Since Jun 29, 2003

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Feminization of Americans and Immigration


When I was young, I played with things and ideas. My favorite was earth moving equipment. I built entire communities in the yard with tunnels, bridges, lakes, dams. During school I dreamed about what I would build. I also pretended a stick was a gun, etc. My sisters played with (manipulated) dolls.

Real boys just had bigger toys when they grew up. They manipulated things and ideas. Only giggolos and pimps manipulated people. Girls, on the other hand, grew up to be real women who manipulated other people into cooperating.

As has been noted by many, boys now manipulate "action figures"... When those boys grow up, they manipulate people because that is what they learned to do as a kid.

IMMIGRATION LINK - We open border conservatives and libertarians have often said that immigrants do the jobs that Americans don't want to do. That discussion has usually focused on wage rates without other factors of employment choice considered. I have come to realize that there are other factors.

In my IT industry, there is a desperate shortage of techies... or computer programmers. Thus many immigrants (mostly Indian who "used to" have H1B or other temporary visas and are now part of th 40% of illegals who entered legally are hired as computer programmers. It has come to my attention that increasingly, the jobs that American techies don't want are jobs where they have to manipulate computers and lines of code and logical concepts required for writing good software. We older techies are the ones who manipulate objects and logic. When we retire, there are few Americans prepared to fill our shoes.

Amercian techies, both male and female, want to be COORDINATORS and FACILITATORS. They want to manipulate people. Both male and female coordinators and facilitators (and wannabes) openly talk about coordinating others as if they were "action figures" .... uhhh .... dolls. They have no interest or concern for the manipulation of objects (sorry the pun). To the coordinators, the role of the object is only to demonstrate the attitude of the action figure manipulated.

In prior discussions, I've noted unskilled workers who rejected high paying construction work as "spic work" and similar derogatory rejections. They do take lesser paying jobs as telemarketers "setting up appointments for salesmen and customers to meet". In short, they take jobs that pay much less for the chance to manipulate other people. I don't intend to use "manipulate" in a derogatory sense, but only in a descriptive sense.

This applies to the women also. I've described how modern men don't want a job where they get "dirty" because that hurts their chances with the ladies. In contrast, the modern available ladies who complain about there being "no good men left" are in fact, attracted to the men who are coordinators and facilitators. The young women, both highly skilled techies and unskilled dropouts, both with no children, never-married but with child, and divorced with and without children... all these categories of women are attracted to the coordinator who is sensitive to relationship building.

They are clearly not attracted to the single highly paid geeks who are skilled at manipulating objects and concepts and logic.

Recently I had tens of thousands of dollars of construction work done to my house. Since I am 120 miles from that house, my young single husband-seeking daughters handled much of the hiring of construction workers. We had a steady stream of applicants come through, plus many more who promised to show up and didn't. My half-Hispanic pro-illegal daughters assumed the myth that Americans were better workers and they would have to pay more for the Americans.

The reality has just now dawned on us... tens of thousands of dollars too late.

Everybody wants to be a construction coordinator and facilitator and "find" others to do the work. Nobody wants to do the actual work. Nobody wants to pound nails or cut boards or hang drywall. The Americans to whom we contracted in turn subbed the work to others who in turn subbed the work to immigrants. The Russian electrician, Polish siding installers and stair carpenter (who did a lousy job) and most of the Mexicans who actually picked up a tool and "got dirty" were illegals.

That was not the intent of my daughters. We find it very ironic... and expensive.

The question now arises: To what extent does this lack of Americans who want to do certain types of work due to non-economic values create a vacuum that sucks in immigrants who are willing to do those jobs? It certainly isn't 100% of the explanation. But I seem to be coming to the conclusion that is is a significant factor along with the pay scale thing ... and the fact that our public education system does not prepare people to think logically. For example, the American educated "construction managers" could not think logically about how to put the siding on the house, nor about how to build a closet in the same way that the foreigners could.

Bob Schmidt