Posted on 10/23/2008 1:26:12 PM PDT by MountainLoop
PITTSBURGH -- A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said.
Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.
Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim's car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter "B" into her face, Richard said.
Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank's surveillance cameras.
The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes.
It also says this happened away from the camera, which would make sense perps are aware of cameras. It says “scratched” not carved. Also says kicked and punched. Just a hold up is bad enough, any physical harm is worse.
To me the most suspicious things are the report the guy was so tall and so black. 6’4 is pretty damn big and you’d figure the cops can locate a guy that big in an area.
But you never know.
The problem is that the woman was being a racist by taking money from the bank in broad daylight and in front of a poor black man who was personally offended. It was his constitutional right to retaliate in any way his social status dictated.
Hmmmm....attacker robs her...THEN sees the McCain sticker...then assaults her with a knife. political motivation WHATSOEVER.
Noob DUmmy plant...or too naive to post...either way...crawl back to lurkersville.
Sorry, 0bama supporters by default are
supporting someone that is a fascist, so, yes, they are all thugs at heart.
Hmm..did you see the ugly woman (campaign PR) in Fox news defending Hussein? Her facial expression is always mad and agitated.
Maybe the robber is just another DEM who has a hard time following detailed instructions.
But seriously, the question is whether or not the beating followed his sighting of the MP bumper sticker, and if the attacker was muttering anything of a political nature (you get this [kicks] for that bumper sticker). Time to roll out another form of hate crime. I think it's appropriate. The DEMs like to label things hate crimes, and this is a perfect example.
Sinclair is willing and able to stand and testify, has given his phone records to the Chicago PD, has given the name of the Limo Driver, has signed a sworn affidavit, and was arrested and thrown in the clink by none other than Joe Biden’s son and threatened with life in jail if he did not plea guilty to false charges in Delaware (When he called their bluff, hired an attorney, and wanted to go to trial, they buckled and dropped all charges). And the unreal amount of harassment he has received at the hands of the ObamaNuts is criminal.
Andy Martin I have no faith at all in after reading his self promoting drivel.
Berg is a nut, but with a good case. A case that germinated to some degree right here on FR.
So, I’m always skeptical until I am able to read more about a subject.
Wasn’t meant to be condescending, and I do think our side is overall better. I was just worried by some of the comments I read on earlier threads.
The chasm that already exists between blacks and non-blacks in this nation, will only become wider and deeper and will be permanently unbridgable after this election regardless who wins or loses.
No,I know this area well,it used to be a decent neighborhood,But in recent years it has before a typical city area.It’s a bad area.
This gives the phrase “get in their face” a whole new meaning, doesn’t it. I’m sure Obama and his adoring media will say that it is unfair to blame Obama for the actions of his supporters, unlike those evil Republican candidates who are responsible for IMAGINARY shouts of “kill him” and “terrorist” at their rallies that never even happened.
Yep. I guess we will find out soon enough
The Post-Gazette (see link at Drudge) has a brief story that words it as if it were a report filed by the woman. They word it as though the police are investigating. This TV story is worded as though police have knowledge of her condition. We’ll have to see what else transpires.
No, it was the multi-million-dollar judgment in a wrongful death suit brought against them by the mother of 19 year-old Michael Donalds. Donalds was lynched by Klansmen about 15 or so years ago.
Joe The Mugger.
They are trying to differentiate from Obama, a light skinned black person. Dark (non-Arab) black people should take note - they will be the first ones thrown “under the bus” in an Obama administration. (Also, who sold dark skinned Africans into slavery - and still do in Africa? Yup, light skinnd black people aka African Arabs.)
/sounds racist, but those are the FACTS...
Or maybe Rob, the mugger.
It was the big headline for about 15 minutes.
Because it's a detail that simply doesn't make any sense. Probing into details that simply don't make any sense (with the information one has at the moment) is an obvious followup.
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