Posted on 10/23/2004 9:53:20 AM PDT by freespirited
We just got a tip......that a major newspaper will break a front-page story Monday morning that could create a serious problem for the Kerry campaign. We don't yet have any details, but it relates to a foreign policy issue, and it will call into question--amazingly enough--John Kerry's truthfulness.
We'll watch for the story Sunday night and post it as soon as it becomes available.
too small an issue at the point?
Dunno if anyone else has guessed this, but I'm gonna lay my bet that it has to do with Nicaragua - specifically, that Kerry knew that Noriega was planning on allying with the Soviet Union when he went on the Senate floor and told the country that Noriega would -never- ally with the Soviet Union.
"IMHO, this is in regards to the Bin Laden/Tora Bora story. Possibly they have conclusive evidence that he's dead."
That could be. And because Kerry would probably know all about it from being a senator and Presidential candidate (and therefore privy to all the top-level secrets), it would prove he had been lying when he says W let Bin Laden get away. It all fits.
A lot of people got "religion" on 9-11.
how about a direct link to Saddam and Osama? we know Kerry has been pounding Bush about there not being a connection?
maybe a link to 9-11 and Saddam?
No I do not think that is too small of a story.
The "politicians employing undocumented domestic worker" stories always blow up big in the media for some reason.
Never mind my previous guess re:Nicaragua (although I personally feel certain that Kerry -did- know he way lying on the Senate floor about that). Given Powerline's update, it has to be about something current.
Right. Lock and load: and don't aim for the kneecaps
That's why it's coming out on a Sunday and not a Thursday before.
It needs 3 or 4 extra days to move from blogs to the WT to Foxnews, to the MSM.
If it's really a major paper, it could only be the Washington Post and I'll not be holding my breath.
When Bush does that, the stuff still sticks, while he remains above the fray.
Makes him look very classy compared to the scumsuckers on the other side.
The fence sitters were already decided in their souls.
If 9-11 made no difference in their lives, nothing would ever make them vote for W. If like me, and it did, it didn't matter how he tripped on his words.
Monday morning. Then it must be USA Today.
Unless they see the falling stats now and that this new revelation would sink the ship - they'll bail...that's what rats do, especially socialist rats.
I sometimes think we're getting a hint of what the Russian people went through during the Bolshevik Revolution - and there were far fewer - % wise - communists...yet they took over.
If 9-11 don't give you religion...nothing will.
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