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The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource [11th Revision]
Free Republic, et al | 2001-12-10 | Junior, et al.

Posted on 12/10/2001 1:36:26 PM PST by Junior

The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource v. 11

Burning up the threads since June 1999 

Original (2001-07-23)
2nd Revision (2001-07-25)
3rd Revision (2001-07-27)
4th Revision (2001-08-06)
5th Revision (2001-08-23)
6th Revision (2001-08-28) [Missing]
7th Revision (2001-09-25)
8th Revision (2001-10-19)
9th Revision (2001-11-09)
10th Revision (2001-11-15)
Working Theory of Evolution (contributed by Physicist)
At some finite time in the past, life began somehow. (How it began is beyond the scope of the theory, but the observational evidence strongly suggests that only one such beginning on Earth has left descendants to the present day.) As life reproduces and multiplies, mutations occur with small but finite probabilities, causing new genes to be added, and creating new alleles of existing genes. The different alleles confer different traits upon their owners, rendering them more or less successful in coping with their environments. The organisms that are more successful in coping with their environments consequently have a slightly greater probability of passing their genes to the next generation of organisms than do the less successful organisms. This causes allele frequencies to change over time.

Because mutations are random according to their probabilities, there is essentially a zero probability that two non-interbreeding populations will get the same set of mutations. (Even if they somehow do, there is essentially a zero probability that the frequencies of the alleles will end up the same in both populations.) The alleles and new genes available in each population will therefore diverge, with the result that the populations become genetically more distant from each other over time. Eventually, the two populations will become genetically so distant that they lose the ability to produce viable hybrids between them. This is the cause of the origin of species.

Working Theory of Creation
God did it.  'Nuf said.
Creation vs. Evolution Sites

By Name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




























By Subject


  1. The Current State of Creation Astronomy


  1. Aeon

  2. Al DeGrazia's web site, Quantavolution, Solaria Binaria etc

  3. American Indians and Dinosaurs

  4. Catastrophism dot Com

  5. Don Scott's Version of Electric Sun Theory

  6. Electric Universe

  7. Global Flood(s)

  8. Halton Arp; Demise of Big Bang Theory

  9. Holden WWW Site, Main Page

  10. Kronia

  11. Saturn Thesis

  12. Tony Peratt, Los Alamos; plasma cosmology etc.

  13. Velikovsky Page, Links

  14. Venus and Differing Paradigms

  15. Wal Thornhill home page

Creation, General

  1. 50 Reasons to Leave Evolutionism

  2. Answers in Genesis

  3. Behe, biochemistry, and the invisible hand

  4. Behe's Book

  5. Biblical Creation Society

  6. Center for Renewal of Science and Culture

  7. Center for Scientific Creation

  8. Christian Answers Network

  9. Christian Apologetics

  10. Creation Research Society

  11. Creationism: The Hindu View

  12. Critique of Gould

  13. Darwin Papers (Jim Foard)

  14. Dembski: No Free Lunch

  15. Dembski on Intelligent Design

  16. Dembski/Origins

  17. Dogmatic Darwinism

  18. Evolution as Anti-Science

  19. Evolution Deceit

  20. Evolution or Christianity: Pick One...

  21. Evolution's quadrillion-year time requirements

  22. Faith Facts

  23. Fossil Record Quote collection

  24. From Bearfabrique: Evolution vs. Logic

  25. Hidden History, Hidden Agenda
  26. IDEA Club

  27. Inherit the Wind: a historical analysis

  28. Intelligent Design Network

  29. Jack Chick (Making the Truth Simple Enough for Evolutionists and other Feebs...)

  30. Michael Cremo and Forbidden archaeology

  31. Micro vs. Macroevolution

  32. Natural Selection an Agency of Stasis, not Change

  33. Phillip Johnson's Page

  34. Science Design Kit

  35. Science, Scripture, and the Saviour

  36. Second thoughts about peppered moths

  37. Skull and fossils in Ethiopia

  38. Splifford FAQ (How and really work)

  39. The 6 days of Creation: Days or Ages?

  40. The Earth is Not Moving!

  41. The few thousand years the evolutionists actually have...

  42. Torah and Science

  43. True Origins ( BS Refuted)

  44. Wistar Symposia: Mathematics vs. Evolution


  1. Exercise 1-2: Chronological Methods

  2. Luminescence Dating at the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art

  3. Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective

Darwinian Roots of Nazism, Communism, etc.

  1. Ascent of Racism

  2. Chuck Darwin's Family: Social Clymers and Worse

  3. Darwin at Nuremberg I

  4. Darwin at Nuremberg II

  5. Darwin at Nuremberg III

  6. Darwin's Environment

  7. Darwin's Racism

  8. Darwin, Racism, Evil

  9. Malthus and evolutionists

  10. Talk.Origins and the Darwin/Hitler Test

Evolution, General

  1. A Branch in Feather Evolution

  2. A List Of Fallacious Arguments

  3. American Association for the Advancement of Science

  4. Ayn Rand and Objectivism

  5. Controversial Fossil Claimed to Sink Dinosaur-Bird Link


  7. Creationist Geologic Time Scale: an attack strategy for the sciences

  8. Creation "Science" Debunked

  9. Creationism and Pseudo Science


  11. DARWINIAN NATURAL RIGHT: The Biological Ethics of Human Nature

  12. Earth Orbits? Moon Landings? A Fraud!

  13. Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution

  14. Flat Earth Society Homepage!

  15. Frequently Asked But Never Answered Questions

  16. Glenn R. Morton's site about creationism's fallacies

  17. Great Collection of Links

  18. Is Evolution Science?

  19. Massive mega-site with thousands of links on evolution, creationism, young earth, etc.

  20. Pro-Evolution/Anti-Creationism Resources


  22. Site that debunks virtually all of creationism's fallacies

  23. Smooth Change in the Fossil Record

  24. The Complete Idiot's Guide To Understanding Evolution

  25. The Evidence for Human Evolution

  26. The Evolution Fact FAQ by Dr. M. R. Leipzig

  27. The Fossil Record: Evolution or "Scientific Creation"

  28. The SKEPTIC annotated bibliography

  30. Why Bad Beliefs Don't Die

Extinct Fauna

  1. Common questions:  Mammal-like reptiles

  2. Dino Data

  3. Early Marsupial Found in Madagascar

  4. Mammal-like Reptiles and the First Mammals

  5. Punctuated Equilibrium Example: Some Dinosaurs

  6. Stiff-Necked Dinosaurs

  7. The Anatomy of Pterosaurs


  1. Heresy charges against Galileo and Galileo's confession

  2. Faith can never conflict with reason

  3. The Pope's 1996 statement on evolution



  2. Calico Early Man Archaeological Site

  3. Mungo Man older than thought

  4. Mungo Man vs. Mitochondrial Eve

  5. Neanderthals 'mated with modern humans'

  6. Neanderthals not human ancestors

  7. New DNA clues to Neanderthals

Irreducible Complexity

  1. Evolution of the bacterial flagella

  2. How Can Evolution Cause Irreducibly Complex Systems?

  3. How Could An Eye Evolve?

  4. Irreducible Complexity and Michael Behe

  5. Is the blood clotting cascade irreducibly complex?

  6. Of mousetraps and men

  7. The evolution of vertebrate blood clotting

  8. Why Evolutionary Algorithms Cannot Generate Specified Complexity, Dembski

Kent Hovind

  1. Another Hovind debate report.

  2. Dr. Hovind's $250,000 Offer

  3. How Good Are Those Young-Earth Arguments?

  4. Report on a Hovind Debate

Michael Behe

  1. Behe, biochemistry, and the invisble hand

  2. Behe's Book

  3. Irreducible Complexity and Michael Behe

  4. Review: "Darwin's Black Box"

National Center for Science Education

  1. Dealing with "Scientific" Creationists

Transitional Fossils 

  1. 20 Answers from an Evolutionist

  2. A Critique of Wallace: "There are no transitional fossils"

  3. Common Ancestry Of Monkeys, Apes And Humans

  4. Evolutionary Theory FAQ

  5. Observed Instances of Speciation

  6. On Creation Science and "Transitional Fossils"

  7. Punctuated Equilibrium Example: Some Dinosaurs

  8. Proofs of Macroevolution

  9. Speciation by Punctuated Equilibrium

  10. Talk Origins:  Horse Evolution

  11. Talk Origins:  The Archaeopteryx FAQs

  12. Talk Origins:  Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ

  13. Transitional Fossils -- Age and Descent

  14. Transitional Fossils Leading to Orbulina

  15. Transitional Fossils FAQ

  16. Transitional Vertebrate Fossils

"Weird" Theories, Miscellaneous

  1. American Medicine: Hypothesis Concerning Soul Substance Together with Experimental Evidence of The Existence of Such Substance

  2. Archimedes Plutonium

  3. Are You a Quack?

  4. Bearfabrique

  5. CrankDotNet

  6. Evangelicals and Crackpot Science
  7. Geocentricity Home Page

  8. Russell Turpin's "Characterization of Quack Theories"

  9. Rods

  10. Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics


  12. The Flat-out Truth:  Earth Orbits? Moon Landings? A Fraud! Says This Prophet

  13. The International Flat Earth Society

  14. The non-moving earth & anti-evolution web page...

  15. The Raelians
  16. Why I No Longer Debate Idiots

Young Earth

  1. Does the Bible Teach a Young Earth?

  2. How Good Are Those Young-Earth Arguments?

  3. Is the Earth Young?

  4. Is the Young-Earth Interpretation Biblical?

  5. The Taylor Site "Man Tracks"

  6. The World's Oldest Living Thing

  7. What Would We Expect to Find if the World had Flooded?


  1. Are the Odds Against the Origin of Life Too Great to Accept?

  2. Bruce Lipton, Cells and Computer components etc.

  3. FRAMSTICKS Artificial Life - 3D Evolution and Simulation

  4. Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Probability of Abiogenesis Calculations

