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Dixie Chicks providing phone numbers to fans so they can request airplay. Feel free to Freep.
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Posted on 05/29/2006 5:31:43 PM PDT by Rodney King

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TOPICS: Business/Economy; Culture/Society; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: chicks; countrymusic; dixiechicks; natilemange; traitors
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To: Rodney King

Chubby Chicker and the Twisted Sisters are in a hole owing Sony a million or two for the promotion costs and the promises of quid pro quo to TIME and 60 Minutes. Delicious!

81 posted on 05/29/2006 7:31:41 PM PDT by Revolting cat! ("In the end, nothing explains anything.")
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To: Past Your Eyes

Isn't WHOM an easy listening station too? Although, it can be heard in something like 7 states and 3 provinces.

82 posted on 05/29/2006 7:32:11 PM PDT by Calvin Locke
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To: small voice in the wilderness
The swiftness and intensity of the rejection took them by surprise. After all, this was a critically acclaimed group hailed as not only the most successful female group in country music, but in all music — of all time, selling 30 million albums.

"I didn't realize there was that much hatred out there," says Maines, softly. "It was kind of a letdown. I kind of lost hope."

83 posted on 05/29/2006 7:32:25 PM PDT by kcvl
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To: kcvl
""I didn't realize there was that much hatred out there," says Maines, softly."

And she still doesn't realize that she started the hatred with her hateful comment. Or maybe she does realize it and is playing poor-widdle-me for the press.

84 posted on 05/29/2006 7:36:44 PM PDT by RabidBartender
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To: kcvl
oh, pass me a frickin' tissue. I'm welling up..

Shocked, they are. Shocked at the *hatred out there*. And poor Natalie has lost hope. It's a shame. And a real tragedy. Hey, there's probably a good country song somewhere in their tragedy. Too bad no one will ever hear it.

85 posted on 05/29/2006 7:37:40 PM PDT by small voice in the wilderness (Quick, act casual...if they sense scorn or ridicule, they'll flee)
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To: RabidBartender
Do you think initial album sales reports may have been weak? This is too funny, I don't care who ya are!

I bet more people call BR549.

86 posted on 05/29/2006 7:38:23 PM PDT by Paleo Conservative
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To: boop

“I don’t regret anything,” Natalie Maines said Monday to a national TV audience. “I’m so glad it happened because it reminded me as to who I am. I guess I’m defiant, but defiant in a good way.”

“Forgive sounds good,” sings Maines. “Forget, I’m not sure I could / They say time heals everything, I’m still waiting.”

Infinity Broadcasting was one of the syndicates that canned the Chicks in 2003. Keith Clark, VP of programming for Pittsburgh’s WDSY, said through a written statement that “Taking the Long Way” does nothing to change the band’s standing.

“What has happened with the Dixie Chicks is an absolute shame,” he wrote. “Through poor choices in timing and attitudes (they) have caused so much bad will with the country audience. We all support their right to feel how they wish politically. ... The big issue seems to be the way they want to run from their musical roots and actually look down their nose at country.”

“Not Ready” peaked at No. 36 and quickly dropped to No. 50 in the trade journal Billboard Radio Monitor, which charts radio spins. That’s indicative of many stations spinning the single once or twice but not adding it to playlists.

The Chicks’ are currently behind a massive media push that includes the cover of Time, a slot on “60 Minutes,” and interviews on “Good Morning America.”

“I don’t care if they play us, I don’t care if they don’t,” Maines told USA Today. “I don’t listen to country (radio). But then, I don’t listen to any music.”

87 posted on 05/29/2006 7:45:51 PM PDT by kcvl
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To: Rodney King

(Publicity photo courtesy Sony Entertainment)

88 posted on 05/29/2006 7:46:13 PM PDT by Revolting cat! ("In the end, nothing explains anything.")
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To: Revolting cat!


