Posted on 02/23/2005 1:31:32 PM PST by jent
Child Care Provider Takes on Politics
"Work on the book, work on the book." That thought pestered me for my whole Christmas vacation. "Across the Centuries," a nationwide 7th grade social studies book which maligns Christianity and embraces Islam had recently gotten my attention. Not that I had time for it. I was to have a whole week off from child-care over Christmas vacation, a much needed time of silence and freedom. HA! "Work on the book, work on the book." "But GOD! (whiney voice) What about that Christmas party?" The reply was consistent, "Work on the book."
I'm a slow reader. The textbook was HUGE. I had expected to find a plethora of religions trying to subtly draw my children in equally. It shocked me how much Islam was promoted. As I flipped around, obvious affronts leapt off the page everywhere. I noted them and dug in with careful scrutiny, thinking I would find even more. But just about everything I was to find, I found at first glance. Even two small sentences buried in other sections of the book. I know who was directing my hand. Only God could show me so much in such a short time.
"Work on the book, work on the book." Oh I was so sick of that book! It angered me as I found bigotry upon bias. I wanted to sue everybody. I wanted to load up on ammunition and start blasting, and God was giving me plenty of ammo. But before I was finished, God dealt with my attitude. He reminded me that these people, the teachers, the school board, the book authors, the State, Jesus DIED for these very people! He said, "LOVE them!" Oh that was hard. He made me realize that some of these school board members were why He had left the 99 in search of the one. "But, Go-o-O-O-o-o-d!" Ever try to, "but, GOD!" to God? Doesn't work.
Emotional roller-coasters. I hate 'em. When God stretches me to go beyond myself and see through His eyes, ouch! And my flesh (ego) just wants to belt away in defense of my kids with everything I've got. God says gently and expectantly, "I died for them." Oh sweet Jesus. Power under control.
So within days, as Christlike as I could, I pursued media attention and finally found Pacific Justice Institute. I was beginning to make noise. Within a day or two, Tim Timmons (total stranger) invited me to a luncheon four hours away, focusing on combating terrorism. Tim said it would have media attention, but I had no idea what he meant, how to dress or how big it was to be. I had no clue why I should go, but I knew I had to go.
When I arrived, I was stunned. 170 polished professionals from a world I did not know. Politicians, various religious representatives, school representatives, the media. It had been years since I'd seen a valet! Thank God my van wasn't overflowing in toys and graham cracker crumbs like it usually is.
Inside, I felt out of place. Without a clue of how to relate to these people, I thought to myself, "I'll just go hide in the corner and read my Bible." Then that familiar voice of late said, "Jen, get up and go talk to these people." "Yes Sir" was my obedient reply.
I walked into a large room full of people already deeply involved in conversations. So I boldly walked up to a man, (where did that come from?) introduced myself and started to talk, only to be interrupted by people who seemed to be obsessing about his well being. I thought, "Who is this guy?" I later found out it was none other than Mark Ellis of ASSIST news. Now how did I happen to find a major news contact out of a room of 170+ people within about two minutes? (dramatic glance up). I only had enough time before we went to our assigned tables to hand Ellis my 10 pages of "Objections to 'Across the Centuries.' "
It was at this luncheon when the news that a lawsuit had been filed against Byron County School District because children were told to "wear robes, take Islamic names, recite the Quran, play Jihad and pray to Allah." Suddenly news media everywhere wanted to know what our kids were learning. I timidly waved my freshly finished 10 pages of objections and VROOOOOM, it was emailed, posted and read live on radio all over the nation. I did not know the quotes had to be short clips to avoid copyright infringement, but God knew, and Mark Ellis submitted the first story about it, which began the media frenzy.
Eric Hogue of KTKZ radio in Sacramento got a hold of my objections and read them live, his initial outraged reactions expressed all over the capitol of California for all the politicians to hear.