  5. Life32v1.11 - Conway's Game of Life

  6. Links on Complexity, Self-organization and Artificial Life

  7. Message Theory/Remine

  8. Origins of Life Links

  9. Quantum intelligence in the universe?

  10. Recent Scientific Papers on ALH 8400

  11. Rupert Sheldrake, Morphogenic fields, resonances etc.

  12. Scientific American article: "SELF-ORGANIZATION"

  13. Self-Organizing Systems (SOS) FAQ

  14. The Beginnings of Life on Earth, by de Duve

  15. The Probability of Abiogenesis

  16. Well Preserved Meteorite Yields Clues To Carbon Evolution In Space

  17. Weizmann Institute's New Theory: The Origin Of Life [Missing]

Physics and Math

  1. Dr. Paul Wesson: Higher Dimensional Dynamics
  2. Dr. Gerald Schroeder: The Age of the Universe
  3. Dr. Gerald Schroeder: Evolution: Rationality v Randomness
  4. Feigenbaum Constant
  6. Dr Rips et al: Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis
  7. Dr. Eliyahu Rips: Response to Professor Sternburg


  1. Macroevolution: Introduction to Speciation

  2. Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution

  3. Observed Instances of Speciation

  4. Pupfish of the Western Deserts: A Case Study in Speciation

Talk Origins

  1. 29 Evidences for Macroevolution Part 2: Past History
  2. 29 Evidences for Macroevolution Scientific Evidences * for the Theory of Common Descent with Gradual Modification


  1. ENTROPY and the Second Law of Thermodynamics!

  2. The 2nd law of thermodynamics

  3. The Second Law of Thermodynamics!

  4. The Second Law of Thermodynamics in the Context of the Christian Faith

Free Republic Creation vs. Evolution Threads

By Name
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  1. (2000-01-22) 20 Questions for Evolutionists

  2. (2000-10-01) 20 WAYS THE WORLD COULD END

  3. (2001-03-16) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution (9 & 10)

  4. (2001-03-20) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution (11 & 12)

  5. (2001-03-28) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution (13 & 14)

  6. (2001-04-07) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution (17 and 18)

  7. (2001-05-20) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution - #19, 20, 21

  8. (2001-05-24) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution - #22, 23, 24

  9. (2001-04-02) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution, Thread The Next

  10. (2001-05-26) 30 PROOFS & PREDICTIONS OF CREATIONISM/I.D. #1, #2, #3

  11. (2001-09-26) 100 Scientists, National Poll Challenge Darwinism

  12. (2001-10-17) 911 Rang Again - A review of the PBS Video Series Evolution

  13. (2001-10-30) 12,000-Year-Old Human Hair DNA


  1. (2001-12-01) African Artifacts Suggest an Earlier Modern Human

  2. (2001-12-01) African Artifacts Suggest Earlier Modern Man (Cave Dwelling Man Used Tools)

  3. (2001-08-24) African elephants are now one of two kinds [Elephant Evolution]

  4. (2001-11-10) Alabama to continue biology textbook sticker warning stic

  5. (2001-03-17) All Aboard the Meteor Express of Life


  7. (2000-02-02) An Issue That Won't Go Away (C/E vanity/notes)

  8. (2001-07-20) Ancient fossils suggest fuse for Cambrian explosion

  9. (2000-10-08) Another jolt for evolution theory

  10. (2000-10-10) Another Lost Generation?




  14. (2001-10-17) Antarctic Seafloor Core Suggests Earth's Orbital Oscillations May Be The Key To What Controlled Ice

  15. (2001-02-15) Anti-E's Face Arrest for Lawyering Without a License

  16. (1999-11-14) Anti-Evolutionist Michael Denton turns into an Evolutionist

  17. (1999-10-23) Aquinas and the Big Bang

  18. (1999-10-29) Archaeology DOES prove The Bible is accurate

  19. (2000-03-02) Archaeoraptor hoax update (National Geographic recants)

  20. (2001-03-21) Arkansas Legislative Panel Urges Evolution Ban

  21. (1999-11-06) Arthur C. Clark's Views on Creationism

  22. (2001-08-30) Atheism is Dead

  23. (2001-09-30) Atheism of the Gaps, The


  1. (2000-10-18) Bacteria brought back to life after 250 million years

  2. (2000-05-16) Bad News for Radiometric Dating

  3. (2001-04-10) Before the Big Bang

  4. (1999-11-20) Belief in Evolution drove Hitler to what the Nazi's did!!

  5. (2000-01-10) Belief in Evolution made Hitler do what he did

  6. (2000-02-10) Beware Evolutionists!

  7. (2001-12-06) Bible written by different writers at different times for different people


  9. (2000-05-07) Black holes in space don't support evolution

  10. (2001-10-01) Black Sea findings support Biblical legends of floods

  11. (2001-07-23) Boneyard of dead 20th Century Theories II

  12. (2001-09-05) Brain Circuitry Involved in Language Reveals Differences in Man, Non-Human Primates

  13. (2001-09-13) Brain imaging study sheds light on moral decision-making

  14. (2001-06-09) Bye Bye Darwin

  15. (2001-06-09) Bye Bye Darwin [Part II]

  16. (2001-06-09) Bye Bye Darwin [Part III]

  17. (2001-06-12) Bye Bye Darwin [Thread IV]

  18. (2001-06-14) Bye Bye Darwin [Thread V]

  19. (2001-06-15) Bye Bye Darwin [Thread VI]

  20. (2001-06-17) Bye Bye Darwin - Thread VII

  21. (2001-06-19) Bye Bye Darwin (Thread VIII)

  22. (2001-06-19) Bye Bye Darwin (Thread IX)

  23. (2001-06-23) Bye Bye Darwin [Thread X]


  1. (1999-11-24) Carbon-14 and the Age of the Earth

  2. (2001-02-21) Case Against Darwin, The

  3. (2001-02-22) Case Against Darwin, The (Thread III)

  4. (2000-01-21) Case Study in a "Great" Anti-Creationist Article, A


  6. (2000-09-06) Christian Roots of Modern Science, The

  7. (2001-01-13) Christian Understanding of Intelligent Design, A

  8. (2000-01-18) Cloned Intelligence the Key to Immortality



  11. (2000-05-17) Computer Models of Evolution

  12. (2001-04-11) Computers that Improve Themselves

  13. (2000-03-03) Creation and the Candidates

  14. (2001-08-16) Creation/Evolution Debate: SOLVED!

  15. (1999-12-14) Creation Ex Nihilo 22(1)

  16. (1999-11-24) Creation Humor All FReepers Will Enjoy :-)

  17. (2001-09-04) Creation Science

  18. (2001-05-27) Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics

  19. (2001-05-28) Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics THREAD II

  20. (2001-05-29) Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics THREAD III

  21. (2001-08-09) Creation and the curriculum czars: Jon Dougherty looks at evolution's classroom monopoly

  22. (1999-10-12) Creationism in Schools - A Poll

  23. (1999-11-14) CREATIONISM'S SUCCESS PAST 5 YEARS: (Gallup: 1 in 10 hold secular evolutionist perspective)

  24. (2000-03-29) Creationist Instructor Likely Will Lose His Job

  25. (2001-10-07) Creationists wrong Again

  26. (2001-02-22) CREVO & Politics: Dark Bedfellows - Postmoderns & Traditionalists Unite Against The Enlightenment

  27. (2001-12-03) Curve Ball into the Snowball Earth Hypothesis?, A


  1. (2001-11-28) Darwin and the Descent of Morality

  2. (2001-02-22) 'Darwin vindicated!' - Cracking of human genome confirms theory of evolution

  3. (2000-03-17) Darwin's Dirty Secret

  4. (1999-12-08) Darwin's Hostages

  5. (2001-03-28) Darwin's Influence on Ruthless Laissez-Faire Capitalism

  6. (2001-08-22) Darwinism in denial? battle brewing between Darwinian materialism and Intelligent Design movement

  7. (2000-03-27) Darwinism Science or Religion? -- after reading Darwin on Trial

  8. (2001-02-26) Dawkins Leads Atheist Revolt Against 'Evil' Church Schools

  9. (2000-01-21) Dealing With "Scientific" Creationists

  10. (2001-07-07) Descent of Man Theory: Disproved by Molecular Biology

  11. (2000-10-25) Did Life Drip Down From Earth's Ancient Atmosphere

  12. (2001-11-22) Dino asteroid led to 'global devastation'

  13. (2000-02-23) Dinosaur Pictures: NOT A HOAX

  14. (2000-09-19) Dirty Little Secret of Evolution, The

  15. (2001-11-11) Discovery In North China Challenges Theory On Origin Of Man

  16. (2000-04-07) Discovery Institute: So-called 'Evolution vs. Creation' Issue Banned

  17. (2000-12-30) Divine Design

  18. (2000-12-31) Divine Design (Thread II)

  19. (2001-01-03) Divine Design (Thread III)

  20. (2001-04-07) DNA and Darwin: Research shows that evolution repeats itself in Caribbean lizards

  21. (2001-04-10) Do You Believe in Evolution?

  22. (2001-04-24) Do You Believe in Evolution? Thread Two

  23. (2001-03-28) Does a global flood make the whole Bible less credible?

  24. (2001-06-11) Does Evolution Rule Out God's Existence?

  25. (1999-10-14) Downside Legacy on Evolution

  26. (2000-02-29) Dr. Jack Cuozzo responds to Dr. Colin Groves (Neanderthal)


  1. (2001-01-14) "E" is for Evolution; "F" is for Fordham

  2. (2001-11-07) Early clues to 'modern' humans


  4. (2001-08-01) Eat the Poor

  5. (2001-07-19) Effect of Darwinism on Morality and Christianity, The

  6. (2001-03-31) Enlisting Science to Find the Fingerprints of a Creator

  7. (2001-08-16) Enlisting Science to Find the Fingerprints of a Creator (Different Thread)

  8. (1999-06-25) Essay #5: Sources of Knowledge (What is a Competent Source?)

  9. (1999-06-28) Essay #6: Conclusion: Corruption, Truth and the Future of Free Republic

  10. (2000-08-30) Evil-Ution

  11. (2001-07-09) Evidence for Dinosaur-Bird Transition, The (A Sidebar Thread)

  12. (2001-02-07) Evidence of Dinosaurs in the Twentieth Century
  13. (2000-05-07) Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!]

