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Accenture Wins Nod As Prime Contractor For US-Visit ^ | 6/1/2004 | Eric Chabrow

Posted on 06/07/2004 11:44:30 AM PDT by NormalGuy

could be worth as much as $10 billion.

The Department of Homeland Security said Tuesday it has picked Accenture as the prime contractor for US-Visit, an IT-based system that will control entry of foreigners into the country. The five-year contract, which could be lengthened to 10 years, could be worth up to $10 billion. Some people questioned whether the U.S. government would award Accenture the contract because it's incorporated in Hamilton, Bermuda. But only a handful of employees are situated there; 25,000 of Accenture's 90,000 workers are based in the United States. Accenture, with operations in 48 countries, says it maintains no corporate headquarters.

The government began to solicit bids in November, with contractors submitting them in January. The US-Visit Program Office led the source selection process, supported closely by department's border-management unit, representatives from other Homeland Security offices, as well as the State and Justice departments.

According to Homeland Security, each proposal was evaluated on four key factors: the business and technical solutions suggested to achieve the vision of US-Visit as an end-to-end management system; the management approach and proven capability to deliver a complex set of solutions; and the development and implementation strategy to deploy US-Visit entry and exit capabilities at the 50 busiest land ports of entry. Cost was also a major factor considered in the award decision.

Asa Hutchinson, Homeland Security's undersecretary of border and transportation security, said in a statement announcing Accenture's selection that the award marks an important milestone in the history of homeland security. "By harnessing the power of the best minds in the private sector, we have taken a major step toward accomplishing our goals of enhancing the security of our country while increasing efficiency at our borders," he said.

Accenture will provide a range of professional services, including strategic support, design and integration activities, technical solutions, deployment activities, training, and organizational change management.

The government's vision of US-Visit is to deploy end-to-end management and sharing of data on foreign nationals covering their interactions with federal officials before they enter the United States, when they enter, while they are here, and when they exit. Hutchinson contends that this comprehensive view of border management will lead to the creation of a virtual border and will set a course for improved processes to manage and share data on foreign nationals.

Since deploying US-Visit entry capabilities at 115 airports and 14 seaports on Jan. 5, more than 4.5 million foreign nationals have been processed without adversely impacting wait times, Homeland Security says, adding that since its launch, US-Visit has helped the government intercept more than 500 people with prior or suspected criminal or immigration violations. These include convicted rapists, drug traffickers, individuals convicted of credit-card fraud, a convicted armed robber, and numerous immigration violators and people using falsified documents.

US-Visit requires that most foreigners traveling to the United States on a visa and arriving at an airport or seaport have their two index fingers scanned and digital photographs taken to verify their identities at the port of entry. By Sept. 30, this process will also apply to visitors traveling under the visa waiver program at all airports and seaports of entry.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Canada; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Germany; Government; Israel; Japan; Mexico; News/Current Events; Russia; US: Illinois; United Kingdom
KEYWORDS: accenture; contracts; dhs; homelandsecurity; immigration; outsourcing; usvisit
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To: Mad Dawgg
It's really amazing how few people recognize that simple fact.

(though higher taxes could hurt his sales volume, so he should be concerned even though he doesn't pay the tax)

61 posted on 06/07/2004 2:26:28 PM PDT by dead (I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
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To: VaBthang4

see 29

62 posted on 06/07/2004 2:27:42 PM PDT by jpsb (Nominated 1994 "Worst writer on the net")
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To: jpsb


3rd time:

So instead of fixing the tax code you'd rather that these corporations leave the US completely?

Or you'd rather they stay here and get taxed twice on foreign generated income?

63 posted on 06/07/2004 2:29:19 PM PDT by VaBthang4 ("He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps")
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To: jpsb
"All the clever folks are here..."

Yes, but we decided you can post also.

Tell me, do you think these companies would relocate to Bermuda if the tax laws were changed so that they did not pay taxes on sales outside of the US?

Further, do you belive it is the right of government to tax income derived outside of its borders?

And lastly, do you believe it is right for tax payers to pay for your pony?

