To h___ with you. We had a bunch of these opuses back when a bunch of liberal Republicans left during the Schiavo situation, claiming FR was taken over by “Jesus freaks.” In fact, not only would I like you to not let the door hit you in the arse out of here, same deal for you getting booted from the way-too-big tent. That tend needs to shrink to put all the Leftist outside. Go join all your DU buddies, ya lib!
We had a bunch of these opuses back when a bunch of liberal Republicans left during the Schiavo situation, claiming FR was taken over by Jesus freaks.
Not surprisingly, the recent departures were made up of a good percentage of the ones who didn’t opus out back then. A lot of the ones who left over Julie were the same vultures that circled over any culture of death story, just waiting to see one so they could flap down and proclaim death a preferable state over life.
At least this time they took their little WPPFF sewing circle elsewhere.