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Fox News reporting that Sandra Day O'Connor retiring!
Fox News
| 7/1/05
| SueRae
Posted on 07/01/2005 7:14:03 AM PDT by SueRae
Hearing on Fox News
TOPICS: Breaking News; Constitution/Conservatism
KEYWORDS: 1down6togo; filibustertime; herewego; oconnor; retirement; sandradayoconnor; scotus; supremecourt
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To: Gipper08
We have to nominate a true conservative anyway.
It will be interesting to see who Bush nominates. But an originalist will not get on. This will be the real test of the deal cut by the seven on filibusters.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:48:16 AM PDT
(America is the Last Beach)
To: samantha
Judges should be neither conservative, nor liberal. They should be impartial, with the Constitution always as their guide.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:48:17 AM PDT
68 grunt
(3/1 India, 3rd, 68-69, 0311)
To: rwfromkansas
No, in the case of a tie, the lower-court ruling stands...
To: Shaq ONeal
Sure Bork, Olson, Kratuhammer, Ashcroft
To: sure_fine
It will be interesting to watch McCain's "party" vote.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:49:01 AM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the party of TREASON!)
To: SueRae
I say TED NUGENT should replace her.
To: Alberta's Child
I'm definitely looking forward to the fight, no one with the slightest interest in politics or the future of this country couldn't be. I'm just very nervous about putting the fate of the court and by extension the nation in the hands of the weak sisters in the Republican ranks.
If Frist can't control the rampaging Rinos over something as innocuous as a circuit court judge, what chance does he have in riding herd on them when every stop is out and anything goes on the left? I fully expect the slimy seven to stand shoulder to shoulder with their allies on the left and obstruct anyone the president nominates to the right of Michael Moore
4-4 decisions on the SC isn't the worst thing that could happen if there fight is drawn out. Much worse is what happens if the leftists manage to brow beat the president into putting up a Howard Dean clone just to fill an empty slot.
It's going to be an interesting summer to say the least.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:49:19 AM PDT
(Children's classic songs updated for Islam "If you're happy and you know it, Go Kaboom!")
To: SittinYonder
If we can't get a conservative on there , we should not nominate anyone.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:49:27 AM PDT
(Mike Pence in 2008)
To: over3Owithabrain
Are you even reading my replies? You just admitted what I stated! Good grief. I stated you have an interest in bashing 41 and without RECORD stating 43 is just like him, but ignore Reagan's appointments. I stated you evidently had an agenda, and I'm correct.
Reagan gave us two Justices that ruled against the Ten Commandments and eminent domain.
I'm "shooting the messenger" because you are basing you opinions on Bush on nothing but your "feelings". You cannot point to an instance he has caved on the Judiciary. I am "shooting the messanger" because you seem content to ignore another Republican President's contributions to the court's balance.
Nevermind. Slime them as you wish. But it's evident what your agenda is.
To: CitizenM
I have a strange proposal: Appoint Hillary.Your kidding right?
I'm not THAT afraid of her. A lifetime appt on the Supremes is more powerful than the Prez for a limited time.
Please rethink your strange idea.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:49:58 AM PDT
Mister Baredog
((Minuteman at heart, couch potato in reality))
To: eyespysomething
Have you heard any more about the Senate floating a plan that Bush nominate one among them to replace O'Connor?
posted on
07/01/2005 7:49:58 AM PDT
(America is the Last Beach)
To: Altair333
We don't need conservatives. We need constructionists.
Don't abet the media in destroying this distinction.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:50:12 AM PDT
To: Dansong
The Liberal Press: President Bush will likely choose from a host of wack-job, constitutionalist, America-loving, law-specialists. That just CANNOT be.
What will the rest of the world think of us? Open-minded, for-the-common-good justices are what this nation needs to kiss-up to the rest of the planet.
To: daler
absolutely! The media can feign surprise at this, they want a story to over-hype. (but like i said, Kristol predicted this last week). I agree with you President Bush was not caught off guard. I'm sure he's had his separate picks for either Rhenquist or O'Connor, lined up for a long, long, time.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:50:25 AM PDT
(@I Will Support President Bush on his Supreme Court
To: SueRae
Ann Coulter for the Supreme Court!
posted on
07/01/2005 7:50:28 AM PDT
(Terrorism. Bush gets it.)
To: Arkinsaw
posted on
07/01/2005 7:50:45 AM PDT
(Massachusetts Republican....A rare breed indeed)
To: Alberta's Child
LOL!! That's "Post of the Day" material.If there's a cash prize involved with "Post of the Day," I whole-heartedly accept your nomination.
GWB to start taking out the baseball batShades of the debate... "Lumber company... heh heh... Need some wood?"
posted on
07/01/2005 7:50:57 AM PDT
(Adios, liberal mofos!)
To: SueRae
posted on
07/01/2005 7:51:01 AM PDT
Mike Bates
(Irish Alzheimer's victim: I only remember the grudges.)
To: Shaq ONeal
If Bush really wanted to play Hardball..... he'd make a recess appointment over the July 4th holidays. And appoint Newt.
posted on
07/01/2005 7:51:03 AM PDT
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