Posted on 11/12/2004 8:53:44 PM PST by Stoat
Edited on 11/12/2004 9:10:14 PM PST by Admin Moderator. [history]
So much for polls that had President Bush getting twice as many black votes as he did in 2000. In 2000 he got 8 percent of the black vote. This time, he got only 11 percent. Eighty-eight percent of the black vote went to John Kerry.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
My head is hurting.
Bush got 16%-18%(depending on the exit poll) of the black vote in Ohio and Voinovich got a third. Progress comes in small steps but we're moving in the right direction.
This guys double talk is FRUSTRATING for sure.
Here's the nub of the matter right there. WHY do blacks associate the Republican Party with racism? Because Democrats told them so?
Even if you want to forget Abraham Lincoln and emancipation as ancient history, who the devil do they think all those southern politicians were who enforced the Jim Crow laws and sent in the police with water cannons and attack dogs? Republicans? Not a one of them. They were all Democrats. There wasn't a Republican politician in the south before the civil rights crisis.
This guy may have written a book, but he has a very poor understanding of history and a regretable habit of drawing his knowledge of his own past from the Democrat propaganda machine.
This coming from the confused black author/mascot who admitted he voted for Kerry, but could not come up with a single reason.
Oddly enough, he was able to give TWO reasons that he COULD have voted for Dubya Bush.
Military members voted overwelmingly for Bush. How did black military members vote I wonder?
The dems have a virtual lock on the black vote now, but it won't last forever--such high support is unsustainable in the long term, the numbers can only get better for us; whereas it can only get worse for the opposition. Unless some sea-changing event occurs to split them from the dems, it'll probably take a generation or two.
I haven't seen any statistics pertaining to your question, but my guess is that there will likely be much less difference between races in terms of voting patterns of military members, as they consider themselves to be all on the same team and are much less likely to look at life through the distorted lens of race.
Something that the rest of the world could stand to learn.
Let's see...... this Plantation Dem voted:
1. for the party that wants to lock African-American students into inferior public schools.....
2. for the party that wants to deny the family wealth-building opportunities of Social Security reform would provide......
3. for the party that wants to preserve the current Social Security system, in which African-Americans receive significantly less in benefits than whites who make the same pay......
4. for the party that wants to weaken traditional family structure......
5. for the party that insists on total abortion access....
6. for the party that largely opposes freedom and liberty for Saddam's 27 million slaves....
I wonder what Democratic party values this guy really likes? Maybe he just enjoys riding around in the back of the Plantation bus.
In Texas and Ohio he got about 17%
what a hypocrite! here is an african american questing other african americans about voting democratic, but then saying that he himself voted democratic?!
this man needs an education: conservatism will provide all mankind with the opportunities necessary to lead a rewarding life. not big government.
heads up...
I live in an area with a high proportion of blacks and their voting habits amaze me, most of them seem to believe in the same things Republicans believe in and yet they vote Demo. I swear most of them seem to have no idea of what the Democrats are pushing, it is like someone talking about wanting to lose weight and yet they are eating doughnuts by the dozen because someone told them doughnuts are calorie free. One black woman actually told me that John Kerry would be for "the little guy" more than George W. Bush, when I quizzed her it was obvious she had no idea of Kerry's background. When I asked her how a man who grew up hobnobbing with the Kennedys and had divorced a 300 million dollar wife to marry a woman with more than twice that much was going to have any connection to the little man, she just looked confused. She didn't know what state he was from and didn't seem to know that he was a Senator. The scary part is I think she is not really the exception.
Screw going for the "black vote", keep fighting for the American Vote! Bush improved. Small but progress. The conservative message does not care what color someone is. We need to find NEW ways to reach people. We should try harder to reach ALL Americans. We need to loosen the grip of liberalism on ALL the Americans.
Most analyses of the Black vote approach the subject from the point of view of the damage it does to Republican prospects. My thesis is that the wracking pathology and irrationality of about 50% of the Afro-American "community" infects the Democrat Party and renders it unpalatable to the rational elements in America.
In other words, the Dems will not be able to reform themselves until they become rational and their devil's bargain with the Black establishment prevents that.
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