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CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme Fails Again/Ollie Laughs Ann Lewis Off Stage
Hannity & Colmes | 1-5-02 | Mia T

Posted on 01/05/2002 3:18:57 AM PST by Mia T

CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme Fails Again
Ollie North Laughs Ann Lewis Off Stage
by Mia T

CEW YORK, Jan.4--Second-string clinton lapdog, Ann Lewis, failed in her attempt to implement the CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme on "Hannity & Colmes" tonight. The team's implementation score, thus far, is 352 failed attempts and zero successes, despite the best aiding-and-abetting efforts of The New York Times, the Washington Post and Helen Thomas.

Rather than disproving the motivating premise of the Harlem-hatched mission -- a clinton legacy of depravity, ineptitude and failure -- Lewis' tired shtick only served to underscore the premise's essential truth.

Oliver (Ollie) North, a combat-decorated Marine and host of the Fox News show, "War Stories, was substituting for Sean Hannity. Ollie delivered the coup de grâce: "Reagan didn't need to remind the people about his legacy... The people already made up their mind about clinton."

Said another way, the very existence of the CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme is confirmation that clinton was, indeed, an utter failure.

CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme Fails in its 1st Effort
Bill O'Reilly Laughs Lanny Davis Off Stage
Calls "It's the economy, stupid" an Utter Absurdity Post-9/11
by Mia T

CEW YORK, Dec 21--Diehard clinton lackey, Lanny Davis tested the CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme in what the clintons likely regard their most difficult venue, "The O'Reilly Factor." The top-rated Fox News show demonstrated once again that its motto, "the no spin zone," is no spin.

The eponymous host swiftly stopped the spin (and the spin). O'Reilly debunked all the shameless clinton-directed revisionism spewed by Davis, exposing the absurdity of the CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme even as he underscored clinton's immutable legacy of depravity and failure.


Q ERTY6 clinton-was-an- utter-failure REALITY-CHECK bump!

To his astonishment the handshake was declined. "You are not fit to be president of the United States," said Shughart Senior. "The blame for my son' s death rests with the White House and with you. You are not fit to command."

Dead Hero's Father Tears into Clinton


As Riefenstahl told it, editing-to-perfection was crucial....By editing out a shot of Hitler wiping his nose and including instead "more interesting expressions," by eliminating the human, Riefenstahl eliminated the inhuman.

Film Noir in the White House

The Placebo President (aided and abetted by the media myrmidons of the left) strikes again
by Mia T
Most interesting about the impeached ex-president's revisionist schemes is his calculation that incompetency is a preferable legacy to idiocy or a sui generis narcissistic sedition.
compulsive clinton CYA-ing CONTINUES

(so does 4th-estate malfeasance)

VH1 re-broadcasts the concert for America where Hildabeast was booed off the stage - except this time they edited out the boos AND REPLACED THEM WITH CHEERS!!!

Calling George Orwell!!

7 posted on 12/31/01 9:26 PM Pacific by Rockinfreakapotamus

Will Riefenstahl-esque "editing to perfection" resurrect the clintons?


Frankenstein, The Sequel:

'Black Hawk Down' Was Set to Blame Clinton for 9/11

Hollywood--premier clinton creator--decides instead to edit out its own culpability for 9/11 by editing out clinton's culpability for 9/11

hillary's head revisited:

hillary clinton's brain (such as it is) II
 by Mia T

The smartest woman in the world would relish "the raucous give and take of American democracy, " as Charles Kuralt once put it.

hillary clinton, by contrast, subsists on cozy clintonoid interviews of the Colmes kind...

In her new book, Political Fictions, Joan Didion indicts the fakery of access journalism practiced by vacant politicos like the clintons, whom she sees as "purveyors of fables of their own making, or worse, fables conceived by political strategists with designs on votes, not news."

(More Didion: "No one who ever passed through an American public high school could have watched William Jefferson Clinton running for office in 1992 and failed to recognize the familiar predatory sexuality of the provincial adolescent.")


Post 9/11, a scatological response to the clintons is reflexive and virtually universal.

Post 9/11, even the most hopelessly ignorant and partisan, (with the inexplicable exception of Helen Thomas), are able to comprehend their collective posterior's precarious position; and they are able to connect the dots rather easily from it to clinton hyper-narcissism, ineptitude and depravity.


 Helen Thomas Syndrome: THE SYMPTOMS

Helen Thomas Syndrome


Q ERTY4 + Q ERTY6 = rodham clinton REALITY CHECK!


Clinton's failure to grasp the opportunity to unravel increasingly organized extremists, coupled with Berger's assessments of their potential to directly threaten the U.S., represents one of the most serious foreign policy failures in American history

Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize



Bill Clinton may not be the worst president America has had, but surely he is the worst person to be president.*

---GEORGE WILL, Sleaze, the sequel


Had George Will written Sleaze, the sequel (the "sequel" is, of course, hillary) after 9-11-01, I suspect that he would have had to forgo the above conceit, as the doubt expressed in the setup phrase was, from that day forward, no longer operational.

Indeed, assessing the clinton presidency an abject failure is not inconsistent with commentary coming from the left, most recently the LA Times: "Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize."

When the clintons left office, I predicted that the country would eventually learn--sadly, the hard way--that this depraved, self-absorbed and inept pair had placed America (and the world) in mortal danger. But I was thinking years, not months.

It is very significant that hillary clinton didn't deny clinton culpability for the terrorism. (Meet the Press, 12-09-01), notwithstanding tired tactics (if you can't pass the buck, spread the blame) and chronic self-exclusion. ("I knew nuttin'.")

If leftist pandering keeps the disenfranchized down in perpetuity, clinton pandering,("it's the economy, stupid"), kept the middle and upper classes wilfully ignorant for eight years.

