Posted on 11/29/2001 11:32:06 PM PST by Jim Robinson
Very sorry if the thread I posted yesterday entitled "Is Free Republic a Fraud? Is it time for Free Republic to go away?" startled some of you. The thread was posted simply to allow the people who are criticizing Free Republic and accusing us of fraud to have a place to post their charges, and also to allow those who support FR a place to voice their opinions on whether we should continue or fold up. The anti-FReepers have long held that if only the FReepers knew the truth about me and the fraud of FR, then they would all go away. Well, time will tell if many people have been swayed by their tales of horror, but no one can say that I did not give them a chance to get it all out into the open.
Now I'm happy to say that I have absolutely no intent of ever shutting down Free Republic. The only reason that was in my title was because of the AFers claim. I have stated on many occasions that Free Republic will be on the air as long as the FReepers feel it is needed and viable. If the WP/LAT is successful in bankrupting me or the corporation, then we will find another way to keep our discussion site running. There is absolutely no way that they can shutdown our right to assemble on the internet and voice our opinions and criticisms of the government and or of the so-called free press. In that, we will persevere, I guarantee you!
I want to thank all of you who have suggested various ways to change our operating model to one profiting by selling subscriptions, or advertising, or merchandise or other commercial ventures, but have to say that we cannot do any of those things at this time. We are restricted from engaging in any commercial business because of the fair use laws. Now, some of this might change in the future depending on clarification from the court if we win on appeal or at the Supreme Court level, but I wouldn't bet on it. As long as we are posting full text articles we will probably have to remain non commercial.
I also want to thank all of you who have posted your supporting comments. I'd like to reply to all of them, but looks like the count is now running to 2,000 and beyond and there is no way that I can respond to each one individually. I thank each and every one of you and I thank God that you are on our team. Same goes for all of you who are donating to keep FR on the air. We would not be here without your support and we all appreciate it very much.
Thanks again and God Bless America!
Jim Robinson
I have referred to Free Republic as your invention for conservatives to win the war against the left wingers.
Yesterday glock rocks, came up with a new term/description that is far better than invention.
glock rocks, described Free Republic as a "Life Form!"
This is a wonderful description of what Free Republic really is. It is a living and evolving Life Form to battle the left wingers and those who would destroy this country!
The Free Republic Life Form enables us to discover the truth about what is happening. We can avoid the spin of the major mediots as they work 24/7 to weaken this country. We come to the Free Republic Life Form to find the truth!
The truth in it's self is great. Then, what happens with that newly discovered truth is what separates the Free Republic Life Form from Drudge, Newsmax, Limbaugh, Hannity and our local am conservative talk show hosts.
First we post the truth, or we respond to a post. We learn about what our enemies are doing. Often a tactic/strategy is brought up to stop these evil doers like the gay web site with posts wishing for the deaths of conservatives. Often within hours or days, the evil doers are forced for the first time in decades to apologize and to act like civilized humans instead of the perverted trash they have gotten by with!
We have stopped most companies from hiring X42 to come talk to them since he became x42. The pressure put on the Madison, Wisconsin school board and city government was truly awesome!
Not all of our battles are quick and definite wins. Sometimes like the Klamath Basin Rural Cleansing effort by the enviral Nazis, we just establish beach heads. However, while establishing those beach heads, true heroes step up to the plate like Jeff Head did. I learned about this Rural Cleansing effort from a post by AuntB. I think the rest is history, and I feel that we saved most of those farmers. I predict that they will be in control of their water and their future sometime next year. Now God is providing the rain/snow that they need!
I could go on for hours, but I will not re the praises of real accomplishments by those who come to Free Republic.
I will close with three final remarks.
1. The incredible knowledge of the members who make up the Free Republic Life Form is awesome and gets better each day! Got a question or a problem, just post it. Soon the combined IQ of the Free Republic Life Form gets into gear to provide the knowledge needed to solve your problem.
2. Daily, the Free Republic Life Form is attacked by the vile bacteria from the far left and ? that want to destroy the Free Republic Life Form. Since 9/11, you and your moderators have discovered a great BS antibiotic. That BS antibiotic is used to remove those who would destroy the Free Republic Life Form! I see no difference between these distractors and haters than a spore of Anthrax! Removal of them is necessary for the continuation of the Free Republic Life Form!
3. My final remark is one that comes to me with amazement re a group of conservatives. There is no free lunch unless you are a parasite! Free Republic needs a constant infusion of cash to keep the Free Republic Life Form alive, viable and to grow. If we believe in Free Republic, we must donate each month or quarterly to keep this incredible life form alive. Each month inspite of being retired and on social security and a pension, a check is sent automatically by Check Free to Free Republic. My church, my mortgage company, and the education fund for my grandchildren are in the same honor group of an automatic monthly check! Good stewardship is what this world needs, not good intentions. Good conservative stewards will insure that the Free Republic Life Form continues to grow, be viable and thrives!
I've met quite a few great people on this forum, that I would have never met had you not started it. And for that, I cannot thank you enough.
P.S. I still think a new moderation format is needed, somehow tying in Freeper input on the perceived abuse. :-)
Now they are suing FR because they claim that FR is damaging their commercialization of the news. It seems to me that once they claim commercial ownership of the articles they write, then they lose 1st amendment protections. The 1st amendment, pertains to freedom of the press and freedom of speech. It does not protect commercial speech (as many pornographers have found out). If they win this suit against FR, consistency should demand that they can no longer not reveal sources in criminal proceeding and that they be finacially liable for errors and misstatements in their publications. They may even have to start compensating their sources for publishing their stories about them. Movies receive copyright protection. Fair enough. They do not receive the same first amendment protection in that their content is regulated and they can not put people in the movie without consent and/or compensation and they certainly have no right to conceal source material in criminal/civil proceedings.
I thought we'd have a normal weekend of fundraising our usual way and then turn the bombers loose on Monday, relax Tuesday, bomb again Wednesday, etc., untill we are done. : )
Excellent, my FRiend!! Who do I FReepMail with my suggestions?
P.S.: I intended to use the word 'dribble' because that is all that comes out of their orifices.
When the fundraiser starts, my hunting and pecking method of speed typing severly limits my time to handle extra correspondence.
Thank you.
Gotta have my Krispy Kremes!
This one's even specially marked for the Fundraising Thread!!
From the comments that were posted on the "big thread" yesterday we should be able to finish the fundraiser this weekend.
You are an inspiration to US all.
If the dalereed axiom of $1,000 per thread holds up, and I guess it will, we will have to blow through at least 4 threads a day the whole way through to the 17th! The big guns had better hit thier mark, oh and I like the hit and run idea.
Another suggestion that I have is from a post that Grampa Dave made about what Glock Rocks calls Free Republic - The Free Republic Life Form.
One and the same.
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