There was no way I could have stirred up all this, it was all God's timing. That was why I felt the urgency to finish my review. All the prayers and tears that were previously shed by so many moms over the last 11 years as their sons and daughters had to read this hideous textbook, God heard them, yes, He heard them. He did not forget us.
Meanwhile, for weeks I had so many phone interviews that I wore out two telephone batteries and my message machine. Friends were calling as well telling me they heard the "Objections" quoted all over the nation, including the 700 Club and other outlets. William La Jeunesse of Fox News interviewed us, which Fox News repeated over and over at various times for weeks.
Then Lee Rodgers of ABC News wanted to cover the story and I was told I had to "keep God out of it." I told them that God was all there was of me, and wouldn't agree. ABC declined, a lot of coverage was lost, but God had other ways of getting the job done, as long as I remained in Him. One way was through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations nuclear watchdog, which had linked to my website. There was a lot of evidence that kings and leaders, especially in the middle east, were watching BlessedCause.
A few days later a reporter really pinned me down about what I would want in a social studies textbook. IF I could have it my way, what would that be? What a poignant question. If I stayed faithful to what God said, "Take heed that you inquire not of other nations and how they serve their gods," and replied that I would want NO religion in textbooks, then the Bible would be gagged as well. I know that if the Bible is matched up to other beliefs, it stands up every time, so would I prefer that all religions be introduced so that the Bible could be allowed as well? Many who claim to be Christian were making that argument. That sounded good but that wasn't what God said. So I asked for counsel again. And again many gave me "politically correct" coaching. It made sense, but it made me grit my teeth. So I prayed.
God was swift in His answer and I have relayed it many times. "God is not confined to what is politically correct." To the question of what should be in textbooks, I will always hold to what God said. If we turn our backs on God, He will turn His back on us. He has already told us in so many ways and in the Bible what we should and should not do. We shall have no other gods before Him. In all of history, God has never once negotiated that commandment. Not once did He tell the Israelites to teach their children about other gods so that other cultures could learn our ways. Not once. And not now. This deceptive ploy has been used to disparage Christianity and promote every other belief, including Satanism.
My own son came home mimicking the schools reasoning one day. "Mom, its not right that we have Jesus in school because it offends other cultures. I said, "Honey, if we moved to Africa and they worshipped their African god, would we be offended?" No. Kind of a stupid question isn't it. So why are other cultures so offended when they come to what was once a mighty Christian nation and see the word Jesus Christ? Why are we forced to relinquish our own culture?
God is no longer allowed in court, the Ten Commandments are being ripped right off the walls. In public schools, the name of Jesus is virtually outlawed, but Islam and every other pagan god is MANDATED. Our nation acts as though the name of Jesus is a four letter word.
After a long battle, Across the Centuries has been changed, but "simulated" Islamic lessons are looming. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals seems to be stalling on the Eklund case. Judge Phyllis Hamilton ruled it is appropriate for our children to "become Muslim", recite worship to Allah by heart, fast for Ramadan and take Muslim names. I suspect the 9th Circuit is stalling long enough for the students to graduate and invalidate the case.
America flaunts so much in God's face. We are the number one distributor of pornography. Would we sacrifice our first-born children to a sex god as the Old Testament pagan religions did? Think not? I remember being in high school and the general consensus was if we got pregnant, just have an abortion, our state will even pay for it. And millions are aborted yearly.
This is a warning to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. "If we turn our backs on God, He will turn His back on us." God will never forsake His saints (believers), for He ultimately has an awesome eternal plan for us individually. But as a nation, we HAVE turned our backs on Him, and He WILL lift His protective hand from this nation. Because of the 9th Circuit, our elected officials, judges and apathy, we will reap the whirlwind.
The Pope is a man, nothing more.
Allah is NOT I AM.
People argue endlessly about a being they have neither seen nor strongly desire to see.
People argue endlessly about a being they have neither seen nor strongly desire to see."
