The chasm that already exists between blacks and non-blacks in this nation, will only become wider and deeper and will be permanently unbridgable after this election regardless who wins or loses.
“The chasm that already exists between blacks and non-blacks in this nation, will only become wider and deeper and will be permanently unbridgable after this election regardless who wins or loses”
I disagree, slightly.
The “chasm” of which you speak is wide and deep now, and is all-but “unbridgeable” today. It is the product of 40+ years of wrongheaded policies and the result of (for that same time) a one-way dialogue about race in America - which has consisted mostly of a harangue against whites who dare not speak up or back for fear of being labeled “racists”.
And for this long, the elites and media of the country have been glossing this over.
Regardless of who wins, what this election will reveal is the reality of a situation that _already_ exists. And even the media won’t be able to cover that up any more.
- John