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And now for the rest of the story.... Free Republic is here to stay!
Free Republic
| 12/29/01
| Jim Robinson
Posted on 11/29/2001 11:32:06 PM PST by Jim Robinson
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To: Jim Robinson
Long live FR and God bless you
posted on
11/29/2001 11:33:43 PM PST
To: Jim Robinson
Let's roll.
To: Jim Robinson
Jim, what about a monthly fee to have access to FR?
To: Jim Robinson
I knew you had no intention of ever shutting down FR, but it's nice to hear you say it!
Now where's Badjoe, it's time to raise money!
posted on
11/29/2001 11:36:01 PM PST
To: Jim Robinson
And now for the rest of the story.... Free Republic is here to stay! OK. Now I can go back to bed.
posted on
11/29/2001 11:36:22 PM PST
Comment #7 Removed by Moderator
To: Jim Robinson; StoneColdGOP; dubyaismypresident; Darth Sidious; rockchalkjayhawk; Texaggie79...
Thank you Jim Rob!!!
Let's Roll!
posted on
11/29/2001 11:38:14 PM PST
Cool Guy
To: Jim Robinson
there is but one response
posted on
11/29/2001 11:38:48 PM PST
To: Jim Robinson
To: Jim Robinson; 1John; A Citizen Reporter; ABG(anybody but Gore); arazitjh; b4its2late; backhoe...
Thank you, Jim!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You scared a lot of people with the first part of the story .... but I think it made a lot of people stop and think just what a special community FR is.
God bless you and keep you!
posted on
11/29/2001 11:40:03 PM PST
To: Cool Guy
You got it, Cool Guy. Lock and load!
Let's Roll!
To: Jim Robinson
I did not jump into the other thread because I was having too much fun reading it. I have lurked at both Eschiors and Arator's sites and you have them pegged to a tee. Your site will not go under, the membership will not let that happen. This is a rare post from me to you but it is time to let you know that there are a hell of a lot of us watching your back.
To: Jim Robinson
Thanks Jim! Once again you prove your fairness! Keep up the good work. We're all behind you.
To: Jim Robinson
I knew you wouldn't respond to those other chumps, but not me too? Heh heh heh. Have a good one Jim.
To: Jim Robinson
I can't believe you did that to me. I feel violated. It kinda feels good. Sorta.
posted on
11/29/2001 11:42:32 PM PST
To: Jim Robinson
posted on
11/29/2001 11:42:34 PM PST
To: Jim Robinson
Are you still there, Jim? I'm still here, picking oranges off my very-own trees!
When the last thread went over 1000 replies, I gave up. I can't read that much without a nap sometime.
Merry Christmas to you and yours, pal....FRegards
posted on
11/29/2001 11:42:39 PM PST
To: Jim Robinson
FR Bump! Upcoming FReepathon bump! God Bless Jim Robinson bump! Gonna apply for a new credit card to support FR bump!
To: Jim Robinson
here's a fund raising idea. A swear box, everytime you call someone an @sshole you pay $10, pay off the UN debt in a couple of days.
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