That's what I understood, as well:
Still, I think Tame makes a really good arguement (tho that particular choice of usernames seems a bit contradictory ;)!)
There SHOULD be a special amendment, to account for war-time military demands. His mention of the draft is an excellent example, and directly negates (or at least deminishes) the need for a draft (aka conscription) program!
I would email / contact my local rep's (but oddly enough, the NC rep's [not discounting Mrs. Dole] are all Dem's). Still, I personally support such an ammendment! Let's hope that the few non-MSM journalist, radio hosts & tv spokesman will pick this up!!
It's a neat idea, but CONgress would have to do its usual thing before the regs change. Now, the service branches might do something earlier,and THAT is DoD or even Presidential directive.
Only the CONgress can do the draft, but the Commander-in-Chief can always tweak the recruitment criteria...
thanks for that link!
sincerely, the tamest tame :o)