Posted on 10/20/2004 6:53:06 AM PDT by tame
This is an open letter to President Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Congress, and all freepers.
I need your help. I want to serve in the regular military but I have no military experience, and I'm technically too old by just a few years.
There have been a lot of false rumors from the left regarding a military draft. Whenever I hear these rumors, I find myself thinking "I should should be so lucky to be drafted".
Don't ask me why I didn't join the military when I was younger. It's a long story. But the fact is, I am in my thirties, and I see no reason why I should not be able to serve my country now that we're in a time of war.
I ask all members of Congress, and President Bush to immediately pass and sign into law legislation that would raise the age requirment (for those of us with no previous military experience of any kind) for those of us who want to volunteer to join the regular military during our time of war.
I propose that the age for able bodied volunteers to be able to join the army, for example, should be extended to at least 39 years of age (maybe even older).
There are so many people like myself who would be honored to serve our country during this time of war, but cannot because of an arbitrary rule regarding our age. This is true even though we are still young men and women.
Why should so many reservists who would rather be home be kept in active duty, while there are literally hundreds of thousands of us who would LOVE to replace them?
I ask all Freepers everywhere to contact your local congressman, and the President via mail, fax, phone, etc., to recommend and support this legislation.
There could be appropriate amendments to such a bill to address any concerns regarding possible law suits over possible health risks, etc.
I WANT this. So do many others. Some of my family members want to serve, too, but age is a needless restriction.
I ask Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and other radio talk hosts to give this legislation some legs on your programs.
The left insists on perpetuating rumors of a draft??? Give me a break.
Just send me, Mr. President.
Sincerely, tame.
I know the feeling..spoke to a recrutier they won't touch me till I get my weight down and am off BP meds for a couple months.
If you're willing to drive a gasoline tanker truck you're better than some younger ones we now have. Good luck.
thank you :o) would you support legislation to let older kids like me into the military?
There are many jobs in the service that do not require you be fleet of foot of sharp eyed so why not allow others who are perhaps over the combat enlistment age to join in other capcities. I believe in WWII the cutoff was over 40. Perhaps 45 if you were single.
FWIW, I was very active up to 40. Surfing, skiing and desert motorbikes. I did not feel I was too many steps behind the young guns and definitly able to contribute to the cause.
I turned 57 on the 10th. Blind in my right eye and disabled but I can blow the balls off a flea at 50 yds with my 9mm and good eye. USAF 66-70.
I have sent stuff in on this before.
I think some of our "more seasoned" people would be a boon to the military. The expirance that age can bring to a situation is as important as the vigor and tough as nails attitude of youth.
What do you think of raising the age restriction during this time of war? any reason it cannot (or should not) be done?
Lt. Col. Repya at 58 is going back.
Upper limit without prior service is 35 years and 364 days of age.
If you're prior service and coming back in, then we grade it up:
36-38, if 1 year in;
38-41, if at least 2 years in;
Older than 41, 2 years prior plus one year for each age over 40.
Example: I could have waited until I was 44 (I was 6yrs. active, so that's 2 years plus 4 over 40)
i agree. in many ways i would be far better "qualified" now than when I was out of high school.
can't we just SAY we have one or two years in :o)
hmmmm. sounds good to me :o)
yes, wouldn't that be age discrimination. If you can handle the physical regime why not.
The only problem I see with older people getting in would be their meeting/committee experiences. You should be young and fearless when first joining. Could you see several 40 year olds discussing the merits of taking a building? Not saying they wouldn't, there just might be several discussions about how to go about it.
there has GOT to be a way. hmmmmmmmm.
if i promise you the re-election, can you promise me military service?
John, if you get elected then i might decide to choose another career besides the military're a TRAITOR!
That's what I understood, as well:
Still, I think Tame makes a really good arguement (tho that particular choice of usernames seems a bit contradictory ;)!)
There SHOULD be a special amendment, to account for war-time military demands. His mention of the draft is an excellent example, and directly negates (or at least deminishes) the need for a draft (aka conscription) program!
I would email / contact my local rep's (but oddly enough, the NC rep's [not discounting Mrs. Dole] are all Dem's). Still, I personally support such an ammendment! Let's hope that the few non-MSM journalist, radio hosts & tv spokesman will pick this up!!
Could you ask some of your well placed friends to help me? Maybe Syncro :o)
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