"A blogger living near Palo Negro -military air base- reported F-16s taking off."
WTF, Over?
The Democratic Party of the United States
People's Socialist Revolutionary Party
Communist Party of Greater Venezuela
Socialist Party of Greater Venezuela
Chinese Communist Party of Greater Venezuela
Iranian Terrorists Organization of Greater Venezuela
Castro Communist Party of Cuba located in Venezuela
Soviet Communist Party of Moscow, Caracas Branch
Ho Chin Min Communist Party of Hanoi, Caracas Branch
The North Korean People's Communist Party of Caracas
President Chavez's Peoples Party (the only party that votes)
Interesting. I read in the Spanish press that Hugo's deal for the military aircraft from Spain caused a fair amount of turmoil in VZ because it was a no-bid contract and furthermore, it was not submitted to the legislature, as is apparently required in VZ law.
Chavez is becoming very blatant in sidestepping the political structure, and I wonder if people are getting a bit uneasy about this.
My neighbor is Venezuelan with dual citizenship. He visited his father recently and required an armed guard while in the country. I was relieved he was able to return. He won't talk about conditions or politics except to say that they are messed up.
Not enough background in the article.
The author forgot to tell the reader who the left wing morons are (which parties) and whom to cheer for.
What MIGHT be happening? That is what blogs are for.
Background please.
Time for regime change in Venezuela.
But hey, we can't get US troops killed.
So here's the plan. Draw up something official sounding for the President to sign that gives Haliburton authority to raise an army of mercenaries under the US flag to go kick some a$$ in Venezuela. They will be paid by revenue from Venezuelan oil after Chavez is gone.
There is legal precedent- in times past, privateers were given letters of marque to operate privately owned warships, taking enemy flagged vessels as prizes.
As known as turning a blind eye