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Fox News to break forged document story
Fox News
| 9/9/2004
| Fox News
Posted on 09/09/2004 3:10:33 PM PDT by Semper Paratus
Brit Hume announced story coming up now on National Guard docmunents
TOPICS: Breaking News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2004; bush; camejo; cbs; cheney; danrather; didbushcollaborate; didbushmeetwithenemy; dubya; edwards; election; forgery; gwb; kerry; kerryswaratrocities; killian; mediabias; nader; napalminthemorning; nationalguard; rather; ratherbiased; seebsnews; wasbushinparis; whatdidbushknow
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To: Cboldt
As I read it, the font did exist and was used in set type, but in was never a typewriter font in the form that it is seen in the documents. It was apparently part of the original Mac fonts in 1980, then adopted by MS as well.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:45:56 PM PDT
(<--------------------- Republican Attack Machine)
To: Flashlight
Podhoretz on Hewitt has a column tomorrow titled "CBS's Big Blunder".
Podhoretz says at this point especially memo 4 is established almost to a certainty to be a fraud.
He printed them out and is speaking about the details of the letters and what gives it away. Ligatures and feet.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:46:40 PM PDT
(We're mad as Zell and we're not going to take it anymore!)
To: DouglasKC
you said; "Let's say the Whtie House issued a press release saying that the docuements were forgeries."
Thats just it, if the WH knew they were forgeries, they didn't have to hold a press conference. They could have just told CBS to knock it off, on the down low. Not even CBS is stupid enough to run with documents they know are forgeries.
you said; "CBS is *never* going to run a favorable story on Bush"
Exactly, which is why it would have been better if the WH had just killed the original 60 minutes story before it was even aired. The MSM will never give the same attention to the forgery story as they did to the original 60 min. story.
To: andy58-in-nh
That's like saying that after puking over a picture of a maggot-ridden hunk of feces, a fillet mignon looks pretty tempting. I don't buy it.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:47:04 PM PDT
(You can oog da floogle but you can't doof da boofen.)
To: Chaguito
Appreciate the e-mail. We are pursuing Kerry's Vietnam war records. Thanks for the assessment of the document. If you have more information, please let us know immediately. Thanks
I called Tim Curley, CEO and President of AP yesterday.
I asked him why the AP has not requested Kerry's Military records.
He said "we have looked at them all and found nothing"
I asked how he could read them all if Kerry hasn't signed Form 180 allowing his records to be released? Silence. I went on to say that Kerry's own biographer has advised Kerry to sign Form 180 and release his records. (I got a few ums with this)
I asked if he thinks we are all stupid and will believe whatever the AP writes, for example "they all booed while Bush did nothing to stop them".
He said the AP wasn't interested in Kerry's military records. Thank you very much. Click.
Mr. Curley would love to hear from Freepers everywhere!
posted on
09/09/2004 5:47:04 PM PDT
Republican Red
(We're going to win one for the gipper...they're going to lose one for the flipper)
To: Semper Paratus
If his is true about the forgery, then if I was a member of Col. Killian family I would be looking for me a good civil lawyer to sue CBS, 60 minutes,and whom it may concern for defaming my deceased parent's character by making him part of this fraud.
I would also think their could be some kind of criminal action involved in creating false government documents.
To: Semper Paratus
gotta' bump this...
for historical purposes, I think I first heard about it on the Michael Medved Show
on KRLA 870AM in Los Angeles at about 2:30 PM PACIFIC time.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:48:07 PM PDT
To: cyncooper
Talking about "ligatures" (sp?) but with what two letters?
Didn't catch that.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:48:44 PM PDT
(USCG Vietnam vet to DC from NM on 9/12 for the "Kerry Lied...While Good Men Died" rally. Join us!)
To: backinthefold
My jaws hurt from grinning!
Matt....haha...Drudge.....HEHEHE...the guy they like to sneer breaking news of CBS lies.....OH THE IRONY!
posted on
09/09/2004 5:49:15 PM PDT
(Cheap Shots, Low Blows and Late Hits. Free Delivery. Fast Friendly Service with a Smile!)
To: CedarDave
posted on
09/09/2004 5:49:31 PM PDT
Podhoretz when Hewitt pointed out CBS is standing by the story: "They are NUTS".
Podhoretz cites the site "Little Green Footballs" and describes how that guy over there (it was posted here numerous times) exposed the fraud.
"CBS got it wrong. They got duped".
Hewitt: "They wanted to be duped".
Podhoretz: That is correct. Their thinking along with the New York Times and other media is that since Kerry got such a tough time about the Swift Vets it's only fair to give GWB a hard time (As if they hadn't been on this story for YEARS, and were on it big time last winter).
posted on
09/09/2004 5:50:21 PM PDT
(We're mad as Zell and we're not going to take it anymore!)
To: Flashlight
"so, actually, if there were only *single* spaces after periods, *that* would be an indication of a forgery made in the present day"
Thats correct.
To: bootyist-monk
ROFLMAO! Can I use that please? I need a tagline:)
posted on
09/09/2004 5:51:20 PM PDT
To: Cboldt
Got it.
I'd also add that the day that National Guard admin people get screaming top-of-the-line office equipment will be the day that the Devil gets to try out his ice skates.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:51:43 PM PDT
(Need an experienced computer tech in the DC Metro area? I'm looking. Freepmail for details.)
To: cyncooper
Hewitt: Barnes wasn't appointed Lt. Governor till after Bush was in the guard...he is LYING!
posted on
09/09/2004 5:52:15 PM PDT
To: flaminco
Stop already.
Even now CBS is standing by their pathetic story. You're assertion that the WH could have "killed it" is nonsense and going by history, any effort by them to do such a thing would have been twisted by CBS like they twist everything else by good and decent people.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:52:18 PM PDT
(We're mad as Zell and we're not going to take it anymore!)
To: lavrenti
I typed and laughed out loud when I saw the default MSWord settings matched a typewriter from 1972!The real coup would be for someone to find a typewriter available at the time, and overlay the CBS memo to the one produced by the old typewriter.
Right and right.
The DU idiocy in many instances clearly goes to military matters as well.
I think it explains the rush (think reporters running into phone booths in Airplane!) to call every military engagement a failure or quagmire as soon as the press can get away with it as well. You can't spend 99% of your time fearing/hating/feeling just a little bit inferior to/ the military and then expect to have the first clue about how it works when the need arises.
posted on
09/09/2004 5:52:25 PM PDT
(Quick! Vote for Mel Martinez before Reno sends him back to Cuba)
To: cyncooper
And when someday we finally learn who "these individuals" are, you can bet your bottom dollar they will not be Bush supporters. My guess is, Barnes is one of the "vouchers".
posted on
09/09/2004 5:52:30 PM PDT
(DS2 CV-66 83-87)
To: Joe Hadenuf
"Does anyone know where the docs came from, who provided them?"
I don't, but I have an idea as to what document examiner CBS used, if they did at all. I think its a document examiner whom I faced in a case quite a while back. Turned out that she had previously testified that the Melvin Dumar will was authentic.
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