  14. (2000-05-09) Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!] Thread 2

  15. (2000-05-13) Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!] Thread 3

  16. (2001-08-28) "Evolution": 8-hour PBS Series to Air This Fall

  17. (2001-09-24) Evolution: A Series on PBS tonight

  18. (2001-07-14) Evolution and the family: Keyes

  19. (1999-10-29) Evolution, Creation, First Amendment Subject of Roundtable

  20. (2001-12-03) Evolution: Dancing on the Titanic

  21. (2000-07-26) Evolution debate heats up Kansas politics

  22. (2001-08-11) Evolution Debate is about Honesty, The

  23. (2001-07-07) Evolution fraud in current biology textbooks

  24. (1999-11-04) EVOLUTION: interview with Stephen J Gould

  25. (2000-05-18) Evolution Is Biologically Impossible

  26. (2001-08-21) Evolution Is In Trouble: What Should Conservatives Do About it?

  27. (2001-08-24) EVOLUTION IS RELIGION

  28. (2001-07-19) Evolution is Religion-Not Science

  29. (2001-02-04) Evolution of Genocide, The

  30. (2001-07-03) EVOLUTION - The basis of all life, or a fairy tale for scientists who reject God?

  31. (2001-02-13) Evolution Theory Faces Extinction

  32. (2001-02-28) Evolution vs. Creation (Prediction 8)

  33. (2001-01-15) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God"

  34. (2001-01-17) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 2)

  35. (2001-01-17) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 3)

  36. (2001-01-18) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 4)

  37. (2001-01-19) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 5)

  38. (2001-01-19) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 6)

  39. (2001-01-22) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 7)

  40. (2001-01-23) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 8)

  41. (2001-01-25) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 9)

  42. (2001-01-28) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 10)

  43. (2001-01-30) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 11)

  44. (2001-02-03) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 12)

  45. (2001-02-07) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 13)

  46. (2001-02-13) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 14)

  47. (2001-02-17) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 15)

  48. (2001-04-24) Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

  49. (1999-11-10) Evolution versus Science

  50. (2000-11-15) Evolutionism Receives Another Hard Blow

  51. (2001-04-07) Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creation

  52. (2001-04-07) Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creation (Different Thread)

  53. (2001-08-17) Exploring God (Creator)'s Handiwork (Creation) vs. silly-science.

  54. (2001-08-19) Exploring God (Creator)'s Handiwork (Creation) vs. ugly-vain-silly science (evilution)


  1. (2000-05-09) False Evolutionary Propaganda Blasted in Media

  2. (2000-01-18) "Feathered Dinosaur" Claim Apparently a Fake

  3. (2000-02-18) Feathers fly over Chinese fossil bird's legality and authenticity

  4. (2001-10-25) Fire Destroys Darwin Manuscripts

  5. (2001-08-07) First light: astronomers use distant quasar to probe cosmic 'dark age,' universe origins

  6. (2001-05-07) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution

  7. (2001-05-08) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 2]

  8. (2001-05-09) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 3]

  9. (2001-05-14) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 4]

  10. (2001-05-14) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 5]

  11. (2001-05-16) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 6]

  12. (2001-05-17) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 7]

  13. (2001-05-19) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 8]

  14. (2000-01-12) FLOWER of EVOLUTION, THE; the instruction set by mutation speculation

  15. (2000-05-15) Forbidden Archeology - Human Remains All Throughout the Geologic Column, The

  16. (2000-05-08) Fossil Pollen in Grand Canyon Overturns Plant Evolution

  17. (2000-05-14) Fossil Record: Becoming More Random All the Time, The






  23. (2000-12-20) Fossilized Proteins Help With History Of Evolution

  24. (2000-03-08) Former NASA Scientist Says Creation is "Logical"

  25. (2001-03-01) Freeper Only Poll. Do you believe in Evolution or Creation?

  26. (1999-11-05) Freeper Poll: "Evolution" of Opinions on FreeRepublic

  27. (1999-11-07) Friendly Origins Debate, The

  28. (2001-11-18) Fundamental theory under question

  29. (1999-11-16) Funeral of a Great Myth ('Popular' Evolutionism), The


  1. (2000-05-28) Getting Genesis Almost Right: Pagan Children of the Sky God

  2. (2000-05-17) Genesis correctly predicts Y-Chromosome pattern: Jews and Arabs shown to be descendants of one man!

  3. (2001-11-07) Giant Fossil Cockroach Found 

  4. (2001-10-17) Giant Rat Problem

  5. (2000-10-02) God and the academy

  6. (2000-10-09) "GOD" Part of the Brain, The

  7. (2001-07-08) God vs. Darwin: Survival of the Fittest? (Alan Keyes)

  8. (2001-12-10) Godless Linguistics

  9. (2001-10-08) Gravitational lens helps Hubble and Keck discover galaxy building block

  10. (2000-06-10) Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The

  11. (2000-06-14) Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The (Thread II)

  12. (2000-06-19) Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The (Thread III)


  1. (2000-08-26) Hard Evidence Shows Life Could Have Evolved Naturally

  2. (2000-06-07) Harvard M.D. Challenges Big Bang Theory

  3. (2000-09-08) Has Science Replaced God?

  4. (2000-02-04) High Priest of Evolution Reveals His Religion

  5. (2001-04-26) Historical Evidence Refuting a 6,000-Year Old Earth

  6. (2001-04-27) Historical Evidence Refuting a 6,000-Year Old Earth (Thread II)

  7. (2001-01-16) Hominid Succession, The

  8. (2001-05-09) House rejects effort to brand Darwin a racist

  9. (2001-04-23) How closely related are humans to apes and other animals?

  10. (2001-04-24) How closely related are humans to apes and other animals? [Thread 2]

  11. (2001-04-25) How closely related are humans to apes and other animals? [Thread 3]

  12. (2001-08-29) How Not to Defend Evolution

  13. (2001-02-23) How scientific is evolution?

  14. (2001-02-27) How scientific is evolution? (Thread 2)

  15. (2001-03-25) How scientific is evolution? (Thread 3)

  16. (2001-08-31) Humanity’s Greatest Calamity: An Ancient Flood Changed the Course of Civilization

  17. (2001-11-13) Humans Descended From Cells Without Nuclei Or Walls [evo, con't]


  1. (2001-11-02) ICR Compares Terrorist Attacks to PBS Series "Evolution"

  2. (2000-01-17) In Defense of Evolution


  4. (2001-08-28) In the stars: Astrological Institute wins accreditation

  5. (1999-07-26) Inherit The Spin: Creation Evolution

  6. (2000-10-12) Intelligent Design: The New Stealth Creationism

  7. (2001-08-23) ‘Intelligent Design’ Theory Is Not Creationism

  8. (2001-01-29) Is evolution "anti-religion"? It depends...

  9. (2001-03-25) Is "Flat-Faced Man" Your Ancestor? (new thread)

  10. (2000-02-05) Is Quantum Evolution The New Science Of Life?

  11. (1999-11-23) Is the raqiya‘ (firmament) a solid dome?

  12. (1999-11-07) Isaac Asimov's Views on Creationism

  13. (2000-05-09) Isotope Dating Methods Found Flawed


  1. (1999-10-27) Johnson Challenges Advocates of Evolution


  1. (2001-02-14) Kansas School Board in Topeka votes to ignore valid scientific doubts on evolution in 7-3 decision


  1. (2000-01-09) Lawyers defend teaching of intelligent-design theory

  2. (2001-09-27) Leaked PBS Memo Reveals Improper Political Agenda

  3. (2001-08-17) Liberal School Board Wins Fight Against the Truth

  4. (1999-11-25) Logophobia: Eric Voegelin on SCIENTISM

  5. (2000-11-28) Looking for Madam Tetrachromat

  6. (2000-05-19) Loopholes in the evolutionary theory of the origin of life: Summary

  7. (2001-05-04) Louisiana calls Darwin a racist

  8. (2000-12-03) Lynching of Bill Dembski, The


  1. (1999-12-14) Macro-Evolution versus Moses (Several Parts)

  2. (2000-03-16) Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The

  3. (2000-04-02) Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The Part II

  4. (2000-04-11) Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The Part III

  5. (2001-08-23) MARVEL OF GOD'S CREATION: The Bombardier Beetle 

  6. (2001-08-26) MARVEL OF GOD'S CREATION: The Incubator Bird

  7. (2000-04-05) Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design

  8. (2000-03-02) Meteorite study finds no trace of life on Mars


  10. (2000-07-18) Monkey Trial Marks 75th Anniversary

  11. (2000-09-13) More Evolution — Movies For Giraffes

  12. (2001-08-01) More Problems for Evolution: RNA World Theory Doesn't Hold Up

  13. (2000-05-19) Myth of Chemical Evolution, The


  1. (2000-04-27) NASA shows new 'baby pictures' images of infant Universe

  2. (2000-05-01) NASA shows new 'baby pictures' images of infant Universe [Thread II]

  3. (2000-02-11) National Geographic and the Stone Age Swindle

  4. (2001-03-09) Natural selection drives rapid evolution...Irrefutable evidence

  5. (2001-03-09) Natural selection drives rapid evolution...Irrefutable evidence Thread Two

  6. (2001-03-13) Natural selection drives rapid evolution...Irrefutable evidence Thread Three

  7. (2000-05-13) New Cosmology Theory Shows Universe 6,000 YRS OLD!

