CBS-TV in New York is reporting the deal has been cut. Guilty plea with no jail time.
And, the voters knew what he done before the election and he still received 57% of their votes.
To me it seems that if you are a democrat in NY state you could run your campaign from the big house and still get elected. There are so many dumbed down socialist dumbocrats in this state it is amazing.
I applaud the Democratic DA in Albany County, David Soares, for pursuing this. He probably made a few political enemies in his own party along the way, but it was the right thing to do. If he keeps this up, I may even vote for him next time!
I fail to see the huge crime here. There are a lot worse scum in New York politics such as Sheldon Silver and Charles Barron
More proof of why Upstate needs its own state.
Will Pataki man up and appoint a republican, or hide under a rock as long as possible as usual?
Does he get to keep his retirement?
And how much is it, like 100% of his pay?
Yawn ... it would have been preferable for Hevesi to have fallen on his sword BEFORE the election. Hevesi, the good Dem soldier, has simply taken one for the team. The real fun will be the Joe Bruno dance.
If Hevesi had integrity he would have quit PRIOR to the election.
Why my neighbors here in NYS saw fit to re-hire this guy is beyond me. Whether or not what he did had a malicious intent does not matter - he demonstrated in inability to effectively & responsibly do the job.
I'm not going to fault the D party exclusively here. The Republican/GOP machine is virtually non-existant in NYS.
yeah! after he wins re-election.