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Chief Justice William Rehnquist just died!
Posted on 09/03/2005 8:07:24 PM PDT by kcvl
Per CNN...
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KEYWORDS: anncoulter4scjustice; anotherhurricane; appointjrbrown; appointkrauthammer; appointralphreed; bigopportunity; chiefjustice; definingmoments; democratsimplode; demssuck; eatthisdems; findtheyoungest; funtimesahead; goodbyegoodman; gowgowgowgo; hardballbegins; interestingtimes; janicerogersbrown; justtryintohangon; michaelluttig; nominateluttig; obituary; overturnroevwade; rehnquist; saddayinamerica; scotus; suckstobeadem; suckstobedean; suckstobehillary; suckstobekerry; supremecourt
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To: kcvl
ABC News running a special report now. Their bio is just dripping with contempt for this "conservative".
RIP. May you not meet Justice Blackmun in the afterlife.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:07 PM PDT
(RIP New Orleans 1718-2005)
To: chrispycsuf; kcvl you have anything to back it up Yea... kcvl is a member since 2000 is just going to start a false thread about the death of a chief justice?
No offense, but I would propose you leave the moderation to the moderators before willy nilly demanding already supplied proof of the stated topic.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:12 PM PDT
(Peace at all cost makes for tyranny free of charge...)
To: kcvl
Just heard it on FNC. God Rest You Judge Renquist - you did well for America.
Book TV's Brian Lamb
interviews William Rehnquist on his book "Centennial Crisis: The Disputed Election of 1876 - that between Rutherford Hayes & Samuel Tilden."
Last shown in May, watch in on the web for free and see the master at work. God bless you, Chief Justice.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:26 PM PDT
("That was the gift the President gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together."-- Cindy Sheehan)
To: Right_in_Virginia; Chieftain
LOL !!
The MSM and the Libs will be reduced to stuttering and blathering and not be able to utter a coherent word, let alone sentence!Time to ram down the conservative agenda down their throats !
Sympathy to the Rhenquist family. He was a fine man. I believe he held on as long as he did for Bush.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:28 PM PDT
Recovering Ex-hippie
(Everything I need to know about Islam I learned on 9-11!)
To: commish
Rogers Brown has served for what, 2 months on the DC court? its too soon. we can keep Rogers in the bullpen to replace Ginsburg or Stevens.
To: All
Greta is talking about how the fourth amendment was "eroded" on the Rehnquist court. Her true colors are coming out.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:34 PM PDT
(CNN - Constant Negative Nonsense)
To: bentfeather
You can say that again, bentfeather.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:35 PM PDT
(Rush Limbaugh walks in the footsteps of giants: George Washington, Thomas Paine and Ronald Reagan.)
To: PhiKapMom
God truly works in mysterious ways.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:35 PM PDT
(Semper Fi ... "To remain silent when they should protest makes cowards of men." -- THOMAS JEFFERSON)
To: Darth Republican
Also make your wager on how long before they'll try to destroy his replacement. My guess is now, before he or she is named.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:37 PM PDT
Hillarys Gate Cult
("Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong." - Ronald Reagan)
Comment #251 Removed by Moderator
To: BallyBill
Oh, that other site is already saying that.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:49 PM PDT
(mom to an angel)
To: PhiKapMom
Same reaction as yours to Greta's awakening here.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:23:49 PM PDT
(North is a direction. South is a way of life.)
To: kcvl
Prayers for the death of a great man.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:24:01 PM PDT
(lying liberal media - our most dangerous and powerful enemy)
To: kcvl
I liked his reasoned style.
I cannot recall him letting his personal policy preferences clouding his judgment.
posted on
09/03/2005 8:24:11 PM PDT
(When Frist exercises his belated Constitutional "Byrd option", Reid will have a "Nuclear Reaction".)
To: Hess28
I wonder how fast the liberal elites will drop their "NO is Bush's fault/racism" cry in order to focus on their "war" for the court. When will folks learn that these progressives are not compassionate, they don't care for the "little guy", the minority, the poor.
Has anyone bothered to try to track how many people have opened their homes to evacuees?
Where's the flow chart showing the state/local failures, point-by-point? Comparing NO's response to the plans and actions of other communities in emergency situtations? [insert sound of birds chirping].
posted on
09/03/2005 8:24:12 PM PDT
To: Txsleuth
If the President has accepted her resignation, can O'Connor rescind it?
To: topher
To: kcvl
Prayers for the repose of the soul of the Chief Justice.
To: Siobhan
I like the Edith Jones pick right now.
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