  8. (2001-08-15) New Details on Planetary Crash That Created Moon

  9. (2001-04-25) New Dinosaur Fossil Ruffles Feathers

  10. (2000-05-07) New evidence: Lucy was a knuckle-walker

  11. (2001-09-05) New Evidence for Multiregional Origins

  12. (2001-09-06) New Evidence of Early Humans Unearthed in Russia's North

  13. (2001-12-10) No Evidence Of New Neurons In Adult Primate Neocortex

  14. (2000-05-14) Noah's Flood and the Mount Isa Metal Deposits


  1. (2000-01-10) On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism

  2. (2000-01-12) On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism [Thread Two]

  3. (2000-01-12) On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism [Thread Three]

  4. (2001-07-15) One Giant Step for Mankind (Evolution alert)

  5. (2001-08-26) One hundred years of Evolution Progress

  6. (1999-11-09) Open Letter from Smithsonian to Nat. Geo. Society on Dino-Bird Claims

  7. (2001-05-12) Oppressed by Evolution (Long)

  8. (2000-10-25) Origin of Information, The

  9. (2001-07-11) Origin of Sex: Cosmic Solution to Ancient Mystery, The

  10. (2000-03-11) Origin of the Specious: Why do neoconservatives doubt Darwin?

  11. (2001-01-23) Other Earths: Are They Out There ???

  12. (2001-01-26) Our Biotech Future


  1. (2001-03-22) Panel labels evolution as theory

  3. (2001-03-06) Phillip Johnson was Right: The Unhappy Evolution of Darwinism

  4. (2001-03-29) 'Piltdown' bird fake explained

  5. (2000-02-28) Pitfalls of Evolutionary Anthropology

  6. (2001-06-23) Plagiarized Errors and Molecular Genetics

  7. (2000-02-29) *Please* Use Extreme Caution In Messing With the Speed of Light -- Perils of CDK

  8. (2000-03-22) POPE'S TAKE ON "EVOLUTION," THE

  9. (2001-05-01) Possible Key Step In The Origin Of Life Identified

  10. (2001-05-02) Possible Key Step In The Origin Of Life Identified -- Thread II

  11. (2001-09-23) PBS series on evolution tiptoes over tough issues, ignores others

  12. (2001-10-05) Prayer doubles IVF success rate

  13. (2000-09-28) Prions May Play Crucial Role In Evolution

  14. (2001-03-07) Problematic Chemical Postulates of the RNA World Scenario

  15. (2001-08-21) Professor Sir Fred Hoyle [obituary]

  16. (2000-01-23) Punctuate The Equilibrium Now!!! Creation, Evolution - a new thread


  1. (2001-03-20) Questions for Evolutionists


  1. (2000-05-11) Radioactive Age Estimation Methods - FLAWED
  2. (2000-05-08) Radioactive Dating Gives False Dates
  3. (2001-10-05) Real Ideological Root of Terrorism-DARWINISM AND MATERIALISM, The
  4. (2001-11-07) Reality of Ancient Catastrophism, The 

  5. (2000-08-24) Reasons to Believe: The Argument from Design
  6. (2000-08-24) Reason to Believe: The Argument from Design (II)
  7. (2000-08-27) Reasons to Believe: The Argument from Design (Thread III)
  8. (2000-05-08) Recently Found "Ape-men" Are Nothing More Than Apes, regardless of media-hype
  9. (2001-04-17) Redheads 'are neanderthal'

  10. (2001-10-18) Report: Sex Helps U.S. Ditch Bad Genetic Baggage

  11. (2001-05-25) Researchers Discover Fossil Of Tiny Mammal From Early Jurassic

  12. (1999-10-27) Ridiculing Kansas school board easy, but it's not good journalism

  13. (2001-03-15) Road to Saturn, The

  14. (2000-05-14) Rock Layers Formed in Hours not Millions of Years!

  15. (2000-06-02) Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History of the Trilateral Commission, Freemasons, & the Great Pyramids


  1. (2001-08-24) Satellites search for Noah’s Ark

  2. (2001-09-20) Saving Us from Darwin [Multiple Book Review]

  3. (2000-04-18) SCIENCE & CREATIONISM: Frequently Asked Questions

  4. (2000-01-18) Science and Religion are Compatible

  5. (1999-12-30) Science Hasn't Killed God

  6. (2001-10-03) Science Shows Cave Art Developed Early

  7. (2001-08-20) Science vs. Antiscience [Creation "Science" Exposed!]

  8. (2001-08-22) Science vs. Antiscience [Creation "Science" Exposed!] Thread 2

  9. (2000-02-18) Science vs. Science

  10. (2001-08-26) Scientific Account of the Origin of Life on Earth, A

  11. (2001-08-30) Scientific Account of the Origin of Life on Earth, A (Thread 2)

  12. (2001-08-20) Scientific Case Against Evolution, The

  13. (2001-07-19) Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary, The Part I

  14. (2001-07-19) Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary, The Part II

  15. (2000-02-02) "Scientific Creationism," Evolution, and Race

  16. (2000-06-05) Scientists At The Weizmann Institute Propose A New Theory To The Mystery Of The Origin Of Life

  17. (2001-03-21) Scientists Discover Second Genus of Early Human

  18. (2000-02-04) Scientists find fossils of man's earliest ancestor

  19. (2001-10-02) Scientists Find No Genetic Evidence for Evolution

  20. (2001-08-03) Scientists pick holes in Darwinian Peppered Moth Theory

  21. (2001-09-06) Secret To Earth's "Big Chill" Found In Underground Water

  22. (1999-10-21) SIGNS OF INTELLIGENCE: A Primer on the Discerment of Intelligent Design

  23. (2000-08-27) Skin color is regional adaptation, scientists say

  24. (2000-05-18) Speciation Conference Brings Good News for Creationists

  25. (2001-11-19) Starlight and Time

  26. (2000-09-27) States graded on evolution education

  27. (2000-10-02) States Graded on Evolution Education (Thread II)

  28. (2001-06-27) Stealth Creationist Lang. Snuck into Senate Ed. Bill [my title] Thread II

  29. (2000-05-03) Stone tools hold new clues about human evolution

  30. (2001-04-21) Study Indicates Europeans Descended From Only Hundreds of Africans

  31. (2001-05-18) Study Offers Insights Into Evolutionary Origins Of Life -- Life created in a test tube

  32. (2001-09-03) Study Says Americas Settled 15,000 Years Ago

  33. (2000-03-24) Summary of Creation ex Nihilo, 22:2

  34. (2001-07-31) Supercomputer May Unlock Secrets of Universe


  1. (2000-05-09) Teacher calls student "ignorant" for believing in Creation!

  2. (1999-10-16) Teacher wants to debunk evolution in school

  3. (2000-11-17) "The Evolution of Genocide" -- Darwin's Heart of Darkness

  4. (2001-09-25) There is no religious bias in the PBS Evolution Project because Ken Miller says there isn’t.

  5. (2000-01-21) Thermodynamics vs. Evolutionism

  6. (2000-03-25) These fists were made for walking [Our Pre-Human Ancestors]

  7. (2001-08-27) Top Ten Problems with the Big Bang

  8. (2000-04-02) Tornado in a Junkyard: Another nail in Evolutions Coffin

  9. (1999-11-17) Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism [Book Review]

  10. (2001-12-09) T. Rex Meets Biblical Text at Museum

  11. (2000-10-07) T-Rex times 5! Found in Montana

  12. (2001-10-04) True Believer - A Timely Book, The

  13. (2000-07-10) Truth about the Scopes Trial, The

  14. (2001-06-18) Two New Dinosaurs Found, Including Odd Plant-Eater


  1. (1999-12-12) U. of Kansas Opening Convocation (re: evolution, creation, darwin)

  2. (2000-05-07) Universe (or should that be the 'Big Bang [Theory]?') falls flat!

  3. (1999-08-27) U.S. society harbors faction devoted to ignoring science


  1. (2001-10-14) Victory From Space:  This is no time for science to retreat; it must attack

  2. (2001-04-10) Virus in DNA 'is cause of mental illness'


  1. (2001-11-06) Warming makes mosquito evolve, UO scientists find

  2. (1999-10-28) Wedge: Breaking the Modernist Monopoly on Science, The

  3. (1999-10-16) Weinberg's Big Bang Presuppositions? Or, No Science Without Intelligent Design?

  4. (2001-06-18) Were Adam and Eve Toast?

  5. (2000-02-09) What is the Connection Between Homosexuality and Evolution?

  6. (2001-03-03) What is the Singularity?

  7. (2001-02-14) Why Bad Beliefs Don't Die

  8. (2001-04-21) WHY EVOLUTION IS WRONG

  9. (2000-02-17) Why God can't exist

  10. (2001-09-25) Why Stephen Jay Gould is bad for Creationism

  11. (2001-07-31) Why the Big Bang is Wrong

  12. (2001-04-03) Wonder of the Eye, could only have been a creation by God, The

  13. (2000-09-18) World of Design, The


  1. (2001-03-08) "You Have Ten Minutes to Prove The Existence of God to My Husband"


  1. (1999-06-25) Essay #5: Sources of Knowledge (What is a Competent Source?)
  2. (1999-06-28) Essay #6: Conclusion: Corruption, Truth and the Future of Free Republic
  3. (1999-07-26) Inherit The Spin: Creation Evolution
  4. (1999-08-27) U.S. society harbors faction devoted to ignoring science
  5. (1999-10-12) Creationism in Schools - A Poll
  6. (1999-10-14) Downside Legacy on Evolution
  7. (1999-10-16) Teacher wants to debunk evolution in school
  8. (1999-10-16) Weinberg's Big Bang Presuppositions? Or, No Science Without Intelligent Design?
  10. (1999-10-21) SIGNS OF INTELLIGENCE: A Primer on the Discerment of Intelligent Design
  11. (1999-10-23) Aquinas and the Big Bang
  12. (1999-10-27) Johnson Challenges Advocates of Evolution
  13. (1999-10-27) Ridiculing Kansas school board easy, but it's not good journalism
  14. (1999-10-28) Wedge: Breaking the Modernist Monopoly on Science, The
  15. (1999-10-29) Archaeology DOES prove The Bible is accurate
  16. (1999-10-29) Evolution, Creation, First Amendment Subject of Roundtable
  17. (1999-11-04) EVOLUTION: interview with Stephen J Gould
  18. (1999-11-05) Freeper Poll: "Evolution" of Opinions on FreeRepublic
  19. (1999-11-06) Arthur C. Clark's Views on Creationism
  20. (1999-11-07) Friendly Origins Debate, The
  21. (1999-11-07) Isaac Asimov's Views on Creationism
  22. (1999-11-09) Open Letter from Smithsonian to Nat. Geo. Society on Dino-Bird Claims
  23. (1999-11-10) Evolution versus Science
  24. (1999-11-14) Anti-Evolutionist Michael Denton turns into an Evolutionist
  25. (1999-11-14) CREATIONISM'S SUCCESS PAST 5 YEARS: (Gallup: 1 in 10 hold secular evolutionist perspective)
  26. (1999-11-16) Funeral of a Great Myth ('Popular' Evolutionism), The
  27. (1999-11-17) Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism [Book Review]
  28. (1999-11-20) Belief in Evolution drove Hitler to what the Nazi's did!!
  30. (1999-11-23) Is the raqiya‘ (firmament) a solid dome?
  31. (1999-11-24) Carbon-14 and the Age of the Earth
  32. (1999-11-24) Creation Humor All FReepers Will Enjoy :-)
  34. (1999-11-25) Logophobia: Eric Voegelin on SCIENTISM
  37. (1999-12-08) Darwin's Hostages
  38. (1999-12-12) U. of Kansas Opening Convocation (re: evolution, creation, darwin)
  39. (1999-12-14) Creation Ex Nihilo 22(1)
  40. (1999-12-14) Macro-Evolution versus Moses (Several Parts)
  41. (1999-12-30) Science Hasn't Killed God


