Posted on 02/01/2008 8:26:36 AM PST by TenthAmendmentChampion
WASHINGTON U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., says the City of Berkeley, Calif., no longer deserves federal money.
DeMint was angered after learning that the Berkeley City Council voted this week to tell the U.S. Marine Corps to remove its recruiting station from the city's downtown.
"This is a slap in the face to all brave service men and women and their families," DeMint said in a prepared statement. "The First Amendment gives the City of Berkeley the right to be idiotic, but from now on they should do it with their own money."
"If the city cant show respect for the Marines that have fought, bled and died for their freedom, Berkeley should not be receiving special taxpayer-funded handouts," he added.
In the meantime, a senior Marine official tells FOX News that the Marine office in Berkeley isn't going anywhere.
"We understand things are different there, but some people just don't get it. This is a part of the military machine that gives them the right to do what they do, but what they are doing is extreme," the official said.
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These traitorous scumbags have the nerve to call Marines "uninvited and unwelcome guests" in their own damn country?
When the next big earthquake strikes, Berwkley should get no m,ilitary support.
Well, it's not S.F. proper, but the zany burg of Berkeley we're talkin' 'bout, here. Aside from that, though, you've got it exactly backwards.
We've got the insurgents on the run in Berkeley; the surge is working.
If we pull out now, our enemies will be emboldened. We'll be sending them the message that we aren't in this for the long haul; that we shrink back in the face of adversity. We'll lose all of the trust we've gained with the everyday citizens in the region, and within weeks of our pull-out the streets will be avenues of violence and mayhem as the terrorists return with vengeance to the neighborhoods we previously drove them out of.
We cannot allow this to happen. The people of Berkeley must know that the United States is committed to leaving behind a stable, and peaceful Berkeley with its own security forces capable of standing on their own feet, and keeping the terrorist insurgents from reestablishing a presence there. We MUST stay the course and see this through to VICTORY!
I left a message with Babs office also and told them that if they don’t like the US get the hell out.
No city should be getting federal earmarks if it is interfering with military recruiting.
Jim DeMint for Prez!!!!
Neutron Bomb.
The Navy is about to commission a new nukuler sub to be called the “California”
.I think they should change the name to the “Berkeley!” It would makes those pinko’s heads explode!
Surely there are plenty worse than Graham. I can think of a few without even trying.
Whether DeMint would agree is another question all together.
The Berzerkly Police should all quit, walk away, and let the animals consume each other. The poor lil college students will be at the mercy of the homeless, illegals and such. They will really learn about being bullied, beat, and maimed. They will whine to be protected because it is their RIGHT!
US Out of Berkeley!!
Is it an Ohio class sub? I’ll let my husband know... he’s a fan of all things submarine related, but he doesn’t keep up with the latest stuff.
The new Berkeley Bomb Range....All services welcome to use!
Is that Berkeley, Caulifornia? I know of a Bezerkeley, Caulifornia but the name Berkeley just doesn’t ring a bell. /s
“No city should be getting federal earmarks if it is interfering with military recruiting.”
Nobody should be getting federal earmarks.
There that’s better.
Why is the FedGov giving money to Berkeley anyway?
I don’t really know. Someone mentioned it on MM’s site.
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