Posted on 10/23/2004 9:53:20 AM PDT by freespirited
We just got a tip......that a major newspaper will break a front-page story Monday morning that could create a serious problem for the Kerry campaign. We don't yet have any details, but it relates to a foreign policy issue, and it will call into question--amazingly enough--John Kerry's truthfulness.
We'll watch for the story Sunday night and post it as soon as it becomes available.
I believe you are incorrect.
It may stick to the average Freeper, but the folks getting their news from Dan Rather or the NY Times don't even know about it. If Bush had pounded Kerry's lying during the debates these saem people would very definately know about it.
Kerry's going to have to explain why he took money from Saddam....
The reason the republicans have not been overly hard on Kerry is because they want appear civil and neutral. When they do finally hit him hard, it will be something they don't even have to say, it will be said for the republicans. This will be one of the October surprises that will sink Kerry's little boat..........
Ooo, I'll have sweet dreams tonight.
Right on.... It will be proven that the DNC was involved in feeding the fraudulent doc's on GW Bush... Kerry is the un-impeachable source............
Don't you feel it almost has to be something tangible ... create such a visceral reaction? It's late, and I've the beginnings of a migraine, but you know what I mean?
Here's something a Leftwing hack on the daily Kos website in response to this story:
asdf (none / 1)
"The story on Monday will be big dog Clinton on the stump - not some right-wing story published by the moonie run Washington Times. Being paranoid will drive you insane. :) "
The fact that this bombshell coincides with Clinton helping is very interesting. Could Bill have known this thing (whatever it is) was hitting on Monday? We all know Bill wants Kerry to lose. Bill would only help if he wasn't helping. He has to know Kerry is finished. Bill is going to Philly just to act like he helped.
I've suspected the DNC and Hiterly since day one as being the ones who slipped the doc's to DanBlather.
Could it be about Tora Bora??
Hasn't that been a constant criticism of Bush by Kerry?
Could it be that he has gotten Saudi money?
Halliburton stock?
I am lost. God, I wish I knew. This is like waiting for Christmas morning.
Don't we wish....
Right On..........................................
It will be some liberally inclined news outlet that see's the sucess Fox is having w/ Fair and Balanced. They might decide to finally give up their Democrat stumping and publish a story against Kerry to compete with Fox......
And your is like waiting for Christmas
You're right. Now they can preempt and drop whatever they have been holding against Bush-- assuming they have something; of course, they have something.
No he hasn't. He has been harping on Tora Bora for over a year.
Right On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LAST WEEK Bill was in bed, very weak, and unsure if he could help campaign. Now all of a sudden, he's going to be okay....... Good Call...........
I still say it's about Syria.
well, he did get his flu shot, you know.......
> Now they can preempt and drop whatever they have
> been holding against Bush ...
The only thing that provides some small comfort about
that is Kerry's evident desperation.
If he knew the DNC had an Oct Surp on Bush, he might
be woodenly delivering his standard speeches, but he's
not - he's making up crap, like "Bush will cap the
Shuttle at only 10 flights".
He's also counting on a lot of people not to leak his
full Naval and FBI records.
You and me both. Sinclair wimped out bigtime on that one. Very disappointing. I only watched about half of it, and then shut it off in disgust.
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