  1. (2000-01-09) Lawyers defend teaching of intelligent-design theory
  2. (2000-01-10) Belief in Evolution made Hitler do what he did
  3. (2000-01-10) On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism
  4. (2000-01-12) FLOWER of EVOLUTION, THE; the instruction set by mutation speculation
  5. (2000-01-12) On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism [Thread Two]
  6. (2000-01-12) On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism [Thread Three]
  7. (2000-01-17) In Defense of Evolution
  8. (2000-01-18) Cloned Intelligence the Key to Immortality
  9. (2000-01-18) "Feathered Dinosaur" Claim Apparently a Fake
  10. (2000-01-18) Science and Religion are Compatible
  11. (2000-01-21) Case Study in a "Great" Anti-Creationist Article, A
  12. (2000-01-21) Dealing With "Scientific" Creationists
  13. (2000-01-21) Thermodynamics vs. Evolutionism
  14. (2000-01-22) 20 Questions for Evolutionists
  15. (2000-01-23) Punctuate The Equilibrium Now!!! Creation, Evolution - a new thread
  16. (2000-02-02) An Issue That Won't Go Away (C/E vanity/notes)
  17. (2000-02-02) "Scientific Creationism," Evolution, and Race
  18. (2000-02-04) High Priest of Evolution Reveals His Religion
  19. (2000-02-04) Scientists find fossils of man's earliest ancestor
  20. (2000-02-05) Is Quantum Evolution The New Science Of Life?
  21. (2000-02-09) What is the Connection Between Homosexuality and Evolution?
  22. (2000-02-10) Beware Evolutionists!
  23. (2000-02-11) National Geographic and the Stone Age Swindle
  24. (2000-02-17) Why God can't exist
  25. (2000-02-18) Feathers fly over Chinese fossil bird's legality and authenticity
  26. (2000-02-18) Science vs. Science
  27. (2000-02-23) Dinosaur Pictures: NOT A HOAX
  28. (2000-02-28) Pitfalls of Evolutionary Anthropology
  29. (2000-02-29) Dr. Jack Cuozzo responds to Dr. Colin Groves (neanderthal)
  30. (2000-02-29) *Please* Use Extreme Caution In Messing With the Speed of Light -- Perils of CDK
  31. (2000-03-02) Archaeoraptor hoax update (National Geographic recants)
  32. (2000-03-02) Meteorite study finds no trace of life on Mars
  33. (2000-03-03) Creation and the Candidates
  34. (2000-03-08) Former NASA Scientist Says Creation is "Logical"
  35. (2000-03-11) Origin of the Specious: Why do neoconservatives doubt Darwin?
  36. (2000-03-16) Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The
  37. (2000-03-17) Darwin's Dirty Secret
  38. (2000-03-22) POPE'S TAKE ON "EVOLUTION," THE
  39. (2000-03-24) Summary of Creation ex Nihilo, 22:2
  40. (2000-03-25) These fists were made for walking [Our Pre-Human Ancestors]
  41. (2000-03-27) Darwinism Science or Religion? -- after reading Darwin on Trial
  42. (2000-03-29) Creationist Instructor Likely Will Lose His Job
  43. (2000-04-02) Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The Part II
  44. (2000-04-02) Tornado in a Junkyard: Another nail in Evolutions Coffin
  45. (2000-04-05) Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design
  46. (2000-04-07) Discovery Institute: So-called 'Evolution vs. Creation' Issue Banned
  47. (2000-04-11) Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The Part III
  48. (2000-04-18) SCIENCE & CREATIONISM: Frequently Asked Questions
  49. (2000-04-27) NASA shows new 'baby pictures' images of infant Universe
  50. (2000-05-01) NASA shows new 'baby pictures' images of infant Universe [Thread II]
  51. (2000-05-03) Stone tools hold new clues about human evolution
  52. (2000-05-07) Black holes in space don't support evolution
  53. (2000-05-07) Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!]
  54. (2000-05-07) New evidence: Lucy was a knuckle-walker
  55. (2000-05-07) Universe (or should that be the 'Big Bang [Theory]?') falls flat!
  56. (2000-05-08) Fossil Pollen in Grand Canyon Overturns Plant Evolution
  57. (2000-05-08) Radioactive Dating Gives False Dates
  58. (2000-05-08) Recently Found "Ape-men" Are Nothing More Than Apes, regardless of media-hype
  59. (2000-05-09) Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!] Thread 2
  60. (2000-05-09) False Evolutionary Propaganda Blasted in Media
  61. (2000-05-09) Isotope Dating Methods Found Flawed
  62. (2000-05-09) Teacher calls student "ignorant" for believing in Creation!
  63. (2000-05-11) Radioactive Age Estimation Methods - FLAWED
  64. (2000-05-13) Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!] Thread 3
  65. (2000-05-13) New Cosmology Theory Shows Universe 6,000 YRS OLD!
  66. (2000-05-14) Fossil Record: Becoming More Random All the Time, The
  67. (2000-05-14) Noah's Flood and the Mount Isa Metal Deposits
  68. (2000-05-14) Rock Layers Formed in Hours not Millions of Years!
  69. (2000-05-15) Forbidden Archeology - Human Remains All Throughout the Geologic Column, The
  70. (2000-05-16) Bad News for Radiometric Dating
  72. (2000-05-17) Computer Models of Evolution
  74. (2000-05-17) Genesis correctly predicts Y-Chromosome pattern: Jews and Arabs shown to be descendants of one man!
  75. (2000-05-18) Evolution Is Biologically Impossible
  76. (2000-05-18) Speciation Conference Brings Good News for Creationists
  77. (2000-05-19) Loopholes in the evolutionary theory of the origin of life: Summary
  78. (2000-05-19) Myth of Chemical Evolution, The
  79. (2000-05-28) Getting Genesis Almost Right: Pagan Children of the Sky God
  80. (2000-06-02) Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History of the Trilateral Commission, Freemasons, & the Great Pyramids
  81. (2000-06-05) Scientists At The Weizmann Institute Propose A New Theory To The Mystery Of The Origin Of Life
  82. (2000-06-07) Harvard M.D. Challenges Big Bang Theory
  83. (2000-06-10) Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The
  84. (2000-06-14) Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The (Thread II)
  85. (2000-06-19) Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The (Thread III)
  86. (2000-07-10) Truth about the Scopes Trial, The
  87. (2000-07-18) Monkey Trial Marks 75th Anniversary
  88. (2000-07-26) Evolution debate heats up Kansas politics
  89. (2000-08-24) Reasons to Believe: The Argument from Design
  90. (2000-08-24) Reason to Believe: The Argument from Design (II)
  91. (2000-08-26) Hard Evidence Shows Life Could Have Evolved Naturally
  92. (2000-08-27) Reasons to Believe: The Argument from Design (Thread III)
  93. (2000-08-27) Skin color is regional adaptation, scientists say
  94. (2000-08-30) Evil-Ution
  95. (2000-09-06) Christian Roots of Modern Science, The
  96. (2000-09-08) Has Science Replaced God?
  97. (2000-09-13) More Evolution — Movies For Giraffes
  98. (2000-09-18) World of Design, The
  99. (2000-09-19) Dirty Little Secret of Evolution, The
  100. (2000-09-27) States graded on evolution education
  101. (2000-09-28) Prions May Play Crucial Role In Evolution
  102. (2000-10-01) 20 WAYS THE WORLD COULD END
  103. (2000-10-02) God and the academy
  104. (2000-10-02) States Graded on Evolution Education (Thread II)
  105. (2000-10-07) T-Rex times 5! Found in Montana
  106. (2000-10-08) Another jolt for evolution theory
  107. (2000-10-09) "GOD" Part of the Brain, The
  108. (2000-10-10) Another Lost Generation?
  109. (2000-10-12) Intelligent Design: The New Stealth Creationism
  110. (2000-10-18) Bacteria brought back to life after 250 million years
  111. (2000-10-25) Did Life Drip Down From Earth's Ancient Atmosphere
  112. (2000-10-25) Origin of Information, The
  113. (2000-11-15) Evolutionism Receives Another Hard Blow
  114. (2000-11-17) "The Evolution of Genocide" -- Darwin's Heart of Darkness
  115. (2000-11-28) Looking for Madam Tetrachromat
  116. (2000-12-03) Lynching of Bill Dembski, The
  117. (2000-12-20) Fossilized Proteins Help With History Of Evolution
  118. (2000-12-30) Divine Design
  119. (2000-12-31) Divine Design (Thread II)


