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Revived Islamic Caliphate - Empire of the Anti-Christ?
Answering Islam ^ | Joel Richardson

Posted on 06/22/2007 10:49:14 AM PDT by pacelvi

What Is The Seventh And The Eight Empire?

"This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. Revelation 17:9-11"

Before we procede, I wish here to acknowledge someone who has greatly contributed to my understanding of this issue. His name is Walid Shoebat. He is a former Palestinian terrorist and is the author of Why I left Jihad. I highly recommend this book. It may be ordered through his web site at

Beyond the above identification of the nations of Ezekiel 38, the Book of Revelation also confirms the notion that indeed the region of Turkey will be the head of the future Antichrist Empire. Let’s examine these passages from the Book of Revelation:

There I saw… a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. Revelation 17:3

Here we see the final “Beast” empire of the Antichrist. The Beast is seen to have seven heads and ten horns. We already know from the Book of Daniel that the ten horns represent the ten nations or kings that will comprise the Antichrist Empire. But the seven heads are seven empires that have existed throughout history that all have been foreshadows of the final empire that is to come. As usual, whenever a prophecy is given in the Bible that may be difficult in its symbolism, the Bible clarifies the symbolism and explains the passage for us:

This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. Revelation 17:9-11

Now the seven heads are called seven mountains. The Bible often uses mountains as a symbol representing a kingdom or an empire. But most importantly this passage gives us insight into the fact that before Jesus returns, there will actually have been a total of eight “Beast” empires. The eighth empire will be ruled by the Antichrist. How can this passage help us gain insight into the identification of the final Antichrist Empire? First, we see that at the time that it was written to John, five of the empires had already fallen. This is seen in the phrase, “five have been.” These empires are generally accepted by Bible teachers as being the following:

The Egyptian Empire

The Assyrian Empire

The Babylonian Empire

The Persian Empire

The Greek Empire

After these five, the angel tells John that one empire “is.” At the time that John wrote the Book of Revelation, Rome “was.” It ruled the Middle East, Northern Africa and much of Europe. Thus the sixth empire was the Roman Empire. The next empire, of course, is the seventh, and then the eighth will be the empire of the Antichrist. So the seventh empire is the empire that we need to identify. Because according to the verse above, it is the eighth empire that will be a resurrection or a revived version of the seventh empire:

“The beast who once was, and is not, is an eighth king.”

Let me just paraphrase this portion for clarity:

“The seventh beast (empire) that existed, but then did not exist, will come back as an eighth empire.”

So if we are now waiting for the final eighth empire, then what was the seventh? What empire followed Rome?

Because of the harsh anti-Semitic nature of the German third Reich, some Bible teachers have speculated that Germany was the seventh empire and thus Germany will come back as the eighth. 11

The most common belief however, held almost universally by Bible teachers, is that the Antichrist Empire will be a revived Roman Empire. There are however some glaring problems with this theory: Firstly, Rome was the sixth empire. If Rome was the sixth, and will also be the last, then what happened to the seventh? This theory has a gaping hole. Is Rome the sixth, seventh and the eighth empires? Neither Scripture nor history nor common sense supports this. Secondly, every one of the previous six empires ruled the Middle East, including Jerusalem. This is very important. We must always remember that the Bible is thoroughly Jerusalem centric. It is not America centric, nor is it Western centric. In the biblical view of things, Jerusalem is the center of the earth. This point cannot be underscored enough. Any theory that revolves around a revived Roman Empire based in Europe - for instance on the European Common Market - is a foreign concept to the Bible. Unless the empire rules over or directly affects Jerusalem, it is actually a bit irrelevant to biblical mind-set.

And the third crucial point is that if we look at the first six empires, each succeeding empire either destroyed or absorbed the empire that preceded it. There is a very natural sucession. If we look at each empire, we see that they all fulfill these two characteristics: they ruled over Jerusalem and they defeated or absorbed their predecessor. The Egyptian Empire ruled all of Egypt and Israel as well. But the Assyrian Empire defeated the Egyptian Empire and likewise ruled over a vast portion of the Middle East, including Israel. After this, the Babylonian Empire defeated the Assyrian Empire and became even larger than its predecessor, again, ruling over Israel. Such is the pattern with each successive empire: The Medo/Persian Empire succeeded the Babylonian Empire only to be succeeded by the Greek Empire. The Greek Empire was in turn suceeded by the Roman Empire. Which leads us to the seventh empire. Who overcame the Roman Empire? In order to answer this question, we need to briefly review the fall of the Roman Empire. What exactly happened?