64 posted on 06/07/2004 2:29:33 PM PDT by Mad Dawgg (French: old Europe word meaning surrender)
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To: NormalGuy

Remember when Ronald Reagan had defective software sent to the USSR and it screwed up the soviet pipelines?

It would be suuuuuper easy for the French or Chinese to put in a back door code into the passport reading. Just a simple if you see passport with the following numbers "X" overide all securtiy and let pass.

I thought US national security items had to be made in the USA?

65 posted on 06/07/2004 2:30:39 PM PDT by longtermmemmory
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To: longtermmemmory; VaBthang4; Mad Dawg
It would be suuuuuper easy for the French or Chinese to put in a back door code into the passport reading. Just a simple if you see passport with the following numbers "X" overide all securtiy and let pass.

Except that the coding for this thing is being done here, by US citizens with security clearances...

I thought US national security items had to be made in the USA?

They do. And this one is.

Could someone tell me when mind-numbing IGNORANCE became a "point of view?"

66 posted on 06/07/2004 2:32:12 PM PDT by Poohbah ("Mister Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!" -- President Ronald Reagan, Berlin, 1987)
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To: VaBthang4

29 answers your question you just don't like the answer, unlike most freepers I actually tried with time and money to elect folks that would reform the tax code. I want EVERYONE to stay and paid, to feel the pain too, so that maybe then we can elect a tax reformer. Corporations and wealthy that flee are traitors and cowards. So that support them in thier flight (like you) are fools.

67 posted on 06/07/2004 2:33:09 PM PDT by jpsb (Nominated 1994 "Worst writer on the net")
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To: longtermmemmory

What does that have to do with this story?

Dont listen to these goofballs, Accenture is an American Company controlled by Americans.

68 posted on 06/07/2004 2:34:10 PM PDT by VaBthang4 ("He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps")
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To: jpsb

So you are for having the same income taxed twice.

Tell me again, who is the traitor?

69 posted on 06/07/2004 2:37:28 PM PDT by VaBthang4 ("He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps")
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To: dead
"(though higher taxes could hurt his sales volume, so he should be concerned even though he doesn't pay the tax)"

In our area we were the lowest Sales tax of any surrounding counties save for one and they have virtual no retail outlets so it was not going to affect us much at all.

Also had an interesting conversation with a local liberal who was purchasing carpet from our store. We had sealed the deal and were working out the schedule when we swerved onto the fact that one of our employees made a little above minimum wage (he is a great guy with a slight mental handicap very good worker just can't do much beyond menial labor).

Immediately the liberal was taking us to task and spouting off about how the minimum wage should be 3 dollars higher. I told him I whole heartedly agreed and took his receipt out of his hand and re-figured his labor with a 3 dollar raise for all the guys working on the project and handed it back to him with the updated price.

Heheh I so thouroughly enjoyed his squirming and hym-hawing especially since it was in front of my employees who just at it all up.

He finally mumbled that I shouldn't raise my prices and I told him I didn't, he did!

70 posted on 06/07/2004 2:42:53 PM PDT by Mad Dawgg (French: old Europe word meaning surrender)
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To: Poohbah
Kindly differentiate between LEGAL means of reducing one's tax liability and ILLEGAL immigration.

I see. So I trust you'll come over to my side as soon as we get the laws changed? Good!

71 posted on 06/07/2004 2:58:22 PM PDT by neutrino (Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences. Robert Louis Stevenson.)
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To: jpsb
"I want EVERYONE to stay and paid, to feel the pain too, so that maybe then we can elect a tax reformer."

No, what you want is someone to pay for your pony and saddle and bridle as well.

What is happening with these corps is they are "Shrugging" and I applaud their efforts! Our little corportaion does the same thing, all the Corporate officiers in our business get paid the very minimum we can get by with and take instead dividends to avoid paying FICA taxes. Our accountant has us doing some of the most lame-brained things you could ever imagine to avoid taxes but it is all legal!

If it were financially feasable we would incorporate in Timbuktwo to avoid paying more taxes that liberals in-turn dole out to every left-wing hair-brained scheme that comes down the pike.

If you had any sense you would see that staying here and paying the taxes only fuels the fire!

Cut off the money and the madness will stop.

