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A vote for Bush is a vote for the silent Arab majority
10-24-2004 | Al Mamlouk

Posted on 10/24/2004 9:49:11 AM PDT by AL Mamlouk

Allow me to post this again for those who attacked me without reading the whole thing. For those who have doubted my sincerity , let me say this, I am a Bush supporter to the core not only on policy but his life experience touches me personally. As to comments by some of you about my friend Hillary mentioned below, she is not, repeat, not Hillary Rodham! She is definitely a childhood friend and currently resides in Seattle, Washington. The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher and for Bush to finish what he has to do in the next 4 years he needs you to go out there and elect him with a solid margin. So all the best to you and let there be no doubt that we will rock them to the core.

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is AL Mamlouk , I’m Muslim born in Damascus, Syria, lived most of my adult life between the Middle East, U.S.A. and Europe, currently residing in France (for professional reasons rather than choice). I wanted to share with you this email I wrote a while back to a childhood friend from the U.S.A. who grew up with me in Beirut, Lebanon. In a heated discussion over the war in Iraq, and 4 months after the fall of Baghdad, it was in response to a statement she made at the time where she wrote: “I’m not pissed off if George Bush is right in what he's doing, I am pissed off if more of my tax money goes to the 87 billion he's requested” . I think it was valid then, and hope that for all of you Americans voting in this very important election, is still valid today.

Dear Hillary,

I think I was right on the money when I figured out where you’re coming from despite your protest. I still stand by what I said. Again, like a true hefty lefty you just cannot make a judgment about evil in the world without implicating America with a fare share of the blame. Like this quote: “I think between the sanctions and Hussein many many lives were lost.” Really? What a shame, you guys on the left not only need to remove the blinkers but really remove your heads from the sand and lubricate the screws before they totally rust away. What you are really saying is that America’s sanctions on Iraq helped kill as many people as Saddam Hussein. Really? With all what’s been uncovered before your eyes on TV and you are still holding to this line? it’s pathetic. Didn’t you see the amount of Klim baby milk and children’s items with UN food for oil programs labels found at Ouday’s palaces? What were they doing there? All those palaces and sport cities-turned-torture chambers that Saddam built with the food for oil program or the Iraqi people, which I might add with UN acquiesces and no doubt kickbacks? Where was your head buried all this time Hillary? No doubt figuring out your next anti-Bush-Anti-American line.

Let me just remind you, the UN for food program, was put under UN management by America, let me say it again: A M E R I C A . Got it! In the naïve belief that it will remove the control of the national income from the dictator to the U.N. so more of it will trickle down to the crushed Iraqi people. Now, did I hear any of you peaceniks and UN lovers, hold the UN and Hussein responsible for the death of so many Iraqis during the sanctions? NO! Instead, “American sanctions helped kill as many people as Saddam Hussein” which by the way, after the fall of the Baath propaganda machine those figures have proven to be all bogus. Besides, why didn’t Clinton lift them in all his 8 years at the helm? Why? By your logic he should be held equally responsible as a murderer. Make no mistake about it, you guys fool no one when you lump the blame on America! Why when you humanity lovers were in power for 8 years did not lift those sanctions? Why did you guys bomb a pharmaceutical factory so desperately needed in Sudan that turned out to be none other than duuuh.a pharmaceutical factory while Clinton assured us this was based on sound intelligence and not a diversion from the “Lewinsky affair” Where was your protest?

You say, quote: “I’m not pissed off if George Bush is right in what he's doing, I am pissed off if more of my tax money goes to the 87 billion he's requested” unquote. Really? Careful reading of your statement is nothing more than a veiled Bush-bashing sentiment. You really shouldn’t be so cute in how to express your political anti-Bush views. We know you don’t like Bush! But let’s just take that statement at face value. You are not pissed off at Bush if he is right in what he’s doing, but you are mad as hell for charging you money for it? So,, let’s see, in effect you are saying, I don’t mind him doing the right thing just as long as I don’t pay for it! Now let’s see again, In other word, do it right but do it on the cheap and as long as I don’t agree with your policy, you dare spend any of my tax money! That’s what you’ are really saying, isn’t it?. Let me see now, did you parents feel the same way when they contributed in blood and money to rebuild Europe via the Marshal Plan? Did they? What’s a “pitiful” investment like ” like 78 billion dollars after 50 years of war and blood shed when you consider the big picture in the Middle East? Of course your blind hate for Bush won’t let you see beyond your nose, and of course the plight of homeless people and yeah,,,Aids in Africa! And the answer to your naïve rhetorical question, quote: “what is interesting and no one ever mentions is that this kind of thing goes on all over the world and we are never so eager to help.” Unquote, is a no brainer: National security! Just like it took Pearl harbor to liberate Europe, today my dear Hillary no other dictatorships on planet earth produce generations of Islamic suicide missiles like the ones in the Middle East. September 11 was in what I like to call an Islamic Pearl Harbor. No longer repelled by police agencies and Interpol. Stop and think about it for minute Hillary. What kind of people study, live and befriend you in your immigrant friendly country for years for the sole and single purpose of killing as many of you one day? Convinced that in death or “Jihad” is where life really begins! Now what kind of money would be too much for you to invest for the first time in 50 years to help change this devastating state of mind? Can you put a figure on it Hillary?