  1. (2001-01-03) Divine Design (Thread III)
  2. (2001-01-13) Christian Understanding of Intelligent Design, A
  3. (2001-01-14) "E" is for Evolution; "F" is for Fordham
  4. (2001-01-15) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God"
  5. (2001-01-16) Hominid Succession, The
  6. (2001-01-17) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 2)
  7. (2001-01-17) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 3)
  8. (2001-01-18) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 4)
  10. (2001-01-19) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 5)
  11. (2001-01-19) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 6)
  12. (2001-01-22) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 7)
  13. (2001-01-23) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 8)
  14. (2001-01-23) Other Earths: Are They Out There ???
  15. (2001-01-25) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 9)
  16. (2001-01-26) Our Biotech Future
  17. (2001-01-28) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 10)
  18. (2001-01-29) Is evolution "anti-religion"? It depends...
  19. (2001-01-30) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 11)
  20. (2001-02-03) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 12)
  21. (2001-02-04) Evolution of Genocide, The
  22. (2001-02-07) Evidence of Dinosaurs in the Twentieth Century
  23. (2001-02-07) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 13)
  24. (2001-02-13) Evolution Theory Faces Extinction
  25. (2001-02-13) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 14)
  27. (2001-02-14) Kansas School Board in Topeka votes to ignore valid scientific doubts on evolution in 7-3 decision
  28. (2001-02-14) Why Bad Beliefs Don't Die
  29. (2001-02-15) Anti-E's Face Arrest for Lawyering Without a License
  30. (2001-02-17) Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" (Thread 15)
  31. (2001-02-21) Case Against Darwin, The
  32. (2001-02-22) Case Against Darwin, The (Thread III)
  33. (2001-02-22) CREVO & Politics: Dark Bedfellows - Postmoderns & Traditionalists Unite Against The Enlightenment
  34. (2001-02-22) 'Darwin vindicated!' - Cracking of human genome confirms theory of evolution
  35. (2001-02-23) How scientific is evolution?
  36. (2001-02-26) Dawkins Leads Atheist Revolt Against 'Evil' Church Schools
  37. (2001-02-27) How scientific is evolution? (Thread 2)
  38. (2001-02-28) Evolution vs. Creation (Prediction 8)
  39. (2001-03-01) Freeper Only Poll. Do you believe in Evolution or Creation?
  40. (2001-03-03) What is the Singularity?
  41. (2001-03-06) Phillip Johnson was Right: The Unhappy Evolution of Darwinism
  42. (2001-03-07) Problematic Chemical Postulates of the RNA World Scenario
  43. (2001-03-08) "You Have Ten Minutes to Prove The Existence of God to My Husband"

  44. (2001-03-09) Natural selection drives rapid evolution...Irrefutable evidence
  45. (2001-03-09) Natural selection drives rapid evolution...Irrefutable evidence Thread Two
  46. (2001-03-13) Natural selection drives rapid evolution...Irrefutable evidence Thread Three
  47. (2001-03-15) Road to Saturn, The
  48. (2001-03-16) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution (9 & 10)
  49. (2001-03-17) All Aboard the Meteor Express of Life
  50. (2001-03-20) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution (11 & 12)
  51. (2001-03-20) Questions for Evolutionists
  52. (2001-03-21) Arkansas Legislative Panel Urges Evolution Ban
  53. (2001-03-21) Scientists Discover Second Genus of Early Human
  54. (2001-03-22) Panel labels evolution as theory
  55. (2001-03-25) How scientific is evolution? (Thread 3)
  56. (2001-03-25) Is "Flat-Faced Man" Your Ancestor? (new thread)
  57. (2001-03-28) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution (13 & 14)
  58. (2001-03-28) Darwin's Influence on Ruthless Laissez-Faire Capitalism
  59. (2001-03-28) Does a global flood make the whole Bible less credible?
  60. (2001-03-29) 'Piltdown' bird fake explained
  61. (2001-03-31) Enlisting Science to Find the Fingerprints of a Creator
  62. (2001-04-02) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution, Thread The Next
  63. (2001-04-03) Wonder of the Eye, could only have been a creation by God, The
  64. (2001-04-07) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution (17 and 18)
  65. (2001-04-07) DNA and Darwin: Research shows that evolution repeats itself in Caribbean lizards
  66. (2001-04-07) Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creation
  67. (2001-04-07) Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creation (Different Thread)
  68. (2001-04-10) Before the Big Bang
  69. (2001-04-10) Do You Believe in Evolution?
  70. (2001-04-10) Virus in DNA 'is cause of mental illness'
  71. (2001-04-11) Computers that Improve Themselves
  72. (2001-04-17) Redheads 'are neanderthal'
  73. (2001-04-21) Study Indicates Europeans Descended From Only Hundreds of Africans
  74. (2001-04-21) WHY EVOLUTION IS WRONG
  75. (2001-04-23) How closely related are humans to apes and other animals?
  76. (2001-04-24) Do You Believe in Evolution? Thread Two
  77. (2001-04-24) Evolution vs. Intelligent Design
  78. (2001-04-24) How closely related are humans to apes and other animals? [Thread 2]
  79. (2001-04-25) How closely related are humans to apes and other animals? [Thread 3]
  80. (2001-04-25) New Dinosaur Fossil Ruffles Feathers
  81. (2001-04-26) Historical Evidence Refuting a 6,000-Year Old Earth
  82. (2001-04-27) Historical Evidence Refuting a 6,000-Year Old Earth (Thread II)
  83. (2001-05-01) Possible Key Step In The Origin Of Life Identified
  84. (2001-05-02) Possible Key Step In The Origin Of Life Identified -- Thread II
  85. (2001-05-04) Louisiana calls Darwin a racist
  86. (2001-05-07) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution
  87. (2001-05-08) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 2]
  88. (2001-05-09) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 3]
  89. (2001-05-09) House rejects effort to brand Darwin a racist
  90. (2001-05-12) Oppressed by Evolution (Long)
  91. (2001-05-14) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 4]
  92. (2001-05-14) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 5]
  93. (2001-05-16) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 6]
  94. (2001-05-17) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 7]
  95. (2001-05-18) Study Offers Insights Into Evolutionary Origins Of Life -- Life created in a test tube
  96. (2001-05-19) Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 8]
  97. (2001-05-20) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution - #19, 20, 21
  98. (2001-05-24) 29 Evidences for Macroevolution - #22, 23, 24
  99. (2001-05-25) Researchers Discover Fossil Of Tiny Mammal From Early Jurassic
  100. (2001-05-26) 30 PROOFS & PREDICTIONS OF CREATIONISM/I.D. #1, #2, #3
  101. (2001-05-27) Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics
  102. (2001-05-28) Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics THREAD II
  103. (2001-05-29) Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics THREAD III
  104. (2001-06-09) Bye Bye Darwin
  105. (2001-06-09) Bye Bye Darwin [Part II]
  106. (2001-06-09) Bye Bye Darwin [Part III]
  107. (2001-06-11) Does Evolution Rule Out God's Existence?
  108. (2001-06-12) Bye Bye Darwin [Thread IV]
  109. (2001-06-14) Bye Bye Darwin [Thread V]
  110. (2001-06-15) Bye Bye Darwin [Thread VI]
  111. (2001-06-17) Bye Bye Darwin - Thread VII
  112. (2001-06-18) Two New Dinosaurs Found, Including Odd Plant-Eater
  113. (2001-06-18) Were Adam and Eve Toast?
  114. (2001-06-19) Bye Bye Darwin (Thread VIII)
  115. (2001-06-19) Bye Bye Darwin (Thread IX)
  116. (2001-06-23) Bye Bye Darwin [Thread X]
  117. (2001-06-23) Plagiarized Errors and Molecular Genetics
  118. (2001-06-27) Stealth Creationist Lang. Snuck into Senate Ed. Bill [my title] Thread II
  121. (2001-07-03) EVOLUTION - The basis of all life, or a fairy tale for scientists who reject God?
  124. (2001-07-07) Descent of Man Theory: Disproved by Molecular Biology
  125. (2001-07-07) Evolution fraud in current biology textbooks
  127. (2001-07-08) God vs. Darwin: Survival of the Fittest? (Alan Keyes)
  128. (2001-07-09) Evidence for Dinosaur-Bird Transition, The (A Sidebar Thread)
  129. (2001-07-11) Origin of Sex: Cosmic Solution to Ancient Mystery, The
  130. (2001-07-14) Evolution and the family: Keyes
  131. (2001-07-15) One Giant Step for Mankind (Evolution alert)
  132. (2001-07-19) Effect of Darwinism on Morality and Christianity, The
  133. (2001-07-19) Evolution is Religion-Not Science
  134. (2001-07-19) Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary, The Part I
  135. (2001-07-19) Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary, The Part II
  136. (2001-07-20) Ancient fossils suggest fuse for Cambrian explosion
  137. (2001-07-23) Boneyard of dead 20th Century Theories II
  138. (2001-07-31) Supercomputer May Unlock Secrets of Universe
  139. (2001-07-31) Why the Big Bang is Wrong
  140. (2001-08-01) Eat the Poor
  141. (2001-08-01) More Problems for Evolution: RNA World Theory Doesn't Hold Up
  142. (2001-08-03) Scientists pick holes in Darwinian Peppered Moth Theory
  143. (2001-08-07) First light: astronomers use distant quasar to probe cosmic 'dark age,' universe origins
  144. (2001-08-09) Creation and the curriculum czars: Jon Dougherty looks at evolution's classroom monopoly
  145. (2001-08-11) Evolution Debate is about Honesty, The
  147. (2001-08-15) New Details on Planetary Crash That Created Moon
  148. (2001-08-16) Creation/Evolution Debate: SOLVED!
  149. (2001-08-16) Enlisting Science to Find the Fingerprints of a Creator (Different Thread)
  150. (2001-08-17) Exploring God (Creator)'s Handiwork (Creation) vs. silly-science.
  151. (2001-08-17) Liberal School Board Wins Fight Against the Truth
  152. (2001-08-19) Exploring God (Creator)'s Handiwork (Creation) vs. ugly-vain-silly science (evilution)
  153. (2001-08-20) Science vs. Antiscience [Creation "Science" Exposed!]
  154. (2001-08-20) Scientific Case Against Evolution, The
  155. (2001-08-21) Evolution Is In Trouble: What Should Conservatives Do About it?
  156. (2001-08-21) Professor Sir Fred Hoyle [obituary]
  157. (2001-08-22) Darwinism in denial? battle brewing between Darwinian materialism and Intelligent Design movement
  158. (2001-08-22) Science vs. Antiscience [Creation "Science" Exposed!] Thread 2
  159. (2001-08-23) ‘Intelligent Design’ Theory Is Not Creationism
  160. (2001-08-23) MARVEL OF GOD'S CREATION: The Bombardier Beetle 
  161. (2001-08-24) African elephants are now one of two kinds [Elephant Evolution]
  162. (2001-08-24) EVOLUTION IS RELIGION
  163. (2001-08-24) Satellites search for Noah’s Ark
  164. (2001-08-26) MARVEL OF GOD'S CREATION: The Incubator Bird
  165. (2001-08-26) One hundred years of Evolution Progress
  166. (2001-08-26) Scientific Account of the Origin of Life on Earth, A [Missing]
  167. (2001-08-27) Top Ten Problems with the Big Bang
  168. (2001-08-28) "Evolution": 8-hour PBS Series to Air This Fall
  169. (2001-08-28) In the stars: Astrological Institute wins accreditation
  170. (2001-08-29) How Not to Defend Evolution
  172. (2001-08-30) Atheism is Dead
  173. (2001-08-30) Scientific Account of the Origin of Life on Earth, A (Thread 2)
  174. (2001-08-31) Humanity’s Greatest Calamity: An Ancient Flood Changed the Course of Civilization
  175. (2001-09-03) Study Says Americas Settled 15,000 Years Ago
  176. (2001-09-04) Creation Science