What people would that be?
One does need to be cautious about expressing angry wishes to God against people, for drastic action. Remember Satan is in there too and if it is not a godly wish, Satan can ask God for permission to act and sometimes God grants that permission. It might not technically be "sorcery" but it comes close.
It looks like the Pope sees the road to Christ as beginning in morality and a belief in a creator. The intent seems to be that, with the Pope's blessings, and with the picture, however distorted, that they have of God, some of these Muslims sooner or later would come to believe in Jesus Christ, in the next world if not this one (i.e. in a purgatory). It actually isn't too far from some of C. S. Lewis's speculations about conversions that take place "under the cloud." Now whether this is credible is another story. The way many (not all) Muslims carry on seems to imply that they have cast the devil as their god.
Jent, you're an example of catholicism where everything turned out great.
One does need to be cautious about expressing angry wishes to God against people, for drastic action. Remember Satan is in there too and if it is not a godly wish, Satan can ask God for permission to act and sometimes God grants that permission. It might not technically be "sorcery" but it comes close.
Excellent point HiTech, thank you! I'll remember that before I do that again. Truly freaked me out. As I said, I felt like a 2 year old with a loaded gun. Can't do that lightly.
lol dzz, thank you I think...
(grin...while vainly attempting to hide my flaws)
Add to you list: "Its God BLESS America, not GOD-LESS America" (and) "its "liberty and Justice for all", not "libertine injustice" for all"
Great additions! (unfortunately) Thanks
The term "Christendom" has been used to describe the plethora of denominations claiming to be Christian without keeping the simplicity described by St. Paul in the first Corinthian letter Chapter 1: "21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 22 For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, 24 but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men." He was indicating that the message of redemption was so simple as to seem foolish to educated men of the time. Christianity is the movement started by the Apostles which holds to the Word of God, which declares that all believers in and of God's Word are priests,that Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) is the only Way to be saved; and which worships Him regardless of the names men have hung on various assemblies of Christians. Thus the leader of the former is not the leader of the latter because only the Messiah can be the leader of Christianity, and He does not dwell in the Vatican. The term Christendom was coined at a time when only the Roman Church was considered to be Christian. Christendom was the instigator of the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the persecution of the Jews. Christianity has its roots in Judaism, and the first Christians were all Jews. There are many today who are both Christian and Jewish. And there are many groups within Christendom who preach a message incompatible with God's Word. Once again citing Saint Paul, in Galatians 1:8 he said: "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!" My wife who was born Roman Catholic, baptized Roman Catholic, grew up in a Roman Catholic home, attended Parochial schools for twelve years, and was married in a Nuptial Mass, left Catholicism when she was told by a priest that she should stop reading the Bible because it was making her ask too many questions. We both believe in the dichotomy Christendom/Christianity. And we choose Christianity.
Hey, I'm the new guy who doesn't understand half of the shorthand used here, and can't figure out where to find the glossary. What do I know about starting anything? But I'm willing to write letters to the hired hands in Washington, but only if you folks will keep reminding them that they ARE the hired hands. I am on record with the establishment as saying that it is time for another tea party.
thanks soldier, when you wrote "was indicating that the message of redemption was so simple as to seem foolish to educated men of the time." I see that as so true.
Lifelongsoldier, the textbook was predominantly written from the Muslim standpoint, any idea why they refused to call Catholics "Catholics" in the textbook? They taught about Catholicism but it was weird, refused to call them Catholics, rather Christians.
I kept trying to figure out why...wonder if it's because the Koran curses Christians, but doesn't use the word Catholic?
There are many major religions who have one commonality, the need to balance your bad actions with good ones. Islam, Rabbinic Judiasm, Roman Catholicism, most of the Eastern religions, usw. Possibly that commonality is the reason that textbooks biased toward Islam would not name any particular group but would lump them all under Christianity. But who knows what goes on in the mind of a Muslim radical?
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