In 395 A.D., The Roman Empire was divided into two portions; the eastern and the western portions. The Eastern portion became known as the Byzantine Empire. In 410 A.D. the western capital city of Rome fell to invading Germanic tribes known as the Visigoths or Barbarians. The western/European half of the Empire including its capital had fallen but the Roman Empire nevertheless continued. How so? It simply shifted its capital and its throne from Rome to Constantinople – a thousand miles east. The western European portion of the Roman Empire fell but the Eastern Byzantine portion of the Roman Empire lived on for nearly another thousand years with Constantinople as its capital. The Roman Empire didn’t actually completely fall until the eastern portion of the Empire finally fell to the Turks in 1453 A.D. Likewise it was the Islamic Caliphate of Umar Ibn al-Khattab that took Jerusalem in 637. Thus we see that it was the various manifestations of Islamic Empire culminating with the Ottoman Empire that suceeded the Roman Empire and ruled over the entire Middle East, beginning with Jerusalem for over thirteen hundred years. 12 The Turkish Empire existed right up until 1909.

Thus we see that the only empire that fulfills the patterns necessary to be considered the seventh empire is the Turkish/Ottoman Empire. This of course corresponds perfectly with Ezekiel’s list of nations with such a heavy emphasis on Turkey.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: antichrist; antichristianity; antisemitism; caliphate; crushislam; endtimes; eschatology; islam; joelrichardson; mahdi; muslims; revelations; trop; wot
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To: vpintheak

>>>I honestly do not understand why people are so fastinated with end of the world prophecy.<<<

Neither do I. I am a Christian, therefore I don’t believe the world will ever end, as in:

“One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.” - Ecclesiastes 1:4

Certainly there are passages that prophecy the earth will be destroyed by fire; but Jesus baptizes with fire (Matthew 3:11). Does that mean Jesus destroys you when he baptizes you? No. He changes you. The same with the earth.

Now I make this declaration: the earth’s atmosphere is Heaven. Don’t believe it? Check out:

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven.” - Genesis 1:6-8

“And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” - Genesis 1:20

Some will say, “How can that be? Heaven is supposed to be a blissful place, not violent like on earth.”

But Jesus said,

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” - Matthew 11:12

Which leads us to the Revelation of Jesus Christ which informs us that it is not until the “last days” that Satan is cast out of heaven (which I interpret to mean, the murderer and great deceiver is “REVEALED”):

“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them.

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” - Revelation 12:7-12

In particular beware if you are Christian:

“. . . the dragon . . . went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” - Revelation 12:17

Think about it. Can you imagine anything more beautiful than the Earth? I can’t. I have been from Alaska to Hawaii to the Orient, and if this ain’t Heaven, I don’t want to go (note that our streets are paved with gold: Black Gold, Texas Tea).

Or course, I don’t have the last say. God does, and God does not want the earth to be to be destroyed. I know that because of this:

“...God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” - John 3:17

And this (pay particular attention to the last clause):

“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” - Revelation 11:18

The following occurs after God’s Judgement:

“And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.” - Revelation 21:24

There are still nations, and there are still kings, and everyone lives happily ever after, as follows:

“And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.” - Revelation 22:1-6

That is Breathtaking. The curse of Adam and Eve is removed, and the Tree of Life heals the nations. But there is this warning:

“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” - Revelation 22:14-15

But his commandments are not grievous. Okay, I plagarized:

“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.” - 1 John 5:3

81 posted on 06/22/2007 10:21:04 PM PDT by PhilipFreneau (God deliver our nation from the disease of liberalism!)
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To: pacelvi
He will make a seven year peace treaty with a Jew of priestly lineage.

Really?!? Not that got my attention. Does it mention breaking the treaty half way through?

