This article is like a "feel great movie" for news junkies!
This is an excellent article by Dr. Hanson. Thank you for posting it.
As usual, Hanson is right on target.
.....The new European Union.....
The union is ephemeral rather than real. It cannot function as a concentrated source of force. Action if any will be on a state by state basis.
Indeed it is. So, has any European government or the EU as a whole reduce funding to Hamas by one centime?
One can only hope. If they don't, in a few years they're done.
The tide may be turning as far as EuroPeon attitudes toward the enemys withing the gates. That is good news. It is also good news that the Mohammedians (pigs be upon them) like the Germans in WWII have overplayed their hand and have bitten off more than they can chew.
As usual, VDH says what I have been thinking... only much more eloquently. Europe will wake up one of these days and decide that enough is enough. I just wish it happened 2 years ago.
They say the threat before too. Just politicians like Schroeder played games.
Under the table they HAD to cooperate to make all the prisoner flights that they were so "shocked" about happen. Think of the logistics alone!
Many in Europe were simply playing a game and denying the obvious. The awakening is not at the ministerial level, for those like Schroeder always knew the truth. The awakening is for the layperson who was being living the life of a mushroom, while their government preached that this threat is just a figment of George Bush's imagination.
Most in Europe are playing the political advantageous be anti war, anti US and pander to the political left while also pandering to some nationalist movement. Were and are they so stupid not to know the truth? No
Its a sad statement about much of Europes society, their politics and national resolve in what has been unfolding in the last few years.
A good punch in the nose to the Leftists, by Hanson, and inirectly the American Euro-weenie lovers.
" ... the Europeans found very quickly that for all their subtlety and exalted rhetoric they did no better than George Bush in dealing with these anti-Western fanatics."
Indeed, they did not. And now the scrambling begins.
" ... And should we ever see a true alliance of such Western powers, the war against the fascists of the Middle East would be simply over in short order."
I won't hold my breath for that one.
You need numerous and brave young people to field an army as disciplined as America's.
Non-Muslim young people are in increasingly shorter supply in Europe.
A combination of Western European wealth and Eastern European youth might do it.
Thanks for the post
Europeans will wake up sooner or later on the Muslim question. It's just whether they will wake up in time or not.
Long-term geopolitical developments are not cyclical or even linear, but "quantized"-- subject to abrupt discontinuities, invariably unforeseen, that nonetheless "change everything" to provide radically different contexts for generations. Think 1789, 1914... those worlds of the late 18th and early 20th Centuries perished so abruptly, so totally, that anyone passing such historical divides became an instant socio-cultural fossil.
And so today... with the caveat, that Europe's looming demographic catastrophe --a population drop due to rival that of the Great Plagues-- is going to manifest itself in many a strange way. For starters: By 2030, there will be no "youth culture"; the excresences of Boomerdom from about 1960 through 2010 will be a memory, a "what were they thinking?" theme when adult reality re-asserts itself. Second, lacking human cohorts, there will be extraordinary incentive to substitute "artificial", robotic means for low-end functions all through society. Finally, by this mid-Twenty First Century, it is all but certain that mankind will have moved substantial numbers off the planet, especially as it's borne in that our current Interglacial is 3,000 years past-due to end. ("Global warming" is a carnard, an 800-year cyclical phenomenon driven by annular rings of dust within the inner Solar System.)
What this will do to Muslim crypto-fascism, assuming that even Old Europe will snap to attentiveness in time, is render every rug merchant and camel driver what they have always been-- benighted, ignorant, stupid in the Darwinian sense that, as a culture, they are so purposefully uncompetitive as to foster their extinction.
When the multi-culti, doofus-femmer, paleo-Leftist bubble bursts, the ones remaining will be those disgusted by it from Day One. We count ourselves as such. Mounting our Rainbow Bridge, we seek new paths towards Home.