With this animosity will come a new level of hatred between those of differing political persuasions like nothing our country has experienced in the modern era.
Is Walter Williams right?
Is it time to seek peaceful secession?
There will be no such thing as peaceful secession, as the worthless federals won’t allow it.
No matter who wins, it's time to split.
I strongly suspect you'll be hearing a lot of that over the next 5-10 years.
Let the libs have Maine, NH, VT, MA, NY, RI, CT, NJ, Philadelphia/5 counties, MD, DE and DC
Let Americans have The Heartland. No libs, no illegals, no Federal Gov. welfare/entitlements. The N.E. can turn into a swamp of crime, ethnic strife, multi-lingualism, deficits, sin, and destruction.
I want my Country back.
When the stock market crashed,
Franklin Roosevelt got on the television
and didnt just talk about
the princes of greed, he said,
Look, heres what happened."
-Slow Joe Biden
“With this animosity will come a new level of hatred between those of differing political persuasions like nothing our country has experienced in the modern era”.
...I agree 100%! There are areas of my neighborhood where the BO vs McCain yard signs have caused riffs at the school bus stop. Beligerance from BO supporters is very high. There is a complete sense of entitlement from blacks. I don’t say this out of bigotry but because it’s what I see. Nasty looks in my direction as BO people pass me on the highway. If no one else notices these things than your eyes are shut.
I, for one, will be absolutely beyond anger on the 5th if BO wins! Not much I can do but go to the gym and work out my frustrations. BO’s people will go beyond the gym with their anger. These are the people that tear down goal posts, set fire to store fronts, tip over cars and LOOT. They loot because of the sense of entitlement. The “deserve” it.
Yes and yes
“Is Walter Williams right?
Is it time to seek peaceful secession?”
Yes... It is...
Win or lose this election, the time has come to separate ourselves from the marxist filth. Once we have separated we can begin the process of reacquiring what was left behind. It will take time to clean out the infestation but with the proper resolve it CAN be done.