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To: NewLand
1. What was inspirational about the speech (we are at war)?

2. What made you proud to be an American?

3. What made you willing to sacrifice for the (war) effort?

4. What specific points in the speech moved you personally?

5. What inspired you with the president's mental acumen?
342 posted on 04/13/2004 7:48:07 PM PDT by tubavil
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To: tubavil
What matters most to me is that President Bush is not going to back down on the war and on the June 30 issue. He made it very clear.

While you might make a case for Bush's shortcomings as an off-the-cuff speaker; I would say that there was another historic figure who, despite being a poor speaker, proved to be an accomplished leader - Moses.
364 posted on 04/13/2004 7:54:24 PM PDT by wingman1 (University of Vietnam '70)
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To: tubavil
1. What was inspirational about the speech (we are at war)?

Freedom is granted to us by The Almighty. The Iraqi people have as much right to freedom as we do. This is a moment in history where we can change the world. We are the world's greatest power, thus it is our OBLIGATION to protect and defend freedom around the world. et al...

2. What made you proud to be an American?

I am proud to be an American for 40+ years, I didn't need a speech from President Bush for that. Having said that, he reinforced the FACT that we are the most powerful nation on earth, we are a liberating nation, not an imperial nation (ask the people of Japan, Germany, Kuwait, etc). What other powerful nation can say that?

3. What made you willing to sacrifice for the (war) effort?

Being an American citizen should be enough. In case it's not, remember that we have a representative form of gov't (republic) and our representatives voted in favor of this war. In case BOTH of those are not enough, President's Bush' unwavering committment to defend our freedoms, to go on the offensive against terrorists, his absolute commitment to win, his absolute commitment to stay the course as long as we have to, etc.

4. What specific points in the speech moved you personally?

Losing is unthinkable.

5. What inspired you with the president's mental acumen?

Mental acumen is not inspiring. Courage, conviction, committment...those are inspiring character traits. Most Americans would agree.

415 posted on 04/13/2004 8:07:58 PM PDT by NewLand (I maintain my political power for $1 a day at Free Republic...)
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To: tubavil
Ok Now you're talking, I'll take just one point. IF each of my fellow FReepers take one that touches their fancy, we can wrap this up tonight.

2. What made you proud to be an American?

This one is tougher than it looks. There is no way that any single person can inspire pride with a single speech. True pride in one's self, or one's country is developed over time. What the President could do is remind me of just why I am proud of the United States. Are we a perfect country? For the love of God, NO! But, also, for the Love of God, we try. Go to the green fields of Gettysburg, or the heights behind Omaha Beach in Normandy, and you will see the price America has been willing to pay to make this a better country and world. But each struggle builds upon the one before. A failure can undo the work of generations. Today the United States has once again fielded an "Army of the Free". Tonight the President made clear that he will not abandon the sacrifice of over 600 of our fellow Americans. The only way we loose is to walk away. He told us, and the Iraqi people that we aren't going to do that. That's what makes me proud, to be part of a people that will lay down their lives for the freedom of folks they don't even know.
420 posted on 04/13/2004 8:08:28 PM PDT by 75thOVI (Draw the bayonet, and throw away the scabbard!......................Old Blue Light)
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