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Editor's Notes: The barrier comes of age
Jerusalem Post ^ | April 08, 2005 | David Horovitz

Posted on 04/10/2005 1:50:55 AM PDT by Marguerite

How unbelievably terrible it was. And how incredibly quickly most of us have been able to put it behind us.

Leafing through the pages of The Jerusalem Post from three years ago, in the period before Pessah, it is mind-boggling to relive the sheer relentlessness of the Palestinian onslaught. The worst single month for terrorism in the entire history of modern Israel, which culminated in the Seder night bombing of Netanya's Park Hotel, began with a Saturday night suicide bombing in Jerusalem's Beit Yisrael neighborhood (March 2, 2002), and was followed in horrifying short order by the sniper attack on soldiers at the Ofra checkpoint (March 4), the infiltration of Atzmona in Gaza (March 7), the bombing of Jerusalem's Caf Moment (March 10), the roadside killings near Kibbutz Matzuva in Galilee (March 12) and the bus bombing in Wadi Ara (March 20), to name only the bloodiest of the attacks. By the end of the month, the bombers and gunmen had cut short 126 lives.

As Pessah draws near again, it is tempting to take for granted our survival through this unprecedented assault, to assert that though we were battered we were never likely to break. But I'm not sure how far we were from breaking at the height of that carnage three years ago, when the insult of being accused by the international community of responsibility for our own bloody plight was added to the injury we were sustaining in the attacks themselves.

And, in hindsight, it becomes ever more conclusively plain how much of our ability to gain the upper hand in the ongoing battle against the suicide bombers derives from that most elementary of anti-terror defenses, the security barrier, whose painstaking and still far-from-completed construction was approved only after that blackest of all months.

Until three years ago, a would-be killer from Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarm or Kalkilya needed only to walk, pedal or drive a few kilometers, taking basic precautions to evade army patrols, in order to reach even major population centers, like Tel Aviv and Netanya, on the coast of Israel. And dozens upon dozens of them did so. No negotiated accommodation post-1967 meant no border between Israel and the West Bank and nothing physical therefore, in contrast to Gaza, to prevent illegal workers, car thieves and suicide bombers making the journey into the heart of the country.

Many Israelis scoffed at the notion of a mere fence, however sophisticated, affording a significant contribution to our security. Many abroad echoed the Palestinian claim that there was no security imperative behind its construction at all – a lie unnecessarily given legs by the planners' original intention to fence in 16 percent of the West Bank. Now that has been reduced to 7%, following petitions to our Supreme Court, with a much reduced 10,000 Palestinians likely to find themselves on the western side of the fence when it is finally sealed.

The barrier has not been the sole factor behind the dramatic decline in suicide bombings since spring 2002. Israel changed its fundamental policy following the Park Hotel bombing, reimposing its security control over major Palestinian cities in the West Bank, sending troops into the residential zones in Jenin and Nablus where the bomb-makers and bomber-dispatchers had believed themselves immune, and making arrests by the thousand. These in turn yielded the intelligence information that, via targeted strikes from the air and interceptions on the ground, was central to the thwarting of a steadily rising proportion of the attacks. And, more recently, the death of the weapons-importing, terror-funding, "martyr"-eulogizing Yasser Arafat, helped too.

But the fence has been central to Israel's relief, achieving a transformation in its current, unfinished form, that has been more radical than even its most enthusiastic proponents had believed possible. However regrettably it has impacted the lives of many ordinary Palestinians, it has unarguably saved the lives of many hundreds of ordinary Israelis.

Mark Luria, spokesman for "Security Fence for Israel," calls the change nothing short of "amazing," explaining that while his lobby group had always believed the barrier would prove highly effective when finished, "I did not expect such a partial fence" – barely a third has been built – "to be such a success." In the completed section from Beit She'an to Kafr Kasim, he notes by way of concretizing that transformation, "there were 84 attempted infiltrations in the last year. In 83 cases, they were thwarted. All involved criminals or people looking for work; no terrorists. Nine were actually trying to go "the other way" – from Israel into the West Bank.

More dramatically still, March 2005, in utter contrast to March 2002, passed without a single suicide bombing.

The most intensive phase of barrier-building is taking place right now. All of Jerusalem, bar two sections that have been in legal dispute for the past 18 months, will be fenced off by July. And the entire section from Beit She'an to the capital and on to the south, with the exception of Ma'aleh Adumim and the Gush Etzion, is set to be finished in eight months.

A provisional route for Ma'aleh Adumim and neighboring settlements, encompassing the planned E1 residential strip connecting that area with Jerusalem, has been approved in principle but is not yet going ahead, Luria says, despite energetic urging from the likes of Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The route for Gush Etzion has only recently been finalized and will, says Luria, engender "a huge wave" of petitions to the Supreme Court. And while what he calls "fingers" of fencing are going up around Ariel and adjacent settlements including Emmanuel and Karnei Shomron – encompassing 45,000 Israelis – the "hand" that would link those fingers to Israel "won't be built in 2005."

The "wrist" – the section of the barrier left open as the Ariel conundrum has been debated, he says, "will be closed off by the end of the year." In all, the barrier is now expected to run for some 750 kilometers – of which about 150 constitute the potential route out to and around Ariel. Of the remaining 600 km., about 215 km. have been completed to date, and about 500 km. will be finished by December.

It's no great surprise that the barrier has been effective in the specific areas where it is complete. A wall in only a fraction of its length, where the threat from snipers is at its most acute and where Palestinian neighborhoods truly abut the 1967 border line, the barrier is mostly a 50-meter construction of barbed wire, ditches, dirt roads and a three-meter-high central fence equipped with electronic sensors and surveillance carriers, which presents a truly formidable obstacle to would-be infiltrators.

What is remarkable is that the level of attacks has declined so precipitously even with the vast majority of its construction still ahead, and with vast numbers of Palestinians still exploiting the absent barrier to cross illegally into Israel every day. Right now, in Modi'in, officials estimate that 4,000 or 5,000 Palestinian construction workers, without permits, are flowing in daily. Large numbers of Palestinians cross into the Jerusalem area, too, for work. (The answer to the obvious question – Why they are not tracked down and arrested if they pose a security threat, or given entry permits if they do not? – is evidently to be found in the complex interface between security concerns and the needs of the building, food and tourism industries.)

February's Tel Aviv suicide bombing was achieved by exploiting the gaps in the fence around Jerusalem. But overall, the presence of the barrier on at least part of the crossing route has funneled would-be bombers into narrower areas, requiring them to travel far longer distances to get into Israel, in turn boosting the chances of their being intercepted at roadblocks or thwarted by intelligence work.

"If the partial success has been a tremendous boon" in terms of thwarting terrorism, says Luria, "I have no doubt that completing the barrier will be truly great."

But will the sealing of Israel and its major settlements not merely prompt a new direction for the terror war, with an increased use, say, of rocket attacks? Luria, for one, has no doubt that "they'll try that." But, he notes, rocket fire has killed four people in Sderot in four years where the suicide bombers killed hundreds and harmed thousands. "A suicide bomber in a bus is like someone with 20 Kassams on his back," he asserts, adding: "For every problem, there's a solution."

According to some, the success of the barrier has provided a solution to a problem even wider than the suicide-bomber onslaught. Speaking to the Post's Matthew Gutman a few weeks back, Danny Attar, the chairman of the Gilboa Regional Council, cited the barrier as the physical foundation of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's entire disengagement initiative.

Attar's personal pressure for the construction of the fence – the Gilboa region was targeted relentlessly from the adjacent Jenin area at the height of the conflict – won prime ministerial endorsement only after he raised private donor funds to build an eight-kilometer section himself in late 2002. He told Gutman that there has not been "a single attack since the fence [in his region] was completed in December 2003." And that absolute fall-off, Attar asserted, was critical in persuading "Sharon to unilaterally separate from the Palestinians." Attar may well be correct.

All over Har Homa, the (final?) Israeli neighborhood going up on outlying territory annexed by the city after the Six Day War, bulldozers and mechanical diggers and cement mixers are toiling in the sun.

Below the apartment blocks of the elevated Ganei Reuven project, the security barrier snakes through the valley – extending toward Gilo in one direction, linking up to the walled section at Abu Dis in the other.

Easily reached on foot, the fence itself is largely inaccessible on four wheels here, but there is one route down – a road that runs up to and beyond a locked metal gateway in the barrier.

Security at the gate is in the hands not of the army but of a private firm, two of whose armed employees emerge from their improvised little sun-shelter – white fabric slung over a wooden shack – as I pull up. This section of the barrier was completed a few months ago, one of them tells me, happy to break the boredom, and "nobody even bothers trying to breach it. They know they'd set off the sensors and get caught right away."

The gate is not a crossing point for Palestinians, just for the IDF, he goes on, his voice breaking the silence. Civilian traffic – pedestrian and motorized – uses the "Mahsom 300" crossing not far from here, on the outskirts of Bethlehem. "Everyone knows that by now," says the security guard, "so nobody comes here at all.

"It's completely quiet," he says as I walk back to the car. "And long may it remain so." Amen to that.

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Israel
KEYWORDS: goodfence; israel; securitybarrier
the fence has been central to Israel's relief, achieving a transformation in its current, unfinished form, that has been more radical than even its most enthusiastic proponents had believed possible. However regrettably it has impacted the lives of many ordinary Palestinians, it has unarguably saved the lives of many hundreds of ordinary Israelis.
1 posted on 04/10/2005 1:50:55 AM PDT by Marguerite
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To: Marguerite
The fence is virtually worthless. It was built to demark a line of surrender for the Jews to the Arab League. Fences do not stop mortars, or ladders.

Jerusalem has no fence and the bombing has stopped there too. Fences that are not built do not stop terrorists. If the places that have no fences also see no terrorists, then it is ludicrous to say the fences are stopping terrorists where they are built because there have been no attacks there.

Terrorism has stopped because the IDF has been going into the vipers nest to pull their fangs. When the surrender is complete and the IDF are no longer allowed to pull fangs because the fence becomes a state line, then we will find out how good the fence is, or is not.

I think the fence is going to cause massive terrorism when it if finally completed, physically and politically. It will also cause one hell of a war.

2 posted on 04/10/2005 2:12:26 AM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: American in Israel
No, you are quite wrong that a "fence" could cause a war. Islam in the hands of the undemocratic leaders and the hatred they spew to keep the people more preoccupied with Jew-Hating than their squalor vs. the grandure in which this leaders live.

When (more likely, if) there is a war from the Gaza or West Bank, it will be from the legimate State equal to Israel. And it will be a result of a failed State refusing to rein in the terror from its terror-itroy and therefore subject to the remdey of War between countreis, e.g., the rule of land warfare will be between two states and not some people without a State.

Iran and Syria will probably fall to democracy movements by the end of summer, or in conjunction with American military intervention. Lebannon and Syria, without Iranian terrorist support will cease to cause problems to Israel, as will this extend to the Pali's. Syria has the immediate choice; Iran not too distant a choice.

The question is not whether Bush was right on the Middle East, but rather Bush IS right and he will continue to force peace down the throat of militant Isam, and by extension destroy Chiraq in France as his French economy is more dependent than ever on Iran, Syria and the trade (Iraq no longer has much to do with their once major trading partner France). The question of the Old Europe, then will be settled in time for the Fall elections! Schroeder and Chiraq will be economically bankrupted at the polls and hopefully voted out of office - and then the real peace process will begin without anti-American EU BS.

3 posted on 04/10/2005 3:21:17 AM PDT by Jumper
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To: American in Israel
Other Benefits The Green Line is crossed by numerous dirt roads and it is impossible to patrol it. Many Palestinians take advantage of these roads to come to work illegally in Israel or to get between parts of the Palestinian administered territories to avoid checkpoints. Some also cross to carry out terror operations and theft. Since 1994, Palestinians, sometimes in cooperation with Israeli middlemen, have stolen thousands of automobiles as well as farm machinery and animals
4 posted on 04/10/2005 3:37:42 AM PDT by Marguerite
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To: American in Israel
"I think the fence is going to cause massive terrorism when it if finally completed, physically and politically. It will also cause one hell of a war."

