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***Joe Lieberman's Largest Contributor is Enron's Largest Creditor****
Freeper Research ^
| January 12, 2002
| Freeper Research-see thread
Posted on 01/12/2002 8:23:18 AM PST by VRWC_minion
Freeper discovers amazing connection. Lieberman's largest contributor is Enrons largest creditor
Ailing Enron Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection
Enron is likely to try to isolate its trading operations as a new business, with additional investments from its leading banks, J.P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup. <Enron reported in its court filing yesterday that Citigroup's Citibank unit is its largest unsecured creditor, with two loans totaling $3 billion.
Top Contributors
1 |
Citigroup Inc |
$112,546 |
2 |
United Technologies |
$62,000 |
3 |
Hartford Financial Services |
$49,700 |
4 |
New Democrat Network |
$48,398 |
5 |
Pfizer Inc |
$40,300 |
6 |
Richman Group |
$32,000 |
7 |
Aetna Inc |
$30,000 |
8 |
MacAndrews & Forbes |
$28,000 |
9 |
National Jewish Democratic Council |
$27,800 |
10 |
Apollo Management |
$26,000 |
10 |
Starwood Capital Group |
$26,000 |
12 |
Northeast Utilities |
$25,800 |
13 |
Purdue Frederick |
$25,000 |
14 |
Rite Aid Corp |
$24,000 |
15 |
National Westminster Bank |
$23,000 |
16 |
Paloma Partners |
$22,000 |
17 |
American International Group |
$20,000 |
17 |
Chase Enterprises |
$20,000 |
17 |
O&G Industries |
$20,000 |
17 |
Tomasso Brothers |
$20,000 |
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: hughhewitt; michaeldobbs
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To: prometheus
Please don't forget the Ron Brown letter on Enrons belhalf. I read it here yesterday.
posted on
01/12/2002 9:44:18 AM PST
To: VRWC_minion
Play this one up hard!
Mr. Liberman, were you ever asked by your largest campaign contributor, Citigroup, to look into the Enron matter.
Did Citigroup ever contact you in connection with the billions of dollars they stand to loose in Enron, ask you or your staff to step in on their behalf?
Mr. Lieberman, some people are questioning whether you could have simply stood by and watched as your largest campaign contributor, Citigroup, lost billions of dollars inEnron. What do you say to those people that would accuse you of having some hand in the growing Enron scandal?
Mr. Lieberman, I hate to bring this up, but as you know, Enron's employees have lost a lot of money, some their entire life's savings. What critics are saying is that your involvement in this scandal on behalf of one your contributors, in fact your largest campaign contributor, Citigroup, may have in some way caused Enron employees to loose more money than they would have lost otherwise?
Mr. Lieberman, how do you answer these critic, how do you answer to the financially ruined Enron employees that your involvement helped Citigroup reduce its losses while making the Enron employee losses worse?
Senator Lieberman, will you resign?
posted on
01/12/2002 9:46:12 AM PST
To: Dog
I saw the amount of debt of $3 billion after last night's revelations that LIEberman had received a lot of money from Citigroup and said WOW! LIEberman needs to recuse himself now and we need to lead the fight to get him to do it.
Comment #24 Removed by Moderator
Comment #25 Removed by Moderator
To: dalebert
I haven't seen it. Post a link and I will take a look at it.
To: copycat
Lieberman should recuse himself from his committees investigation the same as Ashcroft if he wants to maintain public trust. I agree.
To: Howlin
Already saying Bush is guilty of something, Henry Waxman blamed the President for not bailing the company out of it vat of pickling juice.Of course, we all know if Bush had fixed the problem, the same Henry Waxman would be crying Foul over that. So there is no way, Bush can win with a dirty pool player like Henry, who fixes the game in advance.
To: prometheus
Exactly! "He helped his friend!" Nice setup, Henry. But I thought I read Henry's name in these Enron posts!
posted on
01/12/2002 9:59:40 AM PST
To: Howlin
The same Henry Waxman said of all and every Clinton scandal, misfeasance, breach of law, chicanery, subterfuge, "Who cares?"
Proving that the only dog Blowjob Henry wants to kill is a Republican dog named Bush.
To: prometheus
Grow up and know what the heck you are talking about. My Democrat friends???? You are mentaly ill bozo.
To: seamole
Enron had given Darling Tommy, the media's heartthrob, $6,000 in Campaign donations. I guess, according to the world of blowdried Liberal newsmen and ladies, that makes the chief Rat as guilty as a Cat with a dead mouse in his mouth.
To: BJungNan
To: Howlin
Enron, for whatever reason, seemingly didn't offer So What Henry any dough, although he surely would put some into his greedy pocket had Enron done so, but I am comming for your Guns upChuckie Schumer put $21,933 into his deep Gun grabbing pockets, making him number 4 on the list. So what did upChuckie Upchuck for Enron, and when did he upchuck?
To: seamole
Very interesting.
To: imperator2
I haven't posted anything to you. So the hell is your deluded outbrust about or are you just some paranoid a-hole who just pulled there head out of the ground? If I were you I would n't talk about sickos since you are the one reading things that were never said to you.
To: imperator2
I haven't posted anything to you. So the hell is your deluded outbrust about or are you just some paranoid a-hole who just pulled his head out of the ground? If I were you I would n't talk about sickos since you are the one reading things that were never said to you.
To: imperator2
I haven't posted anything to you. So what the hell is your deluded outbrust about or are you just some paranoid a-hole who just pulled his head out of the ground? If I were you I would n't talk about sickos since you are the one reading things that were never said to you.
To: VRWC_minion
Before you continue with this, you may want to consider that Enron contributed 2 million dollars to the Bush campaign. You must then apply the same yardstick to Bush, and I do not see any wrongdoing on Bush's part other than to receive a campaign contribution. It would have to be proven that special favors were granted.
The Enron problem is far greater than campaign contributions. The culprits are the accountancy firm and greedy top executives.
To: prometheus
I thinks there's a lot of paranoid DU's here lately. :-)
posted on
01/12/2002 10:30:38 AM PST
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