And ironically, both results (leftist social policy and the clinton economy) are equally illusory, fraudulent. It is becoming increasingly clear that clinton assiduously avoided essential actions that would have negatively impacted the economy--the ultimate source of his continued power--actions like, say, going after the terrorists.

It is critically important that hillary clinton fail in her grasp for power; read Peggy Noonan's little book, 'The Case Against Hillary Clinton' and Barbara Olson's two books; it is critical that the West de-clintonize, but that will be automatic once it is understood that the clintons risked civilization itself in order to gain and retain power.

It shouldn't take books, however, to see that a leader is a dangerous, self-absorbed sicko. People should be able to figure that out for themselves. The electorate must be taught to think, to reason. It must be able to spot spin, especially in this age of the electronic demagogue.

I am not hopeful. As Bertrand Russell noted, "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so. "

Mia T, hillary clinton blames hubby for terrorism

(SHE knew nuttin')

Meet the Press, 12-09-01



*George Will continues: There is reason to believe that he is a rapist ("You better get some ice on that," Juanita Broaddrick says he told her concerning her bit lip), and that he bombed a country to distract attention from legal difficulties arising from his glandular life, and that. ... Furthermore, the bargain that he and his wife call a marriage refutes the axiom that opposites attract. Rather, she, as much as he, perhaps even more so, incarnates Clintonism

Q ERTY3 co-rapist  bump!

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: binladen; clinton; somalia; terrorism
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1 posted on 01/05/2002 3:18:57 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T
Thanks Mia for your excellent work - again. The Clinton scheme team must be at the bottom of the barrel to send weak sister Lewis out as their spokesperson!! Sorry I didn't see Ollie do a number on her!!
2 posted on 01/05/2002 3:27:17 AM PST by Elkiejg
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To: Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; river rat; Freedom'sWorthIt; IVote2; Slyfox...
Q ERTY6 clinton-was-an- utter-failure PING!
3 posted on 01/05/2002 3:35:16 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Mia T
I saw this! I couldn't believe they trotted out Ann Lewis, and she was totally rolled over. HA!

Thanks for this post! It goes well with my coffee this morning!

4 posted on 01/05/2002 3:39:51 AM PST by Miss Marple
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To: Mia T
Nice QWERTY6. You can type faster than ME-Bump!
5 posted on 01/05/2002 3:43:59 AM PST by DoctorMichael
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To: Elkiejg;Mia T
The Clinton scheme team

Very good!

These people are:

Serial liars
Serial criminals
A blight on all decency
A stain on America
An affront to the Almighty
Like penicillin-resistant gonnorrhea....

6 posted on 01/05/2002 3:48:31 AM PST by backhoe
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To: Mia T
7 posted on 01/05/2002 3:50:36 AM PST by kattracks
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To: Mia T
clinton's legacy will always be, "The president who sold America's nuclear weapons secrets to the Red Chinese for campaign cash"!
8 posted on 01/05/2002 3:54:36 AM PST by Chapita
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To: Mia T
I saw it too. Ann Lewis? I couldn't believe she was baaaaccck! Thanks, Mia. Great post as always.
9 posted on 01/05/2002 3:54:38 AM PST by FryingPan101
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To: Mia T
Anything for a headline, face time, the dog was expendable. The other dog better watch it, X42 has her ambitions! "Never have so many been so utterly stupid."
10 posted on 01/05/2002 3:55:12 AM PST by Waco
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To: Mia T
... clinton-was-an-utter-failure ...

Without question ... and he's a miserable failure as a dog owner. ;)

11 posted on 01/05/2002 3:58:56 AM PST by BluH2o
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To: Mia T
Outstanding post! Thank you. Bookmarked.
12 posted on 01/05/2002 4:00:42 AM PST by jammer
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To: Waco
The Klintoon Kool-aid Kooks will never give up and we mustn't either. Memories will have to be refreshed and stories retold periodically to make sure that this scum and their lies never get any traction in the minds of average Americans.
13 posted on 01/05/2002 4:02:18 AM PST by tom paine 2
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To: Mia T
Wonderful as always

My brother-in-law called on the way to work this am.

He related Ollie's Rout of Barney Frank's sister Ann on H & C last night

I heard he told Ann Lewis ...''s good to see that you democrats still don't let fact get in the way'



14 posted on 01/05/2002 4:04:35 AM PST by Elle Bee
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To: Mia T
Ollie delivered the coup de grâce: "Reagan didn't need to remind the people about his legacy...

Well said Mr. North. It seemed to take about a decade for President Reagan's true (great) legacy to get acknowledged by the press. How long will it take for the true Clinton legacy to get widespride acceptance? He was/is so depraved, and the media are so protective of Democrats, it probably won't happen until after he dies.

15 posted on 01/05/2002 4:05:28 AM PST by be-baw
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To: Chapita
I don't think a couple million from Riady and the Chinese going into the DNC campaign coffers did the trick. Klintoon knew the value of the information and they all understand offshore banking.
16 posted on 01/05/2002 4:08:00 AM PST by steve50
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To: Mia T
Another hit! . . .and a bump. . .
17 posted on 01/05/2002 4:09:30 AM PST by cricket
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To: Mia T
From the lawsuits clinton-is-an-udder-failure too.
18 posted on 01/05/2002 4:10:52 AM PST by Inge_CAV
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To: backhoe
You forgot....A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the security of the United States of America
19 posted on 01/05/2002 4:10:58 AM PST by OldFriend
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To: Mia T

For later read, this is gonna be good, it's from Mia ....

20 posted on 01/05/2002 4:13:25 AM PST by DreamWeaver
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