Oh Lord...it has begun.
Is it wrong to boil the Koran with neckbones? Use it to garnish a porkroast? Use it for bedding for my pot-bellied pig?
That itself is an outrage!!
BTW .. did ya catch the part about Newsweek being attacked my the neocons ????
Where have I heard that line before?
I posted a link to this thread. They need to know. If I knew how to ping I would. I can post a link though, hope you don't mind.
Is it finally time to play cowboys and muslims?
Who thinks that they are not here already on
American soil? Who doubts that the ragheads would
not be protesting in the streets of America if they
thought they could get away with it alive?>>>>>
Thanks to TexKat for finding this report.........
Almost time for playin' "CowBoys and muslims"
On Monday, May 23, 2005, the Islamic Political party of America is calling on every Muslim, Man, Woman, in the United States of America to call the Office of the President of the US, Vice President, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, voice your Outrage over the interrogators tormenting Muslim prisoners by the worst act of blasphemy ever devised by man against Islam and the Holy Quran.
I'm also always armed for the alternative.
The question we need to ask ourselves is:
Are we willing to commit mass murder on them if it came down to it?
This has Hanoi Kerry and Hanoi Jane tactics.
Anyone think they weren't in the whole planning stage?
If anyone thinks they weren't I have a bridge for sale.
John Kerry was dishonorably dismissed from the Navy:
(statement from lawyers there at the time)
Whoever in the US Senate that gave Hanoi Kerry
a Top Secret Clearance HAS seen all his military records.
The FBI, since 9/11, does non military clearances.
His most recent one who have been in the spring/summer of '04
when he won the dims's nomination against President Bush.
NO ONE gets a Top Secret Clearance WITHOUT agreeing to have all your records released.
OR pass a FULL FBI check when someone
runs for the highest elected
office in th ecountry.
Does the DC crowd think "We the People" are stupid?
Uphold the US Constituion!
Too bad the "Move On" FReepers just don't understand
the real threat that the likes of Hanoi Kerry pose to our country.
I just don't understand their reasoning in saying
"drop it", "your wasting your time", "give it up" etc.
Some even howl when I remind them the job is NOT done.
Kerry Outs Undercover Intelligence Agent in Bolton Hearing
C-SPAN 04/11/2005
"Kerry cites voter intimidation examples
CNN ^ | 4-10-05
BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP)
Many voters in last year's presidential election were denied access to the polls
through trickery and intimidation, former Democratic presidential candidate
John Kerry told a voters' group Sunday."
Kerry E-Mail Concerning Judicial Nominees
April 1, 2005
Hanoi Kerry Veterans Group Calls on Congress
to Impeach George W. Bush and Richard Cheney
April 3, 2005
Well I have news for them.
I've been posting threads
on the Viet Nam anti war "crowd"
almost from day one on FR.
Wicked Witch of the West: Hanoi Jane Exposed in New Book
Hanoijane.net ^ | HENRY MARK HOLZER and ERIKA HOLZER,PhilDragoo
Posted on 10/30/2001 10:05:08 PM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
So why do they think I'll stop now?
Don't be like the Silent Majority in the 60's and 70's
Demand Kerry be ousted from the US Senate!
There is no need to impeach Hanoi Kerry from the US Senate
He is there illegally!
For those who "forgot" what Hanoi Kerry
did in the past read on and learn the truth.
Hanoi Kerry was still a USNR officer while he:
gave false hearsay testimony to Congress
negotiated with the enemy
helped the US lose a war
abetted in the deaths of millions
created a hostile environment for all servicemen
Why is Kerry still in the US Senate?
This is in violation of
U.S. Constitution Amendment 14 Sec 3
And the FBI has proof of his treason.
Hanoi Kerry Timeline of a traitor
includes FBI files
May 1970
Kerry and Julia traveled to Paris, France and met with Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, the Foreign Minister of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of Vietnam (PRG), the political wing of the Vietcong, and other Viet Cong and Communist Vietnamese representatives to the Paris peace talks, a trip he now calls a "fact-finding" mission.
(U.S. code 18 U.S.C. 953, declares it illegal for a U.S. citizen to go abroad and negotiate with a foreign power.)
a) A person charged with absence without leave or missing movement in time of war,
or with any offense punishable by death,
may be tried at any time without limitation.
Contact the GOP controlled US Senate!
Distribute these url's!
Links to Anti Kerry sites
News reports,
Viper's Vietnam Veterans Page
Full details on these url's!
There is a backup site
if the 1st url is unavailable.
Did you see this...?
(The 'Kerry's Promise Counter')
Polipundit even tells you how to install it on your own page!
Uhhh, I must have been too busy watching "Black Hawk Down" and missed the announcement by the medical community of a third gender classification - "Muslim".
Would that be a eunuch or a transsexual?
Great posting! Let the next Crusade begin in ...5-4-3-2-1
allah go BOOM! in the night - no mo' allah. They burnin' unholy kur'ans by firelight - no mo' an' no allah.
can't deface that debbil's book, it don' got no soul
take that hateful a-rab screed, set it 'pon the toilet bowl.
mo' him rape that Aisha-girl, when she jus' eight years ol'
he lied to Abu an' bled his precious chile, brought a curse 'pon the world.
false prophet mo', him hate them Jews, say cut all they throats
defile the bodies how you choose, an' leaves them in the sun to bloat.
That flyer looks like classic Marxist/Leninist agitprop designed to inflame the masses and create chaos.