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On one the few rational minds left around here - but for long
| 4/24/2007
| Al Simmons
Posted on 04/24/2007 10:22:39 AM PDT by Al Simmons
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To: Sister_T
I agree. I’ve left tons of forums for no other reason than that I got bored. I can always come back. I’m not that important. The owner of the site sets the policies. Real simple. These liberals want attention like a bunch of whining two year olds.
They are responsible for much of the tone that got them booted in the first place. I got so sick of the liberals crawling all over that I went and tried a couple of other forums. No opuses, no whining, no announcement.
posted on
05/08/2007 3:44:15 PM PDT
(No Rudy. No way. No Mitt . No way. No McCain. No way.)
To: Little Bill
Shucks, I saw this old thread for the first time now and I haven't even just gotten out of the shower.
What really hurts is that I'm also all out of pancake bunnies.
(Presuming someone else may have explained "conservative" to the opus author by this time.)
posted on
05/08/2007 3:45:34 PM PDT
(What do you think? Please think, before you answer.)
To: Al Simmons
To: Al Simmons
Giulliani is a RINO at best.
To: tioga
Well....I've wanted to talk to my likeness in a mirror like that...a time or two. LOL!!
Glad to know you are sane......
posted on
05/08/2007 4:01:34 PM PDT
Osage Orange
(The old/liberal/socialist media is the most ruthless and destructive enemy of this country.)
To: woofie
"Tells me a lot about how your mind works"
History proves my point. The election of Jimmy Carter, not his candidacy for President created the focal point that conservatives could rally around. The same was true with the election of Bill Clinton as President.
I am not suggesting Hillery should win. I am only stating such a win would do more to unite conservatives than a win by Rudy.
Rudy cannot do the same. With his recent proclamation that he would appoint conservative judges to the Supreme Court, despite his personal beliefs, he shows that he does not hold the values of those he seeks support from, but is willing to sell his soul or anything else of value to become President.
To: Al Simmons
To h___ with you. We had a bunch of these opuses back when a bunch of liberal Republicans left during the Schiavo situation, claiming FR was taken over by “Jesus freaks.” In fact, not only would I like you to not let the door hit you in the arse out of here, same deal for you getting booted from the way-too-big tent. That tend needs to shrink to put all the Leftist outside. Go join all your DU buddies, ya lib!
posted on
05/09/2007 3:16:46 PM PDT
(Stomping on "PC," destroying the Left, and smoking out faux "conservatives" - Take Back The GOP!)
To: ShandaLear
There has to be room to debate ideas within the framework of conservatism without being personally attacked.Any internet forum is a dangerous place for the thin-skinned.
Yes, there should be room to debate ideas within conservatism. But if a politician lines up with non-conservatives on 9 out of 10 issues, it is just a shell game to pretend to "debate ideas within the framework of conservatism." One is simply recreating conservatism out of whole cloth. The ideology does not exist in a vacuum, it is embodied in the principles and thoughts of conservatives.
I think the enumeration of Rudy's principles in regards to core conservative values has been done quite a few times on this opus. Conservative he ain't.
To: Al Simmons; Jim Robinson
Jim Robinson is doing us all a great public service with FreeRepublic. I for one am grateful to him for this forum. He is entitled to his opinion just as much as the rest of us who unreservedly post ours. This is freedom of speech at its finest, thanks to Jim. God bless you, Jim.
posted on
05/10/2007 6:22:03 PM PDT
To: Al Simmons
Never heard of you, and as opus’s go, that was boring.
posted on
05/11/2007 6:57:55 PM PDT
( The cover of my "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" is now flashing "Panic".)
To: Al Simmons
posted on
05/12/2007 6:39:53 PM PDT
(Where did my tag line go?)
To: Al Simmons
Someone please post the “Attention Whore” graphic.
posted on
05/13/2007 12:00:28 PM PDT
(Extending logic since 1961.)
To: bray
They are repeats of the immigration threads that got us Pelosi/Reid.
One more time.
George Bush got us
Get it?
posted on
05/13/2007 7:26:28 PM PDT
(The GOP did nothing about immigration, immigration did something about the GOP (As Predicted))
To: Al Simmons
Giuliani is not a conservative.
This is a conservative website
The only voice conservatives have in effect is the Republican Party - UNFORTUNATELY.
Nobody is “bashing” Giuliani, just exposing his record.
His record marks him as unfit for conservatives to support.
posted on
05/13/2007 8:52:02 PM PDT
(Non nobis, non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. God, guts and guns made America great.)
To: Brilliant
I also support Rudy but am open to other is they can WIN. I have been on here for a few years but I do not know who this Robinson fellow is. I see his name and discussion points but cannot fathom why his influence is supposed to be any more potent than any other poster. What is his claim to fame?
To: phillyfanatic
Are you serious? Who is Jim Robinson?? Oh dear...
posted on
05/13/2007 9:10:27 PM PDT
(Congressman Duncan Hunter for POTUS...check him out!!)
To: Al Simmons
You been flush out....
posted on
05/13/2007 9:22:20 PM PDT
(As I have Love you Love One To Another By This Shall Men know Ye Are My Disciples!)
To: phillyfanatic
To: Brilliant
Amazing and is he the dictator of choices here? I just post because the posters here are so good and have free flowing remarks that stimulate. I did not realize that the owner was an IDOL. Hmmm.
To: phillyfanatic
In general, there is freedom of speech on this website. But it is a conservative website, so the editors do have their limits.
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