Posted on 12/26/2005 11:07:05 PM PST by Mia T
(DECONSTRUCTING CLINTON'S HOFSTRA SPEECH) part1: The "Brinkley" Lie by Mia T, 12.26.05 ![]() (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)
The speech, full of poses, poll-tested phrases and prevarication, was just another example of the clintons' utter contempt. For the people, for the presidents, for the presidency, for the country, for the Constitution... and, ultimately I suspect, for themselves.
This endeavor is the first in a series of essays with video that will attempt to deconstruct this very revealing speech.
The clintons' fundamental error: They are too arrogant and dim-witted to understand that the demagogic process in this fiberoptic age isn't about counting spun heads; it's about not discounting circumambient brains. (Did bill clinton really think Douglas Brinkley would let the "clinton greatness but for impeachment" lie stand? Is clinton delusional? Or just plain dumb?)
by Mia T, 11.14.05 ![]() (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) |
by Mia T, 8.18.05
the danger of the unrelenting smallness of bill + hillary clinton
by Mia T, 7.31.05![]()
(viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE)
MAD hillary series #4
- Ian Hunter recently observed that our leaders are shrinking. "From a Churchill (or, for that matter, a Margaret Thatcher) to a [pre-9/11] Tony Blair; from Eisenhower to Clinton; from Diefenbaker to Joe Clark; from Trudeau to Chretien -- we seem destined to be governed by pygmies."
Mindless rhinestone-studded-and-tented kleptocracy
Mia T, November 1999
ur leaders are inexorably shrinking. According to current mathematical models, they are shrinking at a rate of 6.7 per linear dimension per election cycle per terrorist attack. At this rate, most leaders will be nanoleaders by the 2020s.
The leader-shrinkage function is discontinuous for
1992 =< t <= 2000 and continuous for all other t.
The 1990s saw in America a sudden, discontinuous drop in leader size, a drop that retrospectively, post-9/11, has been theorized to be its greatest lower bound.
(Can anything be lower than a clinton?)
"Two for the price of one," the clinton pitch in '92 -- (Did the clintons understand at the time that one was not enough?) -- only made matters worse. Missus clinton in the West Wing actually added to this discontinuous decrease in leader size.
History will record, therefore, that the clintons--the twofer, (1992-2000), were America's first nano-president.
The clintons continue to imperil virtually every sector of society, indeed, continue to imperil America and the world, with their exponentially increasing facility in manipulating electoral/policy matter and energy at ever smaller scales. Their "school uniforms" of the '90s became "nanotech uniforms" today; both are proxies for "fight terrorism," which the clintons have neither the stomach nor the know-how to do.
The twofer construct, transposed to circumvent the 22nd Amendment, is now poised to retake power. A self-replicating, Constitution-specific pathogen, the clinton nano-presidency, post-9/11, is a danger that we cannot -- we must not -- abide.
I can't wait until Hillary runs and all this Clinton crap is over. I hear talk about how everyone is going to work against her....but.....
Jeez. They are both crooks. OK? The real danger lies in the people covering up the Barrett report. The next socialist that comes along will get a new and improved pass.
The American government is more corrupt than the worst thing the Central Americans have produced. We just have the resources to cover it up. The OSS has morphed into something it was never intended to be.
The Barrett Report. Yes. I fear the coverup is traceable to Filegate. The White House and the GOP had better get their priorities straight.
Call, apply pressure, don't stop.
sandy berger haberdashery feint (the specs, not the pants or the socks) by Mia T, 8.23.05 ![]() (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) WHY DID BILL CLINTON IGNORE TERRORISM? Was it simply the constraints of his liberal mindset, or was it something even more threatening to our national security? by Mia T, 8.18.05 ![]() (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) thanx to jla and Wolverine for the audio
deconstructing clinton "just because I could" ![]() (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU! FOOL ME TWICE, SHAME ON ME!
No one here would have believed that such an awesome angel of righteuosness and vengeance so terrible and frightening might exist.
Thank the Lord that you do.
Your amazing "sturm und drang" will not necessarily "play in East Lodi". You choose your opinion leaders with more cunning than most angry ,outraged victims have done to date.
This will be an awful spectacle of righteous justice and this appears to be the right moment.
I would argue that Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich gives him a poor score on equal justice for all.
The former wife of Marc Rich, the fugitive commodities trader and tax evader pardoned by President Clinton in his final hours in office, donated more than $1 million to Democratic causes since 1992, including Bill Clinton's and Al Gore's presidential campaigns.
Mr. Rich fled to Switzerland in 1983 after the U.S. government indicted him on 65 counts of tax fraud, racketeering and tax evasion charges that carry a maximum 325 years in jail.
The billionaire trader, one of the world's richest men, was accused of evading more than $48 million in taxes and faced prosecution for violating U.S. sanctions by trading oil with Iran during the time Iran held American hostages.
Denise Rich, who now lives in New York, contributed nearly $1.3 million to Mr. Clinton and Mr. Gore's campaigns, the Democratic National Committee and various Democratic causes, including contributions to Hillary Rodham Clinton's New York Senate campaign. She also has donated to more than a dozen congressional campaigns.
Mrs. Rich, who identifies herself on federal contribution records as a "songwriter," "actress" or "philanthropist," also gave money to pro-choice and family-planning organizations with Democratic ties and a group called "Friends of Albert Gore, Jr. Inc." . . .
Mr. Rich's attorney, former Clinton White House counsel Jack Quinn, had been lobbying for a pardon for Mr. Rich. Asked yesterday about the pardon of Mr. Rich, Mr. Clinton said he had spent a lot of time considering the case.
Joseph Curl
Washington Times
January 22, 2001
Thanks, Mia.
thx :)
Thank you... (You've made me a bit afraid of myself.) ;)
"Many people today marvel when looking back at the leaders who created the United States of America. Most of the founders of this country had day jobs for years. They were not career politicians.
"George Washington, who took pride in his self-control, lost his temper completely when someone told him that a decision he was going to make could cost him re-election as President. He blew up at the suggestion that he wanted to be President, rather than serving as a duty when he would rather be back home.
"Power is such a dangerous thing that ideally it should be wielded by people who don't want to use power, who would rather be doing something else, but who are willing to serve a certain number of years as a one-time duty, preferably at the end of a career doing something else.
"What about all the experience we would lose? Most of that is experience in creating appearances, posturing, rhetoric, and spin -- in a word, deception. We need leaders with experience in the real world, not experience in the phony world of politics."
-- Thomas Sowell - December 2005
[Thomas Sowell is a Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow]
I thank G-d for you, Dearest Mia and for your intellect - and thank you for your passion - and for your life.
Merry Christmas - Hanukkh Shalom Aleichem - Wonderful 2006 to you and to all of those you love.
Blessings - Brian
<< No one here would have believed that such an awesome angel of righteuosness and vengeance so terrible and frightening might exist.
Thank the Lord that you do.
Your amazing "sturm und drang" will not necessarily "play in East Lodi". You choose your opinion leaders with more cunning than most angry ,outraged victims have done to date.
This will be an awful spectacle of righteous justice and this appears to be the right moment.
Persevere! >>
Almost true.
No one here but I would have believed that such an awesome angel of righteuosness and vengeance so terrible and frightening might exist.
I believed - and believe still!
Blessings - B A
Thanks Mia T.
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