Also, it had to be excerpted...PLEASE read it all.
Obama is the most successful communist mole in history, and Bill Ayers was his recruiter.
Hear, hear!
This is in an online addition of a newspaper? Is that the Mail Tribune from Medford?
Excellent article... only thing missing is how obama surrogates and Obama himself uses a victimology as defense to avoid serious inquiry into his associations.
Question obama and you are Racist, that is the meme and it is a very scary precedent. Shut down political opposition by calling it a hate crime.
No, thank you AuntB
I was just reading this at Daily Mail and was happy to see someone
actually reporting some truth besides FR and so glad you posted it here.
Now if the media would only do their duty and report it also.
Excellent article.
This has not been broached by any U.S. MSM outlet whatsoever.
The left is tricky. I like what Steyn said about reverend Wright. He called him a neo-segregationist. That's a powerful phrase and catchy. It should be used by the McCain camp someday soon, like before election day.
American journalism affects to be objective, which - considering the superficiality and negativity which inheres in making your living talking about what just happened - is actually absurd. The perceived "objectivity" of American journalism is simply a reflection of the unity imposed on journalism by the imperatives of reliance on news from outside the region covered by the reporters of any given newspaper.Leftism is simply the demand for respect and deference made by people who have little or no credentials for running ANYTHING, but who are great at criticizing and second guessing. The affinity of reporters who do nothing but criticize for politicians whose claim to fame is simply their ability to criticize the businessmen, military personnel, and policemen upon whom we all depend to get necessary things done is quite natural; what else should we honestly expect?
The situation this article so admirably describes is therefore only too understandable. And only too dangerous.
Thanks for putting me on the list Aunt B - great thread to open up my reading this Monday morning!
I saw Phillips’ article on a Canadian website a few minutes ago - they had no comments to read - and was happy to see the writers and thinkers here had already put up wisdom to
This is such a great article! It articulates many of my thoughts and feelings so succinctly.
There are a lot of great comments underneath the article now. This article has really struck a chord with people, it seems.
I did have to lol at one poster from Annapolis, Maryland, who said the author is wrong and Palin does not strike a chord with Middle America, and she is driving people to Obama. No offense to Maryland Freepers, but I don’t think think that guy has any clue about Middle America.
BTTT !!!
"The 1957 Loyalty Parade in October was led by Mr. Haydu as the "Marshal" down Fifth Avenue, NY City. FBI insisted that he must wear bullet proof clothing. My husband an I helped him dress. Approximately 1/2 million people lined the parade. Shot was fired from the crowd at Mr. Haydu. - the bullet hit right above the knee - special clothing helped - and prevented serious injury. Someone threw a bottle with gasoline and hit him on the right hand and it did give him a nasty burn. He never stopped and keep leading the parade" - witness and Haydu's secretary, Ms. Ann Hegedus.
Ayers, IMHO, is like a control for Obama. Obama is the operative, Ayers is the control, using him, and probably has him hopelessly compromised and blackmailed, to further their marxist agenda.
Together, Obama, Ayers, and their radical friends at ACORN and the DNC (abetted by the MSM) intend to steal this election if they cannot win it...and they are afraid that they certainly will not win it.
I'm not buyin' the push polls, which are heavily weighted in their sampling to the dems...and neither should anyone else. They are simply an attempt for the most part, IMHO, to supress the GOP vote.
On the ground, the crowds that Sarah is drawing now (30,000 in FL, 24,000 coming in Indiana, etc.), tell the real stroy...and the DNC, MSM, and Obama's campaign know it.
...and then there is this: