"Clinton pardoned terrorists. W kills them. Any questions?"
Clinton killed more Christians in Waco than terrorists in the middle east!
How about, "Clinton is gone...get over it"
Except at Waco
No One Died Since Bush Fought Back
No One Died While Willy Sighed (Monica Joke)
The Chinese Spied While Clinton Was Tried
I even have a bright yellow one on our mailbox.......
See if you can find an army base that is selling these ribbons as a fundraiser.
War Solves Everything
While Clinton strayed,
Al Qaeda played.
How about: "Bush won."
Pretty much sums it up.
Clintons lied about how Vince Foster died
About a million Tutsis, thousands of Iraqis, thousands of Serbs, and a certain number of US Army Rangers would beg to differ with that bumpersticker.
More people died in Ted Kennedy's car than in Clinton's war on terror.
Clinton lied when Monica opened wide
How about:
If you can't think, vote Democrat.
POTUS42 is a POS
I posted this earlier. Feel free to use any of these words that define liberals.
Words that define liberals well
Enabler-An "enabler" is a person enables the problem to continue. They confuse their support of a person with dysfunctional support by providing more comfort by shielding him or her from experiencing the full impact of the consequences of their behavior.
Martyrdom syndrome or Victim syndrome- The self prolonged exaggeration of suffering of any kind
Politically correctness-Chalton Heston definition "Political Correctness, what does it mean? It means that telling us what to think has evolved into telling us what to say, so telling us what to do cant be far behind."
Caretaker- Psychiatric definition = A person that wants to take care of everyone but neglects what they should do for themselves.
Demagogue-A leader who makes use of the popular prejudices and false claims along with promises in order to gain power.
Granola-a person one with nature and its natural state and devoted to the 1960s
Tree huggers- Environmentalist willing to hug a tree to prevent them from being cut down.
Vegetarian-One who practices vegetarianism. Consisting primarily or wholly of vegetables and vegetable products: a vegetarian diet.
Birkenstock-A trademark used for a sandal with a molded cork insole worn by liberals.
Tofu-A protein-rich food coagulated from an extract of soybeans and used in salads and various cooked foods. See vegetarian above.
Indoctrination-To imbue with a partisan or ideological point of view: a generation of children who had been indoctrinated against the values of their parents.
Socialist-An advocate of socialism. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
Chronologically impaired-Person unfazed by their lack of judgment involving time. Keeping appointments and arriving late. The person is not disturbed by this behavior believing it is fashionable.
Fear-monger-someone who promotes a harmful spin attempting to spread something that is discreditable. A person who is involved in something petty or contemptible is a fear-monger.
Divider- One that divides society by race, religion, gender and economic class in hopes to make that group more reliant on their own personal ideology and agenda
Emotional- Of or relating to emotion: an emotional illness; emotional crises
Sensitive- A sensitive person.
Hidden agenda- A list or program of things to be done or considered designed to undermine anything that interferes with socialism.
Bohemian- A person with artistic or literary interests who disregards conventional standards of behavior.
Expatriated- To renounce allegiance to one's homeland.
Oblivious- Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.
Apologist-A person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as U.N. oil for food scandal, Saddam or Bill Clintons sexual deviance.
Tacit Acceptance-Implied or indicated but not actually expressed. An approval but hidden consent of allowing unusual, dysfunctional or bad behavior to exist as long as it helps the liberal agenda.
Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy (MSBP), occasions for being centre of attention are created by deliberately causing illness, injury or harm to others to provide opportunities for rescue and care. Often the MSBP sufferer will work as a nurse, perhaps in a hospital ward for sick children (especially very young babies) or in a home for elderly persons, or with severely handicapped people, or as a care giver. The common thread is a victim whose is vulnerable, whose verbal skills or emotional state or mental condition prevents them from explaining what the MSBP person is doing to them and whose hold on life may already be precarious. Even if the victim survives, they cannot or will not be a witness. Because death amongst these groups occurs normally and is therefore not unusual or unexpected, her activities in causing death may escape notice for years. Just replace Nurse with liberal then expand the definition to fit our entire society.
Disingenuous-Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating: "an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who... exemplified... the most disagreeable traits of his time." Example #1 liberals that think the best way to care about a disease is to wear a ribbon. #2 Wanting to raise a national tax to avoid doing a hands on charity.
Multicultural-Of or relating to a social or educational theory that encourages interest in many cultures within a society rather than in only a mainstream culture. Example liberals no longer want a melting pot. They want a tossed salad
Unilateral-Emphasizing or recognizing only one side of a subject. Example Maxine Waters