82 posted on 06/23/2007 3:05:10 AM PDT by AndyTheBear (Disastrous social experimentation is the opiate of elitist snobs.)
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To: pacelvi

Be very afraid of this death cult which wants to expand its totalitarian rule over the ENTIRE world. Wake up now and expel them.

83 posted on 06/23/2007 3:23:42 AM PDT by Leftism is Mentally Deranged
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To: pacelvi

bookmark for later

84 posted on 06/23/2007 3:25:19 AM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: Popocatapetl


85 posted on 06/23/2007 3:28:25 AM PDT by Silly (
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To: Natural Law
Can you first explain how the Book of Revelations ever made it past the Council of the Bishops Nicene and into the Bible?

Any explanation would be as fictional as the premise.

The books and letters of the New Testament had been accepted by Christians long before the first Council of Nicene -- which was not concerned with canonizing books of the Bible. It was actually convened to resolve a contentious theological dispute.

86 posted on 06/23/2007 4:20:13 AM PDT by AndyTheBear (Disastrous social experimentation is the opiate of elitist snobs.)
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To: LaineyDee
What about the fact that America is Israel's only true ally and does indeed have an integral part in their security? I'm not trying to argue...just trying to understand.

Well if we work it hard, we could probably interpret America as a the 8th "empire." When you consider that the Founders were all nerds trying to create some new and better version of pagan antiquity in America, the analogy becomes at lest as plausible as any other.

87 posted on 06/23/2007 4:42:37 AM PDT by BarbaricGrandeur ("The riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness." -Alcuin of York, to Charlemagne.)
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To: pacelvi


The Book of Daniel explains that PERSIA is the instigator at the beginning of the end times (a centuries long period). They are the “Ram” which butts to the North, West and South, and are later conquered by the He-Goat - the king of the Greeks.

More than any other book, Daniel most clearly lines up with what is happening right now. The king of Babylon was suddenly deposed and killed, and Persia’s influence is growing in growing in the region.

88 posted on 06/23/2007 9:14:03 AM PDT by rjp2005 (Lord have mercy on us)
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To: AndyTheBear

In Islam , it’s perfectly acceptable to break any agreement a Muslim makes with a Non-Muslim as long as it is to the benefit of Islam. In other words, an agreement is a hudna... a hudna is a break you take from fighting so that you can give assurance of false peace to the infidel enemy while you regroup and re-attack them when you’re stronger.

Muslims understand this.. so any treaty is implicitly understood to be allowable to break at will when the time is right.

So the answer to your question is yes.

89 posted on 06/23/2007 9:24:54 AM PDT by pacelvi
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To: rjp2005

all that stuff you posted was about the past. you’re just elaboring the author’s history lesson.

90 posted on 06/23/2007 9:26:16 AM PDT by pacelvi
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To: pacelvi

It is the past and the future. Scripture applies to both. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Likewise, his Word is for all time.

When John the Apostle was writing Revelation from Patmos, the image he used of the First Seal was an allusion to the Parthian Empire - warriors who harrassed Rome and fought on horseback with a bow.

Babylonia has fallen (again in modern time) and it will soon be given over to the Persians (thank you Democrats and Hillary Clinton). Just as described by Daniel.

Persia’s war-mongering causes the Seals - until the He-Goat conquers them. A modern day Charlemagne/Charles Martel, who followed in Alexander’s footsteps in that regard, only as Christian leaders.

91 posted on 06/23/2007 9:38:07 AM PDT by rjp2005 (Lord have mercy on us)
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To: pacelvi
After reading through the posts on this thread I realize I am probably wasting time but just in case there is one person out there the Lord is leading to know these truths I will write this post. First of all, according to the Laodecian church most Christians are asleep, lukewarm, and could care less hence the caliber of the posts so far. What Wallid Shobat is presenting is sound Biblical interpretation. Ellis Skolfield also has authored a book which supports Shobot’s conclusions.
Skolfield’s book The Hidden Beast is phenomenal of end time events and Skolfield wrote his book way before 9/11. You can obtain a free copy by going to his website.
92 posted on 06/23/2007 10:05:50 AM PDT by ladyL
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To: AndyTheBear
Does it mention breaking the treaty half way through?