89 posted on 05/29/2006 7:47:58 PM PDT by kcvl
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To: kcvl; RabidBartender
"I didn't realize there was that much hatred out there," says Maines

There isn't. You hate me, I don't hate you. You just don't get to sing for me anymore, since I know what you think of me.

90 posted on 05/29/2006 7:48:00 PM PDT by marron
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To: Rodney King

(Preview of next year's publicity photo.)

91 posted on 05/29/2006 7:48:46 PM PDT by Revolting cat! ("In the end, nothing explains anything.")
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear

Yep. Neither of those stations will play the Dixie Chicks. WLHT does adult contemporary but doubt they'll even look at the Chicks.

92 posted on 05/29/2006 7:49:10 PM PDT by rintense
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To: MaDuce
Last week I witnessed a man pointing to a Dixie Chick poster and commenting, "That gal is as cute as a pug dog."

We were at Mule Days in Bishop, California Memorial weekend. A fellow guest at the B & B had a charming young bulldog named Britney Spears.

Yup, Natalie Maines is as cute as a pug dog!

93 posted on 05/29/2006 7:49:32 PM PDT by Irish Queen
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To: kcvl

biggest group in country? What is he smoking? Brooks and Dunn, Toby Keith, etc etc are way huger stars than the Dixie Pigs. Sounds like wishful thinking to me. Now if you were talking rock, then one could make the case for that statement to apply to Radiohead, but country, no way.

94 posted on 05/29/2006 7:50:22 PM PDT by steel_resolve (George Bush, why hast thou forsaken me?)
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To: Rodney King

Most cell phones have free long distance. Is that cool or what? Bump, itty bump, itty bump, bump, bump.

95 posted on 05/29/2006 7:52:11 PM PDT by GOPJ (''We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around.'' -Ronald Reagan)
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To: marron

It seems their foot in the mouth disease is spreading...


LATEST: Country trio DIXIE CHICKS has apologised to the hosts of US talk show THE VIEW after they claimed they were too famous to go on the daily programme.

The GOODBYE EARL hitmakers told the latest edition of Time magazine how selective they were about which TV shows they appear on, saying they hope to emanate their musical and political hero BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN.

In the publication, band member EMILY ROBISON said, "Not that we're of that calibre, but would Bruce Springsteen do The View?"

On Tuesday (23MAY06), The View's hosts launched a scathing attack on the singers, with presenter MEREDITH VIEIRA fuming, "We are furious. This is obnoxious, obnoxious. We started these girls - back in 1998, they couldn't get arrested." In a letter to the hosts, Robison writes: "I wanted to write you directly to apologise for my comment.

"My intention was not to insult The View and at the time I was truly just pulling a name out of the air. Today, this Chick is eating a little crow."

96 posted on 05/29/2006 7:53:44 PM PDT by kcvl
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To: Rodney King

The Dixie Chicks are has beens for many reasons and even their nude Vanity Fair cover photo couldn't revive their careers.

97 posted on 05/29/2006 7:55:16 PM PDT by The Great RJ ("Mir wölle bleiwen wat mir sin" or "We want to remain what we are." ..Luxembourg motto)
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To: kcvl

'...“Lubbock or Leave It,” which addresses small-town stupidity.'

People in Lubbock know chicken$hi+ from chicken salad.

They shoulda called this album "Taking the Wrong Way"...

98 posted on 05/29/2006 7:55:49 PM PDT by WestTexasWend
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To: WestTexasWend
Tickets for the Dixie Chicks tour-opener in Detroit will go on sale at 10 a.m. June 3. Their "Accidents and Accusations" tour - a reference to the controversy following a crack about the president just before the start of the Iraq war in 2003 - will open July 21 at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit.
99 posted on 05/29/2006 7:56:34 PM PDT by kcvl
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To: Rodney King

i thot they only wanted "cool" people listening to them ... i'll oblige them

100 posted on 05/29/2006 7:58:27 PM PDT by InvisibleChurch (Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society.)
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