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A baby dragon, or a bad joke?
Electronic Telegraph ^
| 24/01/2004
| Roger Highfield, Science Editor
Posted on 01/28/2004 10:15:18 AM PST by aculeus
click here to read article
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To: Ruy Dias de Bivar
You beat me to it.
The world famous pictures of:
Nessie was a model approximately three feet tall.
Sasquatch was the guy's neighbor in a costume.
Don't forget the sleigh of hand artist who pulled cancerous growths out of people. The guy from "Taxi" learned the hard way about that one.
posted on
01/29/2004 8:55:54 PM PST
Shooter 2.5
(Don't punch holes in the lifeboat)
To: Junior
Awww...he's cute!
To: aruanan
Good point. When I read just the text of the story (in a Delphi forum) I thought it could be some fetal version of something ordinary, or with wings attached to same. Appears fake fake fake. Particularly the eyes.
posted on
01/29/2004 11:05:07 PM PST
(...never need a pilot light...)
To: SengirV; aculeus
"I hate it when stories like this have no photo's" Nope; it's Bush's fault.
posted on
01/29/2004 11:08:30 PM PST
("Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.")
To: aculeus
posted on
01/29/2004 11:08:50 PM PST
(Smaug warning)
To: BibChr
Well, it looks very cool, no matter what it is.
posted on
01/29/2004 11:09:51 PM PST
("Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.")
To: hattend
"A Baby Dragon = an English version of a Jackalope." LOL!
posted on
01/29/2004 11:18:08 PM PST
("Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.")
To: Blood of Tyrants
The snake was on TV...looked real to me.
posted on
01/29/2004 11:18:16 PM PST
(Like most of the Right Wing, I "just don't get it". Apparently, it's not contagious.)
To: Hatteras
*dies laughing* I should never freep while eating or drinking :P
To: aculeus
If it's real, will we clone it? If it's fake, is there an artist's signature?
To: Ruy Dias de Bivar
No no don't know how to play this game. Some twerp claims to have been Sasquatch (interesting with all the sightings all over the northwest and Canada for decades........or longer) and you believe it. Someone says they fake a Nessie photo and you discount eyewitness accounts and other evidence accumulated for many, many years from hundreds of people. You believe it.
Some rubes claim to have made crop circles with boards and rope.........and you can look at the mounds of photographs of incredibly sophisticated "crop circles" from around the world and believe these two rubes did them.
No, dude, YOU are the gullible one.
To: aculeus
The dragon is flawless, from the tiny teeth to the umbilical cord. Must be one of Her Ankleship's ancestors... Or one of Bill's.
posted on
01/30/2004 3:58:25 AM PST
(Love & a .45-- What more could you want, campers? };^)
To: RightOnline
Some rubes claim to have made crop circles with boards and rope......... They did.
and you can look at the mounds of photographs of incredibly sophisticated "crop circles" from around the world and believe these two rubes did them.
Straw man fallacy (no pun intended). They may have started the craze, but then other pranksters "from around the world" played copycat when they saw how much of a fuss the circles generated.
It's interesting to note that the temporal and geographic pattern of the spread of the "circles" follows the pattern of the publicity given to them. For example, when local coverage in region X of country Y gives prominent attention to crop circles, then voila, there follow a number of local "sightings". And so on.
No, dude, YOU are the gullible one.
If you say so, Mr. It-Must-Be-Aliens.
To: Ichneumon
Show me where I said it was "aliens". Show me your evidence that crop circle proliferation followed "publicity" (pretty interesting, since they've been around for many, many years......and have been concentrated in certain geographic areas, totally absent in others around the world). Also, show me how to make these designs with boards and ropes without breaking a single plant, all plants laying down perfectly aligned, highly complex images only visible from the air, leaving trace radiation, etc., etc. Let's not go into how these would be done all over the world by incredibly talented hoaxsters without ever being seen. Golly gee. We need to round 'em up and put them in Special Forces with those skills.
Try again, sparky.
To: moonhawk
Google "world's largest snake" and you will find that the snakes true length was about 22.5 feet. When scientists actually put a measuring tape to it, the zookeeper said that he had no idea how the snake shrank so much.
posted on
01/30/2004 5:43:47 AM PST
Blood of Tyrants
(Even if the government took all your earnings, you wouldn’t be, in its eyes, a slave.)
To: SunkenCiv
Good point. When I read just the text of the story (in a Delphi forum) I thought it could be some fetal version of something ordinary, or with wings attached to same. Appears fake fake fake. Particularly the eyes.
Yes, but how "fake fake fake" does a platypus appear?
posted on
01/30/2004 8:07:31 AM PST
To: Blood of Tyrants
Nothing cool is ever true, is it?
Thanks for the reply, though.
posted on
01/30/2004 9:39:21 AM PST
(Let the beatings begin...)
To: moonhawk
Seems not. Even the story about the guy who killed himself by strapping a JATO rocket to his Chevy Impala and lighting it off, only to smash into a cliff face at 350 mph 100 feet off the ground, has proven to be false.
Still a darned good story.
posted on
01/30/2004 9:47:57 AM PST
Blood of Tyrants
(Even if the government took all your earnings, you wouldn’t be, in its eyes, a slave.)
To: RightOnline
Those are interesting links!
posted on
01/30/2004 10:09:13 AM PST
(Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark. - Lazarus Long)
To: ravingnutter
Are you scientist yourself? It sounds like your job is a great big Far Side cartoon.
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