72 posted on 06/07/2004 2:59:17 PM PDT by Mad Dawgg (French: old Europe word meaning surrender)
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To: VaBthang4
Man for real some of you dopes need to just end it all. Without a doubt the cerebral capacity of our nation would surely rise if you were to do so. is sad to see just how dumb some of you are.

My, what a cogent, literate response! I suppose that you will now replicate the behavior of a certain free traitor who will remain nameless. When challenged, he began to claim all manner of advanced degrees in economics. Sadly, while acquiring his education he never learned how to use the apostrophe.

Karl Marx favored free trade. You keep interesting company.

73 posted on 06/07/2004 3:05:44 PM PDT by neutrino (Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences. Robert Louis Stevenson.)
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To: longtermmemmory
re: I thought US national security items had to be made in the USA?

Maybe the point of the thread is that whether we like it or not, we are in a global economy. That is a fact; not an opinion.

Given that fact what global criteria should be used? I support contracts in Iraq and anywhere and everywhere to the coalition of the willing. I support contracts to pro-freedom pro-capitalist Mexicans such as Cemex.

They should get a much higher rung on the ladder than a socialist "Airbus" or Chicom slavelabor. So I argue that nationalist criteria should be replaced with value criteria. Likewise with people.

Value a person for his value system; not for his past or present nationality, ethnicity, etc.

74 posted on 06/07/2004 3:05:52 PM PDT by spintreebob
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To: neutrino; Mad Dawgg; VaBthang4
I see. So I trust you'll come over to my side as soon as we get the laws changed? Good!

If you DO get the laws changed, I will expatriate myself to a freer country than the United States and take my capital--AND the taxes I pay on same--with me.

And a bunch of small business owners will be joining me.

Discover the joys of a small percentage of the tax base taking an inordinately high percentage of the tax receipts with them as they leave.

When the top 1% of all taxpayers pay 37% of the taxes, you have three choices:

1. Accept that you're getting a free ride, and get used to the idea of government of, by, and for that 1% of taxpayers;

2. Say "tax the rich even more," chase 'em away, and then wonder why the hell your taxes just tripled;

3. Say "Good grief, this is stupid, let's try reducing taxes to a sane level," and watch the economy improve.

You're going for Option #2.

Fine. Just quit posturing as a conservative.

Who is John Galt?

75 posted on 06/07/2004 3:08:50 PM PDT by Poohbah ("Mister Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!" -- President Ronald Reagan, Berlin, 1987)
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To: neutrino; VaBthang4; Mad Dawgg
Karl Marx favored free trade. You keep interesting company.

Why is it that the protectionists are the ones outside of a university campus who can spout Marx's words on demand?

Perchance they actually buy his brand of idiocy?

76 posted on 06/07/2004 3:11:54 PM PDT by Poohbah ("Mister Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!" -- President Ronald Reagan, Berlin, 1987)
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To: Poohbah
The are not an American company but are corporate scammers who make lots of profit here and pay few taxes here. This means more taxes for you and I.
77 posted on 06/07/2004 3:12:35 PM PDT by dennisw ("Allah FUBAR!")
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To: dennisw; VaBthang4; Mad Dawgg
The are not an American company but are corporate scammers who make lots of profit here and pay few taxes here.

They pay more taxes here than the "all-American" Lockheed-Martin Corporation.

This means more taxes for you and I.

If taxes get high enough, maybe all those soccer moms will get a frickin' clue...

78 posted on 06/07/2004 3:15:56 PM PDT by Poohbah ("Mister Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!" -- President Ronald Reagan, Berlin, 1987)
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To: dennisw; Poohbah; dead
"The are not an American company but are corporate scammers who make lots of profit here and pay few taxes here."

So you would have them pay higher taxes and in turn have us all pay higher prices?

Welcome to Econ 101.

Lesson one: Businesses do not pay taxes, their customers do!

Lesson two: Repeat lesson one till you get it.

79 posted on 06/07/2004 3:18:11 PM PDT by Mad Dawgg (French: old Europe word meaning surrender)
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To: NormalGuy

as a physician i concur 100%

80 posted on 06/07/2004 3:20:30 PM PDT by y2k_free_radical (ESSE QUAM VIDERA-to be rather than to seem)
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