1 posted on
03/29/2004 10:55:05 PM PST by
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To: kattracks
Let's see if liberals can compete in the free marketplace of ideas. Bring it on!!!
2 posted on
03/29/2004 10:57:18 PM PST by
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: kattracks
3 posted on
03/29/2004 10:57:38 PM PST by
(Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats and Liddle Lamzy Divey ...)
To: kattracks
Keep on talking but nobody is listening
4 posted on
03/29/2004 10:58:12 PM PST by
(www.armorforcongress.com..... put a FReeper in Congress)
To: kattracks
Mr. Franken will debut at noon with "The O'Franken Factor,"That is just so ... pathetic.
To: kattracks
Al should keep his goals more realistic and before he tries to become a radio personality, work on developing a personality, period.
6 posted on
03/29/2004 11:01:07 PM PST by
To: kattracks
Mr. Franken once wrote a book titled "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot" and has named his show as a parody of "The O'Reilly Factor," hosted by Bill O'Reilly of Fox News. Sounds like Franken is loaded with some real cutting-edge, innovative, break-through ideas.
7 posted on
03/29/2004 11:02:39 PM PST by
Prince Caspian
(Don't ask if it's risky... Ask if the reward is worth the risk)
To: kattracks
Al Franken is the Andy Kaufman of politics. Enough said.
10 posted on
03/29/2004 11:12:19 PM PST by
(Pick a fight with me, Al. I'll sue you... after I beat you to a pulp.)
To: kattracks
Exactly HOW many liberal talk shows have failed within the past ten years? Anyone know? I know that it's up there, but I can't seen to remember the exact number.
11 posted on
03/29/2004 11:13:02 PM PST by
(Gay, conservative, Christian, AND (2/3) PROUD OF IT!)
To: kattracks
Since liberals are parasites that depend upon a host that doesn't remove them, they naturally have developed a whole bunch of propaganda sources for their continued existance at our expense. In other words its already all to easy to get access to their point of view, pretty much assuring that Al and his fellow RATS are going to fail.
12 posted on
03/29/2004 11:13:45 PM PST by
(Socialism first, cancer second.)
To: kattracks
*snicker, snort, chortle* Ooooh.. It's going to be on xxxxAM in Los Angeles. Wow, don't even know if I have an AM radio that goes that high.. Hmm, wow, think of all the money they're going to have to waste to let the drones know. Millions, especially in the diverse Los Angeles market, will have to be poured into publicity, lest their 'voice' be completely and utterly ignored.
Hmm, come to think of it, I'm not going to help them by broadcasting their station number. I'll just say it's a heck of a lot higher up the dial than KNX.
*giggle* I should start looking to see how little power this station is using for broadcast.. Might not even be able to hear it out here. Wow, can't wait for the quarterly report to come out.
13 posted on
03/29/2004 11:15:36 PM PST by
(Which would you bet on? Iraq and Afghanistan? Or Haiti and Kosovo?)
To: kattracks
Sorry Al, Dr. Laura is on at noon.
15 posted on
03/29/2004 11:17:13 PM PST by
(Until Kofi Annan rides the Jerusalem RTD....nothing will change.)
To: kattracks
OK folks, bring it on.
To: kattracks
---"I'm interested in doing what I can to affect this election. I'm thinking about what's the best use of my energies. I hope this is it," Mr. Franken told the Associated Press in January when he announced his intention to become a radio personality. ---
Sounds like he's only in it for the election. If people realize that Franken doesn't give a damn about their concerns beyond getting their vote, he'll be toast long before November. I give him three months. That's how long it'll take for the bozos to figure out that no one is listening.
17 posted on
03/29/2004 11:41:06 PM PST by
(Go Sharon! Go Bush!)
To: kattracks
"My first priority is to get sued by a right-wing jerk in order to generate interest in my new show," Mr. Franken said Ooooooo we're really impressed Al...been taking jock lessons from efnkerry? [you weiner]
18 posted on
03/29/2004 11:49:51 PM PST by
(We don't need no steenkin' experts!)
To: kattracks
Overnight his name will as common place as,,ah,,,,buggy whips? Fork em.
19 posted on
03/29/2004 11:53:36 PM PST by
To: kattracks
I sure hope they get big media coverage when they go bust.
20 posted on
03/30/2004 12:05:09 AM PST by
("Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Benjamin Franklin)
To: kattracks
Hasn't anybody noticed the irony of the name here? Air America! This is too much! A liberal radio network (makes about as much sense as healthy fast food), names itself after the airline cover name used in Vietnam for the CIA.
One more thing, I thought there already was a liberal radio network- NPR?
I guess it wouldn't be as big a deal if Al replaced Terry Gross on Freshair! for the rest of the campaign season.
I predict this network will go the way of NSync....(it's about as talented).
21 posted on
03/30/2004 12:20:59 AM PST by
To: kattracks
Three hours of daily hate-America speech. This is just another way for the DNC to get around campaign finance laws.
22 posted on
03/30/2004 12:27:04 AM PST by
(This space outsourced to India)
To: kattracks
"Mr. Franken will debut at noon with "The O'Franken Factor"
Gee, how creative. They are already running on empty.
To: kattracks
Best to just ignore them all-together. I can't even stand the thought of them getting the rubber-necking treatment for even the first few days on-air.
30 posted on
03/30/2004 2:34:39 AM PST by
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