No, but Islam has a model for doing so in what was called the Treaty of Al-Hudaibiyya - look at this link. The practice is basically to make a treaty with your enemy until you're strong enough to conquer them.

With regard to the mahdi, what most Islamic sources (like this one) say is that the mahdi will make a seven year treaty with "the Romans," which commonly is taken to mean a treaty made with non-Muslims.

This and MANY compelling coincidental details are found in Islamic eschatology, enough to paint a very convincing picture, so much so that I am pretty confident that Islam is being set up to be "the" end time religious system. Their eschatology is a pretty close mirror to Christianity's. It's quite chilling when looked at in its entirety, as is done in Joel Richardson's book.

93 posted on 06/23/2007 11:14:49 AM PDT by agrace
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To: ladyL

Thanks for the link. Didn’t see a book called “The Hidden Beast” there though - there are many there for free download, like “The False Prophet” for example. Is that the one you meant? Regardless, I think I’ll do some reading.

94 posted on 06/23/2007 11:18:25 AM PDT by agrace
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To: BarbaricGrandeur

>>>Well if we work it hard, we could probably interpret America as a the 8th “empire.” When you consider that the Founders were all nerds trying to create some new and better version of pagan antiquity in America, the analogy becomes at lest as plausible as any other.<<<

What are you smoking? That is one of the wierdest interpretations of the vision of our founding fathers I have ever read, in line with some of the revisionist ACLU proproganda.

95 posted on 06/23/2007 11:18:59 AM PDT by PhilipFreneau (God deliver our nation from the disease of liberalism!)
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To: ladyL

I definately agree with you. There’s a lot of egoism in a lot of the dissenters here. That’s their right of course.

I think it’s very telling though.

96 posted on 06/23/2007 11:34:26 AM PDT by pacelvi
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To: agrace
I am sorry. Yes, False Prophet is an updated version of Hidden Beast. This book nails it and has today’s headlines on every page yet Skolfield wrote this book back in the 80’s. When you read it you will find yourself agreeing with the points Skolfield stresses.

What I see as very sad is the “Left Behind” interpretation of the end times being so prevalent in the church as it has put the church to sleep. Common thinking is well, no use waking up until there is a 7 year peace treaty, a numbering system put in place, a one world leader etc. Understanding Islam, with Mohammed as the False Prophet, allah as the anti christ, the Al Aqksa mosque as the abomination that makes desolate, the 200,000 million man army as Muslims, and the two witnesses as the Jews and the Christians sure puts a different picture on the book of Daniel and Revelation.

Hope you enjoy the book The False Prophet.

97 posted on 06/23/2007 3:17:48 PM PDT by ladyL
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To: quant5
Hear is to looking forward to meeting you gentleman in the next life. I will shake your hands for your courage when I meet you, as you will be martyred first as saints in the name of Christ. I am sure I will be joining you in similar head-sawing fashion shortly afterwards. We will be hunted down like dogs but I will give them some taste of their hell that awaits them first, Christ permitting.


98 posted on 06/23/2007 4:11:07 PM PDT by topcat54 ("... knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." (James 1:3))
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To: streetpreacher


99 posted on 06/23/2007 4:13:08 PM PDT by topcat54 ("... knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." (James 1:3))
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To: PhilipFreneau
What are you smoking? That is one of the wierdest interpretations of the vision of our founding fathers I have ever read, in line with some of the revisionist ACLU proproganda.

Well they would have called it neoclassical, but it amounts to the same thing. It stems from the popular Gibbonian idea of the perfection of pagan antiquity. The movement was not just architectural, but sociological as well. Thomas Jefferson is one of the best exemplars of this. And, though it's a little after the time of the founders, works of art like the "Apotheosis" do represent the popular feeling about the Founders (in this case Washington). No one can see that mural and not think "pagan," you'd have to be willfully ignorant of the times and the spirit of that age.

100 posted on 06/23/2007 7:43:54 PM PDT by BarbaricGrandeur ("The riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness." -Alcuin of York, to Charlemagne.)
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