is the President then the terrorists will seek to divide us through him and we should resist.
If Obama wins, the people have spoken and we will have to take every opportunity to show the country that our ideas are more prodictive and more in line with the Founders. I, for one, will not carry on with, “America is over” sort of talk that will embolden those who wish to kill us and claim that the “American Experiment” does not work. Instead, I will use my voice to rationally have an effect on policy and show our enemies through the ballot box in 2010 that the American experiment is alive and well.
You mean like the last eight years?
With the exception of a brief interlude for 9/11, that is exactly what we have faced for the last two presidential terms, and another would be no real surprise.
The Socialists in academia have nurtured this division, and the partisans in the Democrat and Socialist Media have fed the delusion to the masses.
Until we get the hyphens out, a fair proportion of the population will place their special interest well ahead of being American. That will be our undoing.
McCain/Palin will win in a clear landslide, and they will take office in January 2009.
Riots may occur in some big cities. We can recover from those and move forward. The media, the pollsters, and the RINOs who betrayed their people and their country will have been exposed for the unscrupulous turncoats they are.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about this election and what’s happened to society in general, and we both agreed that the United States of America, as we’ve long known it, has effectively ceased to exist.
Thanks to the concentrated assault on traditional institutions by the left over the last couple of decades, America is no longer one nation, but two. I used to poo-poo the idea that America would fall from power one day soon, but I’m not so sure anymore.
My Father, his gerneration and the generations before him that helped make this country great must be spinning in their graves right now.
Shutup, Noel and go put on some dry pants.
ENOUGH of these proclamations of the Apocalypse, let’s just bloody get on with it.
While I won't be taking a drive down MLK boulevard on Tuesday night after a McCain win, I'm not expecting a whole lot of nationwide problems.
I don't think that I'd want to be near the "Obama Victory Party" in Chicago, though. That has trouble written all over it.