Posted on 06/18/2002 9:57:13 AM PDT by jimkress
Edited on 07/12/2004 3:54:48 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
Conservative lawmakers and activists disappointed with President Bush's first 18 months in office are calling into question his tactics and strategy in advancing the conservative agenda.
"The president for the most part has been our guy," said House Majority Leader Dick Armey, Texas Republican and a prominent conservative on Capitol Hill. "A few times we disagree."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Recognizing the 2nd Amendment for what it truly is for the first time in decades -- the personal right to bear arms.
A single statement on a suit that never made it to the supreme court with the caveat that laws may be used to limit gun rights when it suits the state. nothing here, just plain BS.
2.) Stopped overseas abortion funding (Mexico City Policy)
The number of abortions stopped are less than 1/4 of the illegal immigrants we receive from Mexico every year.
3.) Lowered taxes in the biggest tax refund in American history. (Remember that?)
$300 and the rest may never be implemented. Designed to be implemented over the next 12 years. Again, just BS no substance.
4.) Pulled the U.S. out of the ABM treaty with the now-defunct USSR in order to finally begin constructing a national missle defense shield.
Really something, cancelling a treaty with a defunct country, lots of balls
5.) Said "Thanks, but No Thanks" to the Kyoto treaty. (The previous administration, true liberals, signed it.)
No other major nation in the world has ratified this treaty. Sorry, no hero badge here
6.) Is currently in the process of rebuilding and restructuring the military.
This is part of the presidential duties defined in the constitution. You don't get any points for doing your job.
7.) Brought U.S. airmen home safely without a shot fired after they were held prisoner by China. (Oh yeah!)
Kissed Chinas' ass, apologized and paid ransom after China commited an act of war against the United States.
8.) Responded correctly to the 2001 attacks on the United States with decisive action and security measures. (The War on Terror is a bold, unmistakeable move.)
The war on terror is nothing more tyhan a political ploy to restrict the rights of american citizens. It will be used in upcoming months when it will provide political support to the republicans and to GWB. The war on terror is the WOD only worse.
9.) Signed a nuclear arsenal reduction treaty with the Russian Republic to promote peaceful relations with our former enemy.
You are really reaching with this one. All this did was to commit us to getting rid of our rockets, it didn't get rid of any warheads.
10.) Directed the Secretary of Energy to re-fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (as opposed to wasting it to alter gas prices, as the previous President did).
This is really important? We poured 90 days of oil into the ground, at what expense?
11.) PROVIDES TRUE LEADERSHIP to the country, even when his own "supporters" turn their backs on him because he hasn't yet scaled back liberalism to the 1800's. Get real people.
The only leadership he has shown is to the liberal democrats. He has pushed their agenda further in the last 18 months than they did during the whole of the Clinton administration. Bush is the best president that the democrats have ever had.
You are correct, the people should get real, Bush is a traitor to the conservative cause and should be retired in 2004.
... and years.
Pat Buchanan and Alan Keyes are probably too liberal for you too... I suppose you think Bush could reverse 100 years of liberalism in his first year?
Whining won't help. Why don't you run for President? Let's see how your views hold up with the majority of Americans.
By getting people out of public housing and into their own homes?
Therein lies the problem. Most voters will not tolerate a candidate who truly respects the law of the land, the Constitution. The cure is not political, and the cure had better come soon.
Actually, his actions are matching up with his words for the last few years. I have to give him that.
That's why I just couldn't bring myself to vote for him. Some were telling me he just had to SAY certain things to get elected. I took him at his word, but I said that if he's a liar just to get elected, that's not the kind of man I want there either (Lord knows we've had enough of that). Happy to say, he is at least not a liar, that I know of. That's good for him, but he's still bad for us.
But the main problem is not Bush or any votees, it is the populace.
I was and still am a big supporter of Alan Keyes. The way the republicans treated him is unforgiveable.
Bush isn't even trying to implement a conservative agenda much less trying to reverse the liberal agenda. He has betrayed the conservatives who supported and helped elect him. He is trying to replace their votes by pandering to the liberal democrat base. It won't work and he will find out on the day after election day 2004 that no one will vote for a two bit phoney.
You made the mistake of backing a loser. Keyes lost twice for Senate and twice for the Republican nomination. And now I hear msnbc might be cancelling his cable talkshow. Alan Keyes is an arrogant and pompous arse. His rude behavior during the primary season was outrageous. He has refered to President Bush as more evil then Bill Clinton. Of all the questionable remarks Keyes has made over the years, that statement is the most moronic remark I've ever heard Keyes utter and deserves to be in the Moron Hall of Fame.
President Bush hasn't betrayed anyone, except malcontents and social misfits like you. For you to even suggest that Bush is pandering to the "liberal democrat base", shows the depth of your political ignorance. The President still enjoys overwhelming support from rank and file Republicans, his loyal conservative base, independents and undecided voters.
The only thing phoney around here is your rhetoric and more precisely, you!
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