Moreover, not since Nazi Germany did a regime use gas against one of its ethnic minority and neighbors. With 2 invasions of his neighbors, Iran and Kuwait under his belt and almost a million dead, with mass graves of half a million Iraqis tortured and shot, what exactly must happen before you lefties are outraged?

If you really think about it this is a trivial sum in comparison to what the west had benefited all these years form these dictatorships steeling the fortunes and riches of their people and depositing them in western investment banks and projects that retuned ZERO sum to their real beneficiaries: the people. Ever since Henry Kissinger introduced and coined the term Real-Politic in the early 70s the west was happy to go along with a policy that saw stability at any cost was preferable to chaos and unpredictability at the high cost of democracy and freedom. Just like you lefties with your allies France and Germany see stability in Iraq under Saddam far outweigh the possibility of future democracy and freedom in a region that never had it in all its post colonial history. When Jacque Chirac recently visited Algeria, the Algerians welcomed him chanting in the streets : VISA! VISA! Why? Because the French stopped issuing visas to Algerians trying to flee their economic misery for a while now. 70% of Algerians today are young people from 18 to 30 with a dismal hope for the future. Unemployment is at 32%. Time bombs are in the making. Worse. If and when they come to France they become more disenchanted and more explosive when they find out the harsh reality of France’s Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité; welcome to the “beurs” ghettos of Bin Ladens in the making. What happened to all the riches of Algeria? The military junta that’s been ruling Algeria now are the same people that came to power after independence nearly 50 years ago! Come to France and Switzerland and New York and I’ll show you where the stolen money is! When there was a real election about to take place 12 years ago that would have enabled an Islamist party majority to rule a la Turkey, at the risk of so many terrorist bombings in Paris the French government sided with the Junta and scuffled the elections all together. However, in Iran they gladly sent their Ayatollah émigré to embarrass America, but in Algeria, NO WAY this after all was a French backdoor jardin du tresor !

Forgive me Hillary but I think the helpless Arab masses under dictatorships in the middle east paid a lot more than what Bush is offering in return today. How can you just forget about the stolen oil money invested in western firms that made millionaires out of Americans, Frenchmen and Germans alike, and for all these years? How can you? Not to mention the millions of jobs they helped create and sustain! Check around you Hillary, maybe you and some of your best friends may have benefited from that too! In return what did the real owners of these huge investments get? More weaponry to dictators to sustain their power. That’s what they got! The “Kissinger Doctrine” was so ingrained in western policy in the Middle East at the expense of liberty and freedom they allowed brutal regimes to obtain the most sophisticated technologies and weaponry to deter and keep an eye not on Israel but on their own people. This was part of Real-Politique, they didn’t care about what the masses felt. Their treasuries and companies not to mention political parties like here in France were benefiting from otherwise unfathomable twisted deals they made with dictators free of parliamentary checks and balances, besides, as the French like to say Il y a d ’ordre. To oppose, to speak up or revolt now you didn’t just face political detention but total annihilation. So When people revolted in Iraq, they were gased, and when people rose in Syria the entire 3rd largest city, Hama was leveled with 20 thousand people still buried under the ruble to this day. The Commander of this brutal operation is none other than Rifaat Assad the uncle of the current president who resides happily ever after with 4 wives guess where? You guessed it, here in France. Comfortably living of his investments as once the largest stock holder in the London-Paris tunnel and Euro Disney to you name it! You really think this small investment of Bush even comes close to all those years of western prosperity generated on the backs of hopeless Arab masses. HELOOOO!

Didn’t hear you humanity lovers raise an eyebrow for the gasing in Halabja. Didn’t hear one of you sneeze for leveling Hama. Give me a break.

