Posted on 09/17/2006 4:20:33 AM PDT by MadIvan
Attack was probably in response to the Pope's comments recently. Anyone see this as evidence that the comments have merit.
Spot on! CNN - Clinton News Network. CBS - Clinton Broadcasting System. NBC - Nobody But Clinton. ABC - All Bill Clinton. Donaldo
I will not forsake my Lord and God, and I will defend myself against these heathens until my last dying breath. This is the reason my son now fights in this war, as he has seen that evil must be defeated.
Go to Little Green Footballs: Westminster Cathedral was assaulted by crazy Moslems with signs stating "Death to the Pope . . . the Pope will bow to Allah . . . " You get the picture. The Cathedral is in Londonistan, England.
It's not the first, and it won't be the last, I'm sure.
Michelle Malkin on some good information on what's happen too.
There, fixed it.
[...]The truth is, what the Pope quoted is in fact TRUE and the reaction to his WORDS proves it!
Since I don't think that the reaction of some people proves what they are all like, I'd say this is evidence of the possibility, but not proof.
"I read Oriana Fallaci's "The Rage and the Pride" last night. Get it. WOW!"
All book reviews should be as succinct and direct. Thanks for the reminder. I'm definitely going to read it.
"Since I don't think that the reaction of some people proves what they are all like, I'd say this is evidence of the possibility, but not proof."
The Pope's words were about the "prophet" Mohamed. He proclaimed Islam should be spread by the sword. He spread Islam by the sword. Muslims MUST believe in the "prophet" and in the truth of his words. Muslims MUST believe in spreading Islam by the sword. If they are Muslim, they are all the same.
The news is beyond sickening. These low life Islamic killers murdered a nun who was assisting the poor, bastards!
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." -Manuel II Paleologus"
HE knew them.
They were surrounding Christian Constantinople like the proverbial wolves around a flock of sheep, and ultimately in 1453, they captured it, desecrated their churhces, raped their women and killed or enslaved their men.
And they haven't apologized or ansewered for it yet.
Islam is the enemy and Islam must go.
The world is too small for Muslims and non-Muslims to continue to survive together in it.
This is about what I've come to expect from people who machine gun children hiding under beds or running in terror. Barbarians.
But according to Rosie O'Donnell, the Nun was just as dangerous as her killers are.
Upon THAT threadbare inanity do I and the POTUS part ways. Frankly, that kinda s#!+'s gonna get us all good and killed, and anyone who embraces it as truth should voluntarily move to the front of the line.
Mr. President, you need not keep repeating your muslim misnomer -- your great Islamic Façade. Instead, Sir, you ought prepare for your cold steel welcome, Mr. President, because that's ALL you can hope to expect from your much-touted "Religion Of Peace", although, since you've carried a pail or two of water for them, when it comes your turn perhaps they'll cut more quickly.
Or not.
Sister Leonella gave her life (murdered in cold blood by Islamic jihadists) while serving the poorest of the poor in a hospital setting.
Sister Leonella is home now, but down here she should be viewed as a true saint and hero of the highest order.
Good observation. The media would never put the blame where it belongs. In their left-tainted minds, the Pope is the cause of the violence, not the excuse for it. They hate anyone who is Christian, and hate the head of the Christian Catholic Church more than they hate anyone else.
If people want on or off this list, please let me know.
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