I guess the pundits may be wrong.
1 posted on
03/20/2007 6:17:56 AM PDT by
WBL 1952
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To: WBL 1952
Bush Phones Attorney General Gonzales to Reaffirm His SupportThat is the kiss of death. Gonzales is toast.
2 posted on
03/20/2007 6:21:29 AM PDT by
(The TIME is coming to take up arms and defend the Republic. Get ready!!!! NOW!!!)
To: WBL 1952
He should have phoned Schumer and Leahy and told them. Guess that wouldn't have been "prudent".
3 posted on
03/20/2007 6:22:36 AM PDT by
(For those who understand the War on Terror, no explanation is needed.)
To: WBL 1952
Gonzalez will resign, IMO. But maybe I'm wrong.
4 posted on
03/20/2007 6:23:05 AM PDT by
To: WBL 1952
"Hi Roberto, this is George. Ive got your back like you've got the border covered."
6 posted on
03/20/2007 6:24:25 AM PDT by
(I will not go into Dhimmitude quietly.)
To: WBL 1952
Bush Phones Attorney General Gonzales to Reaffirm His Support
"'Berto, I are calling to support you in every way I can. How many more packing boxes do you need?"
7 posted on
03/20/2007 6:24:32 AM PDT by
To: WBL 1952
I think what bothers me most about this is the fact that Bush demands total loyalty from his people but yet he will not give his. If he was behind Gonzales he would come out and say so, and say that those fired serve at this pleasure and they not longer please him.
Bush is more than willing to dump anyone that doesn't please the democrats. Sad for a man that loyalty is supposed to be everything.
9 posted on
03/20/2007 6:25:57 AM PDT by
To: WBL 1952
Translation. You are history by tonight's sheeple feed known as the MSM evening newscasts.
10 posted on
03/20/2007 6:27:18 AM PDT by
The South Texan
(The Drive By Media is America's worst enemy and American people don't know it.)
To: WBL 1952; txrangerette; Miss Marple; ilovew; Howlin; Dog; Guenevere; Jedi Master Pikachu; ...
The President hasn't changed at all.
Not in character, not in morality, not in strength, not in resolve to fight the War on Terror.
Not at all.
12 posted on
03/20/2007 6:30:26 AM PDT by
(PRAY for our President and our troops!!)
To: WBL 1952
It's depressing that we've come to the point that we don't know what these reports mean. I used to think of Bush as a "his word is his bond" kind of guy. Now I am confused.
14 posted on
03/20/2007 6:31:54 AM PDT by
('My 80% ally is not my 20% enemy.' ........Rudy reminds us what Ronald Reagan said.)
To: WBL 1952
Yeah...he phoned Rummy too.....
15 posted on
03/20/2007 6:32:01 AM PDT by
(?It could be that the purpose of my life is simply to serve as a warning to others.?)
To: WBL 1952
"You're doin' a great job, Gonzo!"
17 posted on
03/20/2007 6:34:10 AM PDT by
("I never should have switched from scotch to martinis." -- the last words of Humphrey Bogart)
To: WBL 1952
If the President caves on Gonzales, stick a fork in him because he's done.
To: WBL 1952
25 posted on
03/20/2007 6:43:19 AM PDT by
Nomorjer Kinov
(If the opposite of "pro" is "con" , what is the opposite of progress?)
To: WBL 1952; prairiebreeze; RetiredArmy; engrpat; ohioWfan; All
Predictably, 'conservatives' and 'Freepers' have chosen to attack rather than support the President during this difficult time . . . What did 'conservatives' think was going to happen after the 2006 elections? Weren't we all warned?
BTW: Does anyone remember what happened to Reagan and his administration in 1987 and most of 1988?!
Well, I do; it was a nightmare! If you recall, Reagan was so politically and personally shaken by the Iran-Contra scandal, the Stock Market crash and the resulting Democrat/media feeding frenzy that the White House DRASTICALLY curtailed his public appearances (PARTICULARLY his press conferences).
Additionally, Reagan was 'forced' to make MULTIPLE changes in both his cabinet and White House staff:
--Carlucci replaced Casper Weinberger at Defense
--new Secretary of Commerce
--new Secretary of Labor
--new Secretary of Transportation
Shortly thereafter, Thornburgh replaced Meese at Justice to become Reagan's THIRD Attorney General.
-- Howard Baker replaced Donald Regan as Reagan's Chief of Staff. Baker was subsequently replaced by Ken Duberstein. In total, Reagan employed FOUR Chiefs of Staff!
WE ALL NEED TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND REMEMBER: Libertarian and 'purist' conservative voters put the President in the position he finds himself in today -- attacked on all sides by political opportunists and media sycophants . . . He's TRYING to make the most of a bad situation AND win a war in the process!!!!
[BTW: The adolescent sniping/pettiness at FR is REALLY getting old!]
27 posted on
03/20/2007 6:46:26 AM PDT by
To: WBL 1952
I'm betting Gonzalez survives this and the whole non-issue blows over. The Dems will be onto a new phony scandal by this time next week.
To: WBL 1952
They've confused wishful thinking with news reporting.
33 posted on
03/20/2007 6:51:44 AM PDT by
(When somethng is true, one need not lie to prove it.)
To: WBL 1952
"You are doing a heck of a job, Alberto"
35 posted on
03/20/2007 6:52:26 AM PDT by
(just another Fredhead)
To: WBL 1952
It's going to be difficult finding another pro-amnesty, anti-Border Patrol attorney general like Gonzales.
38 posted on
03/20/2007 6:53:25 AM PDT by
To: WBL 1952
Bush: "Alberto, I support your irresistable desire to resign immediately."
39 posted on
03/20/2007 6:54:37 AM PDT by
(Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia, et ubi ecclesia vita eterna)
To: WBL 1952
Bush standing by his man,
Go Dubya
45 posted on
03/20/2007 6:59:34 AM PDT by
(Rudy Americas mayor and soon to be Americas president)
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