Those are all the ingredients you need to produce a human suicide missile; Islamic religion becomes your only hope when there’s no hope. Resentment builds, frustrations mount, you no longer have any say in your daily life, your sister or your mother might have been raped by a regime officer , your father may have been humiliated before your eyes, all this to deprive you of your dignity and break your will. So you turn deeper into religion, this time seeking revengeful answers to a suffocating situation, and by golly religion can easily be twisted to furnish those answers. Welcome to the world of Bin Laden. You might say but he was rich he wasn’t deprived of anything. Yes he was. In Saudi Arabia he was deprived of his political freedom. He could not participate in the political process. Just think if the Saudi regime allowed Bin Laden to participate in a free political environment. I guarantee you he would have never fled to Afghanistan let alone become the world’s most wanted terrorist. He like many turned to Religion, that last refuge of scoundrels, and the rest is history.

Now Hillary It’s worth remembering what Churchill said during the early difficult days of the European campaign:” It’s long, it’s hard but we will get there” For you Hillary and your peacenik friends 4 months into Iraq and already you want to throw in the towel. Pathetic. It will take bold steps and firm commitment to change this trend in the Middle East and most of all, SOME F…ING PATIENCE! Unfortunately for America and for all those innocent people that died, it took 9/11 or an Islamic Pearl Harbor for Bush and Condoliza Rice and a majority of level headed Americans to finally realize the error and consequences of the Kissinger Doctrine. A whole region was slowly but surely erupting in a unstoppable volcano, millions of Islamic suicide missiles were locked and loaded ready to go after what they perceive as the master and creator of all these dictators, who else? You guessed it: America! That’s why other regions and dictatorships like China and North Korea is not as urgent in this fight as the Arab world and Iran, reason and logic still prevails in those cultures, not so with Jihadies bent on the believe that death is where life begins.

You and other hefty lefty Americans must realize what’s at stake here. The real WMD that Bush and Condy are after are the Saddams and Saddam lites of the Middle East, all other ostensible reasons given for going to war in Iraq are baloney. What could be more devastating WMD than the regimes that produce human missiles? You can’t treat this like you treat a tooth cavity with a filling, you got to go in there for the full nine yards and excute a root canal! No other country can do this but America, UN, France, Germany can’t point to single success story in their entire modern history. You lefties think all of the sudden morality and legitimacy is bestowed on Iraq only if the immoral trio, Sadam’s suppliers Russia, France and Germany (who combined, were responsible for 3 of the most criminal ideologies known to man; Fascism, Nazism and Communism ) gave their blessing. France and Germany are peaceniks today because of the total defeat, annihilation then occupation of Nazi Germany and subsequently American boots on the continent that kept the peace for 50 years. I cannot tell you how proud I am of your soldiers who go halfway across the earth to places so remote from their culture and risk their lives fighting for difficult but worthy causes, and more often than not do the job better than any other army or organization in the world.

Today America under Bush decided to correct a wrong and I applaud them for that, this is a good cause and long over due. There is no reason to doubt what Amir Tahiri wrote in his article the other day, just look at the pictures of Baghdad with all these satellite antennas on rooftops, look at the new newspapers and magazines springing out everyday, just remember there were only 2 just 4 months ago, the Baath party paper and Oudays’s. Heloooo. Progress like that you people do not appreciate because you never lived under dictatorships. The good things in Iraq today are under-reported. You see when 95% of Iraq’s electricity is back with better capacity than under Sadam, it’s a statistic. But when, an AMERCAN SOLDIER DIESI IN IRAQ it’s dramatic!

I am very optimistic for Iraq, time will bear me out on this. I also know that the majority of the American people will not be fooled by the hefty lefty doom and gloom rhetoric and stay the course. Those 9 democratic clowns vying for the presidency today will all be consecrated to history’s garbage bin of wanabes. Come November 2nd 2004 George W. Bush will be re-elected president to the chagrin of France, Germany and their hefty leftie allies, and the job in Iraq will be done the American way.


TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: arabvote; endorsement; gwb2004

1 posted on 10/24/2004 9:49:12 AM PDT by AL Mamlouk
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To: AL Mamlouk

Glad you re-posted. Your right. A few did not read before attacking your position.

2 posted on 10/24/2004 9:53:13 AM PDT by rineaux (hardcore for W04)
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To: AL Mamlouk

Let's get the Arab majority to stop being silent and this thing will be over. We have needed to hear from them for a long time to counteract the lies our media is perpetrating.</p>

3 posted on 10/24/2004 9:54:18 AM PDT by bust (A biased media is the biggest threat to our democracy...)
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To: AL Mamlouk

I cannot for the life of me understand why your post was attacked. Thanks for your thoughts.

