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BREAKING: Satellite images reveal heavy truck activity at Al QaQaa prior to Iraq war
| 10/27/04
| Bret Baer
Posted on 10/27/2004 3:11:23 PM PDT by Steven W.
Brett Baer on FNC reports that the Pentagon is reviewing sattelite imagery which reveals considerable truck activity in the days leading up to the Iraq war. The DoD is considering releasing the photographs.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Constitution/Conservatism; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: alqaqaa; ammogate; bush; cbs; dod; explosives; iraq; kerry; nyt; nytrogate; pentagon; qaqaagate; satellites
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To: Keith in Iowa
Why wasn't this done like YESTERDAY? The Pentagon, the GOP and the Bush campaign have been ALL OVER this story, yet we still find virtually nothing but armchair quarterbacking around here. Sheesh!
posted on
10/27/2004 6:05:43 PM PDT
(In memory of a true hero - Pat Tillman)
To: samadams2000
And where does our great satelite imagery tell us it went???? Are we asleep at the wheel again? Why don't you tell us, Professor, since you're obviously such an intel expert?
posted on
10/27/2004 6:07:34 PM PDT
(In memory of a true hero - Pat Tillman)
To: Perdogg
posted on
10/27/2004 6:07:35 PM PDT
(The Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God!!!! by Dr. H. Ross, Astrophysicist)
To: Nakatu X
Anticipation. It makes it sweeter.
posted on
10/27/2004 6:07:49 PM PDT
(Never corner anything meaner than you. NSDQ, De Opresso Liber.)
To: John Jorsett
"never let inconvenient facts get in the way of a good political accusation" A basic precept of the Kerry & co. way of campaigning:
"Facts? We don't need no steeeenking facts..."
posted on
10/27/2004 6:09:06 PM PDT
(Pacifists are the parasites of freedom)
To: pbrown
"From here on out something very precious has been lost in America and will not come back again.""Integrity."
Remember during one of the debates Kerry said his mother raised up on her death bed and said; "Remember son, Integrity, Integrity, Integrity.
Can you imagine a dying mother saying that? Me thinks Kerry lied. But if he wasn't lying and his mother really said that then how could anyone be stupid enough to vote for him? She obviously knew he was a big liar.
posted on
10/27/2004 6:10:30 PM PDT
("Everyone has a freedom of choice, but not of consequences.")
To: dr_who_2; conservativepoet
It already crashed and burned. That hasn't stopped the networks from repeating it surreptitiously though.Kerry and the MSM are just dousing the flames with gasoline.
posted on
10/27/2004 6:11:41 PM PDT
(If you're for civil unions, you're for gay marriage)
To: jennyjenny
Is anybody watching the spin on Larry King with Lying Biden and Dowd....The spin doctors are out in force....
To: Whataday
I cannot watch Biden. I get physically ill.
To: FreeReign
He should have already fallen, this is getting alittle too close for comfort.Come on RNC!
To: FreeReign
He should have already fallen, this is getting alittle too close for comfort.Come on RNC!
To: Keith in Iowa
Why wasn't this done like YESTERDAY?Don't tell us you believe John Effen when he said "this administration has been ducking, dodging, bobbing and weaving". The White House has been all over this from the very start. Kerry and the MSM won't tell the American people the truth. Believe me, I've been following this since it broke and the White House was already getting to the bottom of it in the early hours of this story.
The MSM and Kerry just want to ingrain into your mind that this administration is gutless, cowardly, incompetant and inept. That is simply not true.
posted on
10/27/2004 6:16:17 PM PDT
(If you're for civil unions, you're for gay marriage)
To: Soul Seeker
And won't it be mahvelous if these satellite photos have been presented in a Senate intelligence committee meeting that Kerry and Edwards skipped, Hmm, it does seem strange that Allowi [sp] would set out to damage President Bush by crying to the UN about mishandling. I hope that this is all a beautiful rope-a-dope.
To: Steven W.
If pictures prove Kerry wrong but the Old Media doesn't show them, do they really exist?
posted on
10/27/2004 6:16:53 PM PDT
(Old Media news is poll driven, not event driven, not fact driven, not newsworthy driven.)
To: finnman69
This whole event is an excellent fishing lesson. Let the Lunker (Lunkhead) bite the bait, play out the line, keep on feeding him line by not responding. Lunkhead then swallows the bait and hook allllllll the way down into the stomach.
Fisherman than pops the bail, and jigs the Lunkhead in the guts.
Big fish...
posted on
10/27/2004 6:17:03 PM PDT
(The marginal propensity to save is 1 minus the marginal propensity to consume.)
To: dirtboy
As a lawyer he would win the Christopher Darden Award for this malaprop.
posted on
10/27/2004 6:18:34 PM PDT
To: Go Gordon
Enough fun,it's getting too late and people are making up their minds.Let's roll!
To: Steven W.
I was on my way home from class and the radio news update had a clip of Kerry calling the missing explosives story a complete scandal. I nearly swerved off the road. Trying the comprehend it is quite difficult. My only conclusion is that he has decided it is the October surprise, and he is sticking to it. He was really reaching. Sounded desperate to me. I hope it sounded that way to everyone else.
posted on
10/27/2004 6:19:44 PM PDT
To: BigSkyFreeper
You're right.The RNC motto too little too late
To: Peach
The DOD will do as Bush says. And they will like it.
posted on
10/27/2004 6:20:33 PM PDT
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