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October 8th Bush/Kerry Post-Debate LIVE Thread
Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
October 8th Bush/Kerry Debate
TOPICS: Breaking News
KEYWORDS: acommunistkerryis; blahblahblah; bushkickbutt; bushwins; bushwon; commiekerry; comsymponparade; crispycritterkerry; debates; dontlabelmewaaah; eatmeinstlouis; grandslambush; hegeliandialectic; hillaryinthewings; hithimfasthithimhard; ihaveaplan; imalumberjackandimok; intothecamera; iownatimbercompany; johnalqerry; jonquerri; kerryliar; kerrylied; kerrylost; kerrylostkerrylost; kerrynoplan; kerrytinman; lurch; lurchlostit; moshpit; napalminthemorning; needsomewood; nonsqueiterkingkerry; plandrinkinggame; planplanplanplanplan; planshotsofscotch; seconddebate; takeanotherdrink; thebrain; thewoodshedforkerry; votebush2004; votegwb2004; w04; wanttobuywood
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To: PhiKapMom
ehhh, take it with a grain of salt...FNC is going out of their way to appease the MSM lately
To: Toidylop
Mort must've smoked crack during the debate!!!Canadian-bought, no doubt!
To: WashingtonSource
>>>Kristol was pathetic.<<<<
Yeah he said that Kerry's acceptance speech at the DNC convention was one of the best political speeches since Reagan...LOL
Whoa that was spot on wasn't it. *snickers*
To: concerned about politics
Yes. Both Kerry's daughter and his skanky wife looked like they were holding back tears. WARNING: this may not mean anything good! Note that Teh-rayza doesn't like the idea of being "First Lady", and the White House would be a step down for her in housing arrangements. This combination could bring tears.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:09:09 PM PDT
(When does it cease to be "Freedom of the Press" and become outright SEDITION?)
To: Torie
He did miss the Gulf War, but Cheney didn't the other day.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:09:10 PM PDT
To: commish
I think the ABC Memo has them all spooked tonight. As well it should! I can't wait to hear Rush tomorrow. He won't wilt.
To: Diva Betsy Ross
I HATE HITLERY!!! Another friggin fake FFFFF...and on top of that she is a BUTCH!!!
posted on
10/08/2004 8:09:20 PM PDT
(The Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God!!!! by Dr. H. Ross, Astrophysicist)
To: wolf24
He definitely won on presentation.
I'm still amazed that Kerry said he could tell by looking around the room that nobody there made more than $200,000 except himself, Bush and Gibson.
I'd be offended if I were one of the "yokels" he clearly regarded them as.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:09:36 PM PDT
(And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm)
760AM(Detroit station)
Bill Ballenger (one of the pundits I respect) - Kerry won the first half of the debate going away - Bush got stronger later on and might have pulled a draw.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:09:39 PM PDT
Dan from Michigan
("Dead or alive, I got a .45 - and I never miss!!!" - AC/DC - Problem Child)
To: All
If it were a boxing match deadwards would be racing after Kerry's ambulance. Bush might need to brush off his jacket and press his shirt, but Kerry is going to need intensive care.
Bush wiped the floor with Kerry, and Bush was funny at times. Kerry tried humor and it fell flatter than a pancake mama T sat on.
Did Bush miss a few good shots, yeah, but he landed some hammer blows as well. Kerry was rattled, talked in circles, he really needed his cheat sheet.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:09:41 PM PDT
(French Fried Flip Flopper still Flouncing, be careful out there.)
To: Kylie_04
I Agree, even Fox & Friends has been moving Left. Leaves us no place to go but talk radio.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:09:47 PM PDT
(NOT Fonda Kerry and his 9.10 Democrat Party mentality)
To: MeekOneGOP
To: LLBeet
CCN poll has kerry winning debate by 83% - If you have to vote -vote for kerry as weel to make them look relly stupid!!!!
posted on
10/08/2004 8:09:57 PM PDT
(History has a long memory - but still repeats itself)
To: texasbluebell
She must of been a toad once upon a time then Clinton Kissed her and she turned into a Cocker Spaniel...
To: commish
"FOX is trying to look impartial -- "
You can do that without looking stupid.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:10:10 PM PDT
(Proud member of the pajamahadeen)
To: kt56
I hope Bush's comments about not pleasing Europe are played heaviliy over in Europe. Let them know that their opinion doesn't mean squat when it comes to our national security. Rub it in their faces.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:10:12 PM PDT
(I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. - Michelangelo)
To: jwalsh07
I got really tired of Brit saying nice things about ABC people, especially in light of the ABC memo today.
To: PhiKapMom
A lady in an audience at CNN said she was going to vote for Bush after tonight. I switched to CNN while Fox was on commercial. Pat Buchanan said that Bush won over there on msnbc and Chris Mitchell thought so too.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:10:28 PM PDT
floriduh voter
( (Me, My, Mine) FREE TERRI
To: Gracey
No, us bloggers ARE new media.
To: goldylight
"WTF is wrong with fox, they are saying kerry won???"
Their smokin crack! They have drank too much from the Kerry Kool aid stand.
posted on
10/08/2004 8:10:34 PM PDT
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