4 posted on 10/24/2004 9:54:43 AM PDT by Bahbah (Proud member of the pajamahadeen)
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To: AL Mamlouk
Welcome and good posts..sometimes in the heat of battle we make too many gross assumptions before thinking, so I for one am sorry.

I have many Arab friends both Christian and Muslim who are horrified by the likes of people like UBL and others. They have faced attacks because of their heritage without people actually finding out who they are. I know them to be great patriots and I know some have even join our military to fight this war.

I wished the media would cover some of these people who want to speak out against radical extremism but I guess the media believes that covering radicals sells better than covering voices of moderation..

God bless.
5 posted on 10/24/2004 9:57:50 AM PDT by DSBull (Liberal logic: the most mutually exclusive words in the universe!)
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To: AL Mamlouk

Very enlightening. A free thinking Arab Muslim sees the light of the truth. Most Arabs in America are actually Christian, 70 percent. Mostly Catholic and Orthodox. Many come from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Palestine. They escaped their homeland after World War II, as radical Muslims and ex-Nazis were killing them and Jews. The Baath Party of Iraq and Syria were modeled after the Nazis. Baath Socialist Party was formed by Michel Aflaq, an admirer of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler.

6 posted on 10/24/2004 10:00:24 AM PDT by Ptarmigan (Proud rabbit hater and killer)
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To: AL Mamlouk

Marhaba and thank you for your post!

7 posted on 10/24/2004 10:04:29 AM PDT by LoudRepublicangirl (loudrepublicangirl)
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To: Bahbah

Great post Al. Wish it could be in the editorial sections of all major newspapers.

8 posted on 10/24/2004 10:04:46 AM PDT by willk
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To: AL Mamlouk

You have taken a first step.

Next, is write to local news editors.

Have your folks put out some yard signs-not necessarily for Bush, but to support the troops, or oppose the UN.

Welcome to FreeRepublic. I grew up not knowing there was a difference in people based on skin color or religion. I had to come to California to find that out.

In the Marine Corps, there is a saying that we should all observe: You are not Black, You are not Brown, You are not White:--You are Green! Marine Corps Green.

We should all be Red, White and Blue. There is no room for preaching hate or advocating killing someone who has a different religion.

9 posted on 10/24/2004 10:09:01 AM PDT by Ramonan (Honor does not go out of style.)
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To: DSBull

But Christian Arabs do us harm by electing spokesmen and leaders like the Zogby brothers. They definitely do not represent me!

10 posted on 10/24/2004 10:10:36 AM PDT by AL Mamlouk
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To: AL Mamlouk

Your first post was initially attaked by a few who didn't take the time to read it. So many posts here are from wild & crazy trolls that it's often easy to read one sentence of a post and have an instant inability to read another word. Join a ZOT ping list and you'll see what I mean.

But I will hand it to you, yours was a post worthy of a good read! As with most heavily thought out writings, it was complex, and so caused some to not push into it far enough to recognize the leaning of the piece. From what I can tell, you are welcome here, even by those who initially thought you were not. Thanks!

11 posted on 10/24/2004 10:49:56 AM PDT by MarineBrat
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To: AL Mamlouk

Great post!

12 posted on 10/24/2004 10:50:33 AM PDT by Wormwood (Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!)
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To: AL Mamlouk

Your posting was fascinating to me. I am new to Free Republic, so had not seen it.

After 9/11, the lack of condemnation from the Muslim-American community was deafening, and it greatly disturbed me. Thanks for posting this.

13 posted on 10/24/2004 11:12:08 AM PDT by Taggart_D
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To: AL Mamlouk
Thanks for reposting.

I did not read it before.

Welcome to FreeRepublic.

14 posted on 10/24/2004 11:47:56 AM PDT by perfect stranger (The Hummer is a regular Pat Buchanan on wheels." PJ O'Rourke from C&D magazine)
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To: Taggart_D; AL Mamlouk

Welcome to the both of you.

15 posted on 10/24/2004 2:01:24 PM PDT by SpookBrat
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To: AL Mamlouk

God bless you. Excellent thoughts.

16 posted on 10/24/2004 2:08:50 PM PDT by Tax-chick (Osama Bin Laden is dead ... Mark Steyn says so!)
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To: Bahbah

People saw: Dear Hillary - and assumed they knew who that Hillary was.

17 posted on 10/24/2004 3:27:26 PM PDT by CyberAnt (Election 2004: This election is for the SOUL OF AMERICA)
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To: CyberAnt

Ah, I see.

18 posted on 10/24/2004 3:29:37 PM PDT by Bahbah (Proud member of the pajamahadeen)
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