A cold voice of reason about this 'fence' at last. Decapacitation I think was the program that did the trick in the short term to help cause this dry up of terrorism acitivity.

But this fence, this 'barrier' ... bad, bad idea. Setting an example to the world that building a fence around your own, what, reservation?, to 'keep out' the bad guys? Right ....

It is a lot more like taking your big toe and drawing a line on the beach and telling your brother 'dare ya to cross it'!

No, I think remote controlled hellfire missles and helicopters are making the difference....(and a willingness not to worry about the world's reaction to an old man being shot out of his wheelchair; there is a blind guy we put away forever right here in the USA, and we are not too worried about it ....)

5 posted on 04/10/2005 4:05:56 AM PDT by gobucks (
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To: Jumper
As the Palestinians are not a cohesive group, I doubt the war from Gaza will wait for the other half of Palestine, as Hamas controls Gaza and the PA controls the other half.

The Arabs in Israel are in sort of a pre Feudal flux at this point, far more like the mafia during the prohibition than a real government.
6 posted on 04/10/2005 6:18:15 AM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: Jumper

The fence that will trigger the war is the dotted line it represents of the surrender of Israel to the Arab League and Terrorism. The chain link fence is nothing, I could cut my way through it in 5 minutes. But the surrender will trigger a war.

7 posted on 04/10/2005 6:20:05 AM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: Marguerite

That graph is attacks in Judea and Samaria only.

Jerusalem has no fence yet, deaths are drasticly down over the same period. I am used to hearing a bomb a week go off in the city before the fence was built, I have not heard a bomb in over a year.

That is my point, terrorism is down, the fence has nothing much to do with it. The attacks into the Arab areas by the IDF and the house to house weapons confiscations began and terrorism dropped of AT THAT POINT, before the fence was even started.

The fence does not keep Arabs out, it keeps the IDF out when it is finalized. That will increase attacks, not decrease them. In 2001 I could hear automatic weapons fire from the surrounding villages into Jerusalem on the borders almost every night. The fence did not stop that either, nor can it once it is built. Chain link fences do not stop bullets flying over.

The fence is highly over rated. It purpose was to draw a line in the sand for Israel to surrender. Jordan and Egypt and Lebanon have a perfectly fine fence.

But they never stopped a war. Building another fence inside Israel to hide behind will not either.

8 posted on 04/10/2005 6:27:18 AM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: American in Israel

"Chain link fences do not stop bullets flying over"

5m tall concret fences do stop bullets.

9 posted on 04/10/2005 6:45:28 PM PDT by Marguerite
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To: American in Israel
I've meant this:
10 posted on 04/10/2005 6:48:22 PM PDT by Marguerite
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To: Marguerite

Well the Jews tend to be a bit more liberal about things than Americans. When Arabs fire bullets into cars and houses from their living rooms, Jews tend to build bullet barriers.

As an American, I would have used carpet bombing to level the hostile village. I tend to want to respond to an act of war with war, not waste a lot of money trying to stop the bullets. It seems far more effective to plant the shooters 6 feet under. After all, the shooters just move to another building to bypass the wall. This makes the Jews build walls the length of whole towns.

The fence is 99.5 percent chain link fence to stop belly bombs, and .5 percent to stop snipers.

Would it not make more sense to send the Arabs back to Arabia?

11 posted on 04/10/2005 10:21:16 PM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: Marguerite
5m tall concrete fences do stop bullets.

Yesterday the Arabs fired 75+ mortars and rockets into Jewish subburbs. I guess you need to raise the barrier about a mile.

12 posted on 04/10/2005 10:22:41 PM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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To: American in Israel

"I would have used carpet bombing to level the hostile village"

So would I, but it's easy for me to speak, I'm not in Israelis' boots.

"Would it not make more sense to send the Arabs back to Arabia?"

Makes sense to me ;-)

Anyway, we both are on the same side of the fence ;-)

13 posted on 04/11/2005 6:08:48 AM PDT by Marguerite
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To: Marguerite

Lucky for us, it is on the side without all the bullet marks!

14 posted on 04/11/2005 10:52:52 AM PDT by American in Israel (A wise man's heart directs him to the right, but the foolish mans heart directs him toward the left.)
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