  177. (2001-09-05) Brain Circuitry Involved in Language Reveals Differences in Man, Non-Human Primates

  178. (2001-09-05) New Evidence for Multiregional Origins

  179. (2001-09-06) New Evidence of Early Humans Unearthed in Russia's North

  180. (2001-09-06) Secret To Earth's "Big Chill" Found In Underground Water

  181. (2001-09-13) Brain imaging study sheds light on moral decision-making


  183. (2001-09-20) Saving Us from Darwin [Multiple Book Review]

  184. (2001-09-23) PBS series on evolution tiptoes over tough issues, ignores others

  185. (2001-09-24) Evolution: A Series on PBS tonight

  186. (2001-09-25) There is no religious bias in the PBS Evolution Project because Ken Miller says there isn’t.

  187. (2001-09-25) Why Stephen Jay Gould is bad for Creationism

  188. (2001-09-26) 100 Scientists, National Poll Challenge Darwinism

  189. (2001-09-27) Leaked PBS Memo Reveals Improper Political Agenda

  190. (2001-09-30) Atheism of the Gaps, The

  191. (2001-10-01) Black Sea findings support Biblical legends of floods

  192. (2001-10-02) Scientists Find No Genetic Evidence for Evolution

  193. (2001-10-03) Science Shows Cave Art Developed Early

  194. (2001-10-04) True Believer - A Timely Book, The

  195. (2001-10-05) Prayer doubles IVF success rate

  196. (2001-10-05) Real Ideological Root of Terrorism-DARWINISM AND MATERIALISM, The

  197. (2001-10-07) Creationists wrong Again

  198. (2001-10-08) Gravitational lens helps Hubble and Keck discover galaxy building block

  199. (2001-10-14) Victory From Space:  This is no time for science to retreat; it must attack

  200. (2001-10-17) Antarctic Seafloor Core Suggests Earth's Orbital Oscillations May Be The Key To What Controlled Ice

  201. (2001-10-17) 911 Rang Again - A review of the PBS Video Series Evolution

  202. (2001-10-17) Giant Rat Problem

  203. (2001-10-18) Report: Sex Helps U.S. Ditch Bad Genetic Baggage

  204. (2001-10-25) Fire Destroys Darwin Manuscripts

  205. (2001-10-30) 12,000-Year-Old Human Hair DNA

  206. (2001-11-02) ICR Compares Terrorist Attacks to PBS Series "Evolution"

  207. (2001-11-06) Warming makes mosquito evolve, UO scientists find

  208. (2001-11-07) Reality of Ancient Catastrophism, The

  209. (2001-11-07) Giant Fossil Cockroach Found 

  210. (2001-11-07) Early clues to 'modern' humans

  211. (2001-11-10) Alabama to continue biology textbook sticker warning stic

  212. (2001-11-11) Discovery In North China Challenges Theory On Origin Of Man

  213. (2001-11-13) Humans Descended From Cells Without Nuclei Or Walls [evo, con't]

  214. (2001-11-18) Fundamental theory under question

  215. (2001-11-19) Starlight and Time

  216. (2001-11-22) Dino asteroid led to 'global devastation'

  217. (2001-11-28) Darwin and the Descent of Morality

  218. (2001-12-01) African Artifacts Suggest an Earlier Modern Human

  219. (2001-12-01) African Artifacts Suggest Earlier Modern Man (Cave Dwelling Man Used Tools)

  220. (2001-12-03) Curve Ball into the Snowball Earth Hypothesis?, A

  221. (2001-12-03) Evolution: Dancing on the Titanic

  222. (2001-12-06) Bible written by different writers at different times for different people

  223. (2001-12-09) T. Rex Meets Biblical Text at Museum

  224. (2001-12-10) Godless Linguistics

  225. (2001-12-10) No Evidence Of New Neurons In Adult Primate Neocortex

Appendix I:  The Current List of Evolution Deniers (PatrickHenry)
  • All-or-nothing perfectionists: Those who point to one imprecisely classified fossil, and declare that it's all a confused mess.

  • Ape Ancestry Revulsionists: "There ain't no ape in my family tree." or "I ain't no kin to no monkey nohow!"

  • Battlestar Galactica Buffs: Those who insist that aliens in UFOs are a better explanation than evolution.

  • Certainty Fetishists: Those who can't stand the way science grows in understanding, and revises its theories to accommodate new data, declaring: "The experts used to say that man is X years old, now they say he's X+Y years old; so they keep changing their minds and don't know anything!"

  • Conspiracy Believers: Those who have heard about Piltdown Man, and who declare that all the evidence is fake (while refusing to admit that there are far more fraudulent clergymen than data-faking scientists).

  • DNA Decoders: Those who believe the Deity has written a secret message in our DNA (which, although not yet decoded, provides proof that evolution is false).

  • Gap artists: Those who actually see the evidence, but who point to the inevitable gaps, and claim that until all gaps are closed (an obvious impossibility), they will refuse to accept any of the evidence that lies between the gaps.

  • Genesis Uber Alles: Self-explanatory category, and perhaps the most amazing of all. Flat-earthers in spirit, if not in fact.

  • Jehovah's Disrupters: Those who imagine that God wants them to spam, insult, act-up, flame, and otherwise disrupt these threads.

  • Just-Don't-Get-It-Gang: Those who were intellectually abused as children, and who now demand: "Show me a dog that changes into a goldfish, and maybe then I'll accept evolution."

  • My-Cult-Is-Better-Than-Your-Cult Fanatics: Those who insist that that what they call Darwinism is some kind of Satanic cult (revealing that they have no concept of the nature of science).

  • Platonists: Those who can't accept evolution because they insist that there is a mystical dimension to the universe, and fear that evolution is some evil plot to deny this elusive domain of existence.

  • Road-To-Hell Rejectionists: Those who see the evidence, but reject it because of an irrational belief that it leads to fascism, socialism, teen pregnancy, the heartbreak of psoriasis, etc.

  • Stealth-ies: Those who deny evolution as ardently as any creationist, and who endlessly demand that evolution be defended, yet who swear "I'm not a creationist," no matter how obvious it is that they are, and who refuse to explain their own beliefs (because they're creationists-in-the-closet).

  • Subjunctive Junkies: Those who leap upon standard phrases in scientific papers such as " ... the data would seem to indicate .." and exclaim: "See there! He admits he's just guessing!"

  • Total-Blankout Boys: Those who simply go blank when the evidence is presented, and deny that any of it exists.

  • Undistributed Middle Fallacists: Those who believe that (a) most atheists are Darwinists, therefore (b) disproving Darwin=proof of Christianity. What these folks don't realize is that (1) evolution is compatible with everything but the most hyper-literal fundamentalist reading of the Bible, and (2) even if evolution were disproved and Intelligent Design could be proven, that would not prove the truth of Christianity, as the intelligent designer could be the impersonal God of the Deists -- or Zeus or Vishnu or Ahura Mazda or Moloch.

Appendix II:  Evolutionists (gore3000)

  • Acceptionists: Similar to 4, they accept on faith whatever someone with a PHD tells them without question.

  • Anti-Religionists: These people do not know anything about evolution but are very well versed into misrepresenting the Bible. Often the same as #3.

  • Atheists: These folk say that evolution has to be true because God cannot exist.

  • Evaders: They always say that the proof was given somewhere else.

  • Ignorati: They do not know beans but since someone told them evolution is true, they will say so too.

  • Knee-Jerkers: These folk will support anything a fellow evolutionist says and attack anything that an anti-evolutionists says - no matter how stupid their position is. They bring a lot of comic relief to these threads.

  • Linkers: Actually a subdivision of 2, some practice both.

  • Slimers: They say nothing but just attack anyone that opposes evolution.

  • Unscientists: This is a strange breed, they know nothing about science but believe themselves to be scientists.

