Posted on 11/05/2004 11:52:42 AM PST by iheartusa
There is an unspoken taboo in our society where if you admit that having kids wasn't quite what you thought it would be and that if you could do it all over again that you would have chosen NOT to have kids, that you are a monster, an evil, despicable monster. The truth is a large percentage of parents HATE being parents. They will never say it out loud and they can't even admit that to themselves because "only an evil demon" would come to that conclusion, they think. However, underneath it all, underneath all the B.S. is the truth that we all know: Children are overrated. For every precious moment where the little brat does something special, there are 1,000 moments where they drive you crazy. They literally tear your life upside down. Marriage, sex life, your wives appearance, your social life, the list goes on and on and on. Oh yeah, the worst part is yet to come - the teenage years. I could write volumes on this subject. The reason people have children is because of this unwritten societal norm where the standard is to get married and immediately begin to produce offspring because "that's the thing to do". Here's another fact for you if you're interested in the subject: the highest points of martial satisfaction are: 1) after the kids leave and 2) before the kids were born. Look it up, it's true.
I decided not to have kids or a wife... And haven't regretted it one bit!!! I look at all my sorry faced friends straining to make ends meet, having the endless honey do lists, soccer games, Dr bills, bitching, whinny little brats, debt up their asses!!.....and me....well I focused on work and saving money and have no debt, date all different kinds of women, no strings attached, buying a brand new custom house that my friends and family can only dream about, and will be able to retire at 45..... Yea, I may grow up old and have no one but look....most of you will be divorced and so broke after raising kids, alimony, child support, kids college...that you will have nothing to show for it when you are 65 and still have to work till your are dead......sorry thats reality. My relatives have given up asking. They know better. Then someone always pulls me aside and says, "I would love to have your life".
I think most people end up having kids because 1) They're too stupid to know how to use birth control properly and/or 2) They have an idealistic, completely unrealistic vision of what parenthood entails. People imagine dressing their daughter in pretty clothes, or playing catch with their son. They don't think about being awoken at 2 a.m. by a sick, screaming kid who just threw up all over the bed, and who doesn't give a shit that you have to get up for work in four hours. They don't think about the mortgage company threatening to foreclose, or the electricity being shut off, because the husband can't pay all the bills on one income. More people should think about these things, and fewer people should be having children. Parenthood should be left to those few couples who are willing to take the good with the bad. manual will help you determine if you are ready and want to have children in the near future.
It is best if somebody this bitter does not reproduce...
For somebody who claims to be so happy, he doesn't seem very happy, does he?
This is BS written by a self-absorbed moron. All he wants is sex without consequnces. No kids, no commitment.
When I married, I got two toddlers in the bargain. I never flinched and whatever regrets I may have never last more than a few minutes.
Kids can be your greatest joy ....and your greatest heartache. I love mine dearly.....but they are driving me freaking crazy.
Repeat: I'm not trying to change your mind here.
That's how I feel too. Thank you for saying it so eloquently.
I'm in the same boat with this guy. Unlike him, however, I harbor no hostility toward family-oriented people and even envy them at times.
It doesn't matter whether liberals have less kids than conservatives. They control schools and universities.
Who do you think gets to spread their ideology more: The conservative parent with 10 kids over a lifetime or the liberal college professor with 100 students per semester?
Yep. This guy has some serious issues. Another thing that troubles me about this guy is how much he hates American women, how much he hates the institution of marriage and his incredibly selfish attitude towards marital life. When I was first reading through the site, I thought this is some embittered old divorced guy, but he's only 32 and never married!
I can't imagine life without my two daughters. I cannot relate to this guy at all!!
He doesn't have a wife or children. My recommendation: try it !
You'll like it !
KETCHUP BOY! LOL!!! You mean Ketchup Boy and Ken Doll.
Plenty of people don't raise a family and manage to grow in mind and spirit. Not all people are cut out to be parents and they do more harm than good by having children.
Some people have no ability to raise children. If they know that ahead of time, they are not being selfish. They are being enlightened.
Actually I was just thinking the other day about the Reagan's. As much as I love Ronald Reagan I always wondered why he and Nancy had kids. There were two people who were totally in love with each other and raised two losers for kids. I've always wondered if Ron and Nancy were so devoted to each other that they forgot to include the kids. Ron's other children seem so much more well grounded.
If you don't have kids, you don't get any social security checks.
Maybe we could work it so you get a refund on that portion of your taxes which went to educate the young (even though one gets a beneift from that whether or not they are YOUR young). But leaving aside the love we have for our kids, who does this yahoo think is going to keep him fed and housed when he's too old to work or care for himself?
I dont miss anything about her except her body.
I would really consider marrying a woman that dosent speak english or is basically deaf and dumb. How can this be arranged?
There is an argument for prostitution here. That is basically what my marriage was. I got sex, she got the paycheck and she got to nag. Now how do I get rid of the nagging part. I figured I payed her around $250 a day for the 22 year marriage. How can I get a better return for my money?
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