Innocents have again been slaughtered and put on display for the world to see. May the truth of this horror be plainly seen by the eyes of the world ... that the enemy reveres not life, nor is the enemy reverential in death. The souls are but pawns in a quest for power, and as the time grows short when liberty takes hold, the wrath of the enemy increases.
Merciful Father, comfort the families of those who have been lost. Under gird them with the knowledge that the enemy cannot touch the soul, no matter what is done to the outward man. Let no nation shrink from this horror ... counter the enemy's opportunity to lead in cries to withdraw to safety ... to take troops from the battlefield as a means of protection. From the beginning of mankind, You have warned that only destruction gives victory over evil ... that we are not to be seduced into thinking that giving quarter to the enemy takes any of us out of harm's way. You are a Merciful God ... You are Just God ... we know that You will exact vengeance upon the death of the innocents. We long for Your perfect justice to prevail, yet until that day, O God, keep us committed to the battle for freedom and security. Give the greatest wisdom that we would be able to thwart such barbaric attacks upon the people, even while our hearts grieve for those whose blood has been spilled in the cause of freedom. In the Name of Jesus, we pour out our prayers before You, Amen ...