Appendix III:  Evolutionist's guide to creationist language (PatrickHenry)
  • Atheist:  One who provides a natural explanation for a physical phenomenon
  • Coward:  One who ignores the rantings of an idiot poster
  • Dishonest:  The use of reason and evidence at the same time
  • Evidence (of Creationism) Unproven claim based on emotion (which cannot be denied except by "slime")
  • Evidence (of Evolution): Ignored, but verifiable data based on observation (see "lie")
  • Faith (Scientific)A vile insult when used in connection with science, as in "it takes faith to believe in evolution"
  • Faith (Creationist)A splendid intellectual tool, as in "I have faith in the literal truth of Genesis"
  • InsultPresenting a valid argument in support of evolution
  • Lie:  Presentation of verifiable evidence for evolution
  • Marxist (Small "m") Anyone who rejects creationism
  • Misrepresentation:  Using quotes in their proper context
  • Proof of Creationism:  Nit-picking evolution
  • Science:  An atheist, marxist scam for obtaining grant money to slime creationism
  • Slime (General, Non-Clintonian): The use of evidence or reason. See also: "slime, Clintonian"
  • Slime, Clintonian:  Presenting devastating evidence which disproves a creationist claim
  • Theory (Scientific):  Wild conjecture (as in "evolution is just a theory")
  • Theory (Creationist):  Rock-solid, undeniable fact (as in "creation theory")

TOPICS: Miscellaneous; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: crevolist
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Time for an update ...
1 posted on 12/10/2001 1:36:27 PM PST by Junior
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To: *crevo_list
2 posted on 12/10/2001 1:37:38 PM PST by Junior
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To: Junior
We will serve no update before its time.

(Sound of alarm clock ringing)

It's time!

I'm not sure why, but since 9/11 I don't have as much interest in these debates as I once had. But please! go ahead and have fun.

The thing I like best about these debates is that everyone wins. Don't believe me? Just ask them!

But has anyone ever changed any of his/her beliefs because of reading one of these "winning" arguments?

3 posted on 12/10/2001 2:38:59 PM PST by Kyrie
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To: Kyrie
I agree. I was being to think we were all at a C vs E conference at WTC on 9/11 and there were no more of us bandwidth thieves left!
Unless some new players show up, I'm tired...........
4 posted on 12/10/2001 4:08:04 PM PST by Elsie
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To: Elsie
(I told you I was tired!)
5 posted on 12/10/2001 4:16:05 PM PST by Elsie
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To: Kyrie
But has anyone ever changed any of his/her beliefs because of reading one of these "winning" arguments?

I've heard of some creationists, after intense scrutiny of the evidence and reevaulation of common creationist arguments in light of common refutations of those arguments, have come to reconsider their creationist stance and accept that evolution is in fact the best explanation that fits the existing evidence. Don't have any names offhand and I'm speaking of USENET, not anything I've seen here.

I'm not sure that I've heard of it coming the other way 'round, but I wouldn't be surprised. Still, it's probably a smaller number.
6 posted on 12/11/2001 5:55:18 AM PST by Dimensio
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To: Dimensio
I've learned a lot about the Creationist position and why they feel the way they do. I also recognize a lot of the behaviors that they see amongst the biologists I work with. I didn't pay any attention to the biologists previously because I looked down on them so much (hard science bias showing).
7 posted on 12/13/2001 10:23:08 AM PST by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: Junior
You are obviously under-employed.
Way too much time on your hands.

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop and this post is prime example.

8 posted on 12/16/2001 2:07:43 PM PST by nimdoc
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To: nimdoc
An idle mind is the devil’s workshop and this post is prime example.

My dear friend, if this thread is the result of an idle mind, can you imagine the damage I could do if I simply put some effort into it?

9 posted on 12/16/2001 2:15:42 PM PST by Junior
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To: Junior
May the Saints preserve us!
10 posted on 12/16/2001 2:51:47 PM PST by nimdoc
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To: Junior
Would you describe yourself as openminded in regards to the Creation/Evolution debate? I think not. Tell me what is the Creationists position concerning the 2nd Law? Don't give me links but write it yourself. What is the validity of their argument? How is it weak? How is it strong?
11 posted on 12/29/2001 7:51:17 PM PST by nasamn777
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To: Junior
The links look like a bunch of propaganda to me!
12 posted on 12/29/2001 8:02:17 PM PST by nasamn777
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To: nasamn777
Would you describe yourself as openminded in regards to the Creation/Evolution debate? I think not. Tell me what is the Creationists position concerning the 2nd Law? Don't give me links but write it yourself. What is the validity of their argument? How is it weak? How is it strong?

Nope. I'm strictly an evolutionist. This does not mean I don't believe in God (I do), it simply means that Biblical creationism has done nothing to explain the evidence, while evolution, even though an incomplete theory, comes closest to accounting for everything we see around us. Sometimes being "open minded" is synonymous with having a hole in one's head. Or, to borrow heavily from Rush Limbaugh, being open minded on the creation vs. evolution debate is a bit like being a "moderate" -- neither hot nor cold, pro nor con; existing in a state of eternal limbo ...

Note, however, that the Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource contains pro-creationist websites (at least those I was able to find or which have been posted by others -- if you have any that are not present here, please post them and I will include them). This is because I believe the surest way to victory is to know your opponent's position as well as he does, and nothing is gained by hiding information or falsely representing the opposition.

As for the 2LoTD, the average creationist invokes this to refute the possibility that complex life can arise from simpler life -- the 2LoTD is the "entropy" law that everything is tending toward thermal equilibrium (entropy). Unfortunately, the average creationist fails to take into account that the 2LoTD only covers closed systems. The biosphere of Earth is an open system, receiving energy from outside (the Sun). Additionally, if the creationist view of the 2LoTD was correct, organisms could not perform the basic biochemical processes required to exist, nor could fetal organisms grow into adults, crystals could not form in solution, etc.

13 posted on 12/30/2001 6:43:30 AM PST by Junior
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To: nasamn777
Some are actually fairly science-intensive. You can't have read all of the several hundred sites listed.
14 posted on 12/30/2001 6:47:58 AM PST by Junior
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To: Junior
An amazing amount of work. A virtual WWW library!
15 posted on 12/30/2001 6:59:41 AM PST by HENRYADAMS
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To: nasamn777
BTW, there is a 12th Revision available. In the latest version, I've included the complete creation story from the Bible (Gen 1 & 2 -- taken from the online Blue-Letter Bible) as that is a more handy reference than "God did it, 'nuff said."
16 posted on 12/30/2001 7:00:47 AM PST by Junior
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To: Junior
"God did it, 'nuff said."

Works for me. :)

17 posted on 12/30/2001 7:24:41 AM PST by SpookBrat
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To: Junior
You say the following:

"As for the 2LoTD, the average creationist invokes this to refute the possibility that complex life can arise from simpler life -- the 2LoTD is the "entropy" law that everything is tending toward thermal equilibrium (entropy). Unfortunately, the average creationist fails to take into account that the 2LoTD only covers closed systems."

This is your first mistake. Scientifically speaking, the 2nd Law is applicable to open sytems. This common statement shows the ignorance that many have concerning the 2nd law. These same people claim to know something about thermodynamics. Please explain to me why I should believe anything you say if you can't get this one correct?

"The biosphere of Earth is an open system,receiving energy from outside (the Sun)."

Standard terminology of thermodynamics would describe the system as closed. This means that energy can transfer into the system or out of the system but the mass stays the same (except for an occassional rocket:)). Now just because we have energy transfer into the sytem does not mean that we will see increased order (decreased entropy). For example, energy hits rocks and typically flows from a hot surface to a cold surface without increasing order. You need a thermodynamic mechanism to convert the energy to useful work where order is increased.

"Additionally, if the creationist view of the 2LoTD was correct, organisms could not perform the basic biochemical processes required to exist, nor could fetal organisms grow into adults, crystals could not form in solution, etc."

Here again is propaganda used by evolutionists to confuse the issue. The first point is the biochemical processes and development of organisms. Life has the thermodynamic mechanism to convert energy into complex systems with added order. Let us take the developement of a human as an example. Here you have the DNA which contains all the instructions needed to carry out the processes and assemble a human. The mothers womb and body act as part of the mechanism as well as the cell that contains the DNA. Energy from the mother is converted to work used to form the complex systems associated with the newborn baby. The mechanism contains every precise instruction of the process.

The next point is the crystal growth. This is a good example of a smoke screen because the system is going toward equilibrium and not away from equilibrium as we see in the development of life. It is like saying the following:

"If a ball will roll down hill on its own, it should roll up hill on its own."

Again, I would have to say that this shows a lack of credibility on the part of evolutionists! Why should evolutionists have to distort the arguments if evolution is such a sound theory?

The problem with evolution is the lack of a thermodynamic mechanism that has all the intricate systems available to construct complex new systems of increased order.
18 posted on 12/30/2001 4:29:04 PM PST by nasamn777
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To: Junior
I like Rush a lot and listen to him regularly, but let me remind you that he is no scientist!
19 posted on 12/30/2001 4:59:42 PM PST by nasamn777
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To: nasamn777
Rush should know better. He regularly comments on how the environmental wackos (many of them are scientists) distort the issues and the science. He talks about the global warming and again complains about the scientists. He even had a caller who was some physicist who said that a nuclear strike would not distroy the world as many scientists claim. Rush again attacked the scientists. Rush should understand that bias among scientists does exist and that the view that evolution is a "done deal" may not be accurate.

I have nothing against scientists, but I do know they are human and can be swayed by the bandwagon and personal bias. I have found many vocal advocates of evolution carrying some personal grudge. Traditional Christians do have a controversial message that they spread. They claim that God does exist and has an active role in creation. They claim that mankind has a sinful nature that separates him from God. This will result in God's judgement, which is eternal hell. God has, however, sent his son Jesus into the world to take away the judgement of God if people will turn to him, live their lives for him and confess their sin. I don't mean to be long winded but my point is that many find this message distasteful. They would put up any other belief system in order to get around this message -- especially when they are living in direct violation of the Bible. If you examine those who put up the web pages, many of them are atheists, homosexuals and others who find traditional Christianity offensive.

Now I am sure that you will claim that I am biased. Sure, I may be to some extent, but then all are biased. This is the "saving grace" of science. There is a diversity of views (except for the issue of evolution) that challenges our personal bias. The problem today is that evolutionists are trying to exterminate any opposition to the mainstream thinking. I find this harmful for science. Sure, many may find Creationism (and ID folks) objectionable, but our presence will only help evolutionists perform their jobs better by forcing them to critically evaluate their assumptions.
20 posted on 12/30/2001 5:52